Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

I’m the one your thinking of not her 😆🤣😝
There he goes with the racist Jew accusation to deflect from the topic: the antisemitism on campus, perpetrated by the Left
Anytime someone doesn't agree with that bullshit you are coming with; you want to call them antisemitic. I was semitic long before you were, so get a new line.
Anytime someone doesn't agree with that bullshit you are coming with; you want to call them antisemitic. I was semitic long before you were, so get a new line.
Playing semantics with the word “semite” is another tell.

And I’m sure I’m older than you are. You sound like you’re in your 30s.
You have to understand where Gipper gets his bullshit from:

He is a Kremlin vision propaganda tool and what they beam to Russians is that Israel is at fault and Palestine's Hamas are the victims. Why? Because Israel like most western countries supported Ukraine and pro-Palestenian rhetoric plays well for Putin's regime with Kadyrovites in muslim Chechnya, where he recruits people to send to front lines.

Whatever happens Kremlin's machinery tries to make useful for their agenda.

Well they are getting weapons from the primary benefactor of Hamas. But hey, the xiden regime is running a close second.

6’3” 230 lbs excellent physical condition,
That’s how I talked to asswipes when we did security work for House of Ruth.
I also note this is one of your first posts so likely another brand new flaunting troll just given an assignment
You would not want to meet with me .
3 internet jack asses over last 20 years took me up in meeting in person over by The Williard in DC. I give them my description for recognition
One drive by and yelled and threw a Coke can and drove off. One had his girlfriend drive and instantly drove off yelling Fuck You. One actually got out of the car and said he felt stupid for coming and drive off.
This is Your Opportunity to be number 4

Clue, if you want to impress people, your physique is irrelevant. You sound like a very needy little man. Who else threats and intimidates physically? No one. Just little people..

You really have no idea how... deplorable most people find people like you, do you?.

Trust me, we do.

I just read your post again, see a professional. You are fucked up tough guy.

BTW, what is a Ruth's House?
It’s not war. It’s genocide and you support it.

Really, has Hamas laid down their arms and given back their hostages? Hint to the moron, when there are two sides to an armed conflict, it a fucking war.

You too?

You too don’t know the definition of genocide. You’ll soon deny you supported it.

If a person was prohibiting you from entering a space you have every right to be in, how "minor" would it be?
Oh no the little snowflake was slightly inconvenienced because he supports murder boo hoo
Doesn’t matter if he was even less than slightly inconvenienced, people don’t have a right to block people’s access to places they have a right to be, or hinder movement in public spaces. You want to protest..go protest somewhere where you are not a hinderance to the public.

You have the right to voice your opinion, you don’t have the right to make people listen, or be caught up in your protest.
They are not my "fellow", they are mostly young, diluded know nothing bullshit peddlers like you.

That doesn't make them terrorists.
Oh really? The left calls Trump supporters terrorists all the time..for supporting Trump, yet people siding with Hamas (a terrorist organization) and chanting death to America…are not terrorists??
Doesn’t matter if he was even less than slightly inconvenienced, people don’t have a right to block people’s access to places they have a right to be, or hinder movement in public spaces. You want to protest..go protest somewhere where you are not a hinderance to the public.

You have the right to voice your opinion, you don’t have the right to make people listen, or be caught up in your protest.
He had no problem accessing the place. He decided antagonizing protesters for clout was more important. He made it to where he was going with no problem afterwards.
He had no problem accessing the place. He decided antagonizing protesters for clout was more important. He made it to where he was going with no problem afterwards.
Sure, the protesters formed a line and blocked his path making him go around to the side.

They were in a public place, so if he wants to walk right through the center of them, they have no right to stop him. Just because you want to protest doesn’t mean you own the area.

The area is still a public access area, so if he wanted to walk there to get to his class, they should have let him, instead of blocking.

sure, call him a snowflake because he was trying to do something he is legally allowed to do and was denied by people who were not legally doing what they were doing.

But I get it…it’s not a problem for you to inconvenience someone else, now, let’s say a bunch of Jewish kids were to block a Palestinian student from accessing a public area…oh..THEN we would have an issue..right? Right????

Of course the left would scream bloody murder about that…but a Jewish kid, well, boohoo he got a little inconvenienced…

Let’s see how this plays out when a Palestinian kid is on the other end.

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