Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

So it was Columbia that claimed an area where people must prove they are not Jewish in order to enter?
I'm not interested in your round about bs

Just answer striaght if you can - What lie is he talking about?
These kids weren’t even born when 9/11 happened and they have no idea what kind of horrors Moslems are capable of.
Dumbass, Hamas sympathizers, as much as I think they are dead wrong, ARE NOT HAMAS.

I was promissed HAMAS JEW CHECK POINT.

No jew checkpoint, no Hamas anywhere in the video.

So we go back to the question: what the fuck is wrong with you rightwingers to try to peddle this silly bullshit?

They were wearing terrorist colors, what more do you want? BTW, when you wear terrorist colors, that shows a belonging.

There has to be some outside soros terrorists in there too.
From what I’m reading, MOST of the terrorist supporters have been placed there by SOROS or other antisemites. And our “president” is so afraid of offending Muslims that he’s allowing the Nazi-era antisemitism to spread.
Oh no the little snowflake was slightly inconvenienced because he supports murder boo hoo
Oh no, it’s so inconvenient for you that your political ilk is engaging in modern day Nazism after you’ve spent the last several years accusing the other side of it. Boo-hoo.
Oh no, it’s so inconvenient for you that your political ilk is engaging in modern day Nazism after you’ve spent the last several years accusing the other side of it. Boo-hoo.
You’ve changed lately - and for the better.
Oh no the little snowflake was slightly inconvenienced because he supports murder boo hoo
You bigot! If this happened to a black guy, by Republicans, you’d be screaming KKK and White Supremacists - and you’d be right in doing so.

But because the bigots are Muslim and their victim a nice Jewish boy, you show contempt by calling him a little snowflake.

You libs are FULL of double standards.
Mostly true, but Israel has been so sloppy on minimizing civilian casualties that they are now crossing the line into becoming war criminals themselves. NatanYahoo administration is damaging Israel by turning off many of it's long time supporters that can no longer look past staggering civilian casualties.

Both can be true.

So you're buying the terrorist propaganda as well. Israel is doing everything they can to minimize civilian causalities. But seriously, how many true civilians live in Gaza, women and children all celebrated the Oct 7 massacre in Israel.

Israel is doing everything they can to minimize civilian causalities.

You say this based....on what?

I'm trying to understand what factual basis you are making these arguments from. If it's just blind bias then it's based on not much at all.
Just how Foreign Terrorists and Far left & Left think LEOs & NG/ MIL will Side with them or Stand Down or Curb Stomp Citizenry who fight back

They don't want to try that shit on me, I keep a surprise for them on my right hip.

It's a war, and who drew first blood, gipper?
Which side hides behind the skirts of women and stands behind children.
Which side hides in the basement of hospitals?
Which side doesn't have a uniform?
Which side is run by a terrorist group?

These are fair points.
No doubt they are out of jail and part of the protest again today

Suspend any student who gets arrested and charge non students with criminal tresspass

Fuck that, expel the students and charge them ALL!


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