Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

What a nerve!!!

The Jewish (and Asian) students make the university what it is.

It is doubtful the pro-Hamas protestors contribute anything to the university.

Yes, many people are disappointed that President Biden has failed to speak out forcefully on the anti-Semitism of these protests.

On November 5, he may regret it.
What "civil right violations" dummy?

You want DOJ to prosecute a few students for blocking off campus pathway? :cuckoo:

American are free to move about the country, especially when you've paid to be there. Illegally restricting that movement is a civil rights violation.

My understanding is that Austin is abut as leftist as New YAwk Shitty and Kaliphony.

So they'll probably get off with a $20 fine and a job offer from the City goobermint.

There's a reason why Soros, a self-loathing Jew, spent millions on getting dimocrap scum DA's elected.

Don't think Abbott will let them get away with that.

American are free to move about the country, especially when you've paid to be there. Illegally restricting that movement is a civil rights violation..
Yep, good luck with the lawsuit about a blocked pathway.
The same leftists who are trying to say it’s a nothingburger for HAMAS sympathizers to block Jewish students from going to class, or assault them, or taze them, or otherwise bulky them for being Jewish are the same leftists who cried about the Aunt Jemima logo beomg offensive to blacks.
You would be outraged if that happened, yet ignore tens of thousands of murdered Palestinian children in Gaza.

You seem to be very good a consuming commie and terrorist propaganda. Seeing reality, NOT SO MUCH!

Yes, you admit that it's at least possible for Iraeli's to go too far, to kill too indescriminately, to cause too many casualties. And thats where even Israels supporters are starting to take a pause.

From here it's a disagreement of factual assessment.

You seem to be confusing the good guys for the bad guys.

The same leftists who are trying to say it’s a nothingburger for HAMAS sympathizers to block Jewish students

Where did you get an idea that it had something to with someone being Jewish?

Aside from bullshit OP title of course.
It's a war, and who drew first blood, gipper?
Which side hides behind the skirts of women and stands behind children.
Which side hides in the basement of hospitals?
Which side doesn't have a uniform?
Which side is run by a terrorist group?

So you too support genocide because of 10/7.

Mass murder of innocent woman annd children is acceptable to you. Sick!

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