Pro-Illegal Immigrations Forces Unite

archangel said:
"Cinco de Mayo' 1810 the greater area of Mexico...revolution from Spanish occupation has nothing to do with the US Civil War..however your comments are under consideration ie:Napoleon and France....Nice try on revision of history though! :poke:

Its fact bro. Napolean III was intent on marching through Mexico to reinforce the confederate army. The battle of Pueblo, however, prevented his army from doing so. He had to send reinforcements to the area after the initial loss.

wikipedia said:
The French realized their forces were inadequate to their intended task, and were eventually reinforced with an additional 30,000 troops. In 1863 the French again marched towards Mexico City – this time bypassing Puebla on their route – and succeeded in taking the capital and installing the puppet regime of Emperor Maximilian.

While the Battle of Puebla did not stop the French takeover of Mexico, it was nonetheless an important victory for the Mexicans. It greatly raised Mexican morale and strengthened their determination to resist the invasion. It gave the Juárez government more time to prepare, and while they were forced to abandon Mexico City and retreat to the north of the country, they continued to maintain a working government which was recognized as the legitimate government of Mexico by many foreign nations, and eventually succeeded in defeating Maximilian and his allies in 1867.

The Battle of Puebla was also of historic importance in that it quashed Napoleon III's hopes of a quick takeover of Mexico, which he was planning to use as a base to aid the Confederates in the American Civil War.
Shaggy said:
blaming undocumented workers for the demise of this countries middle class makes little sense. The propensities of a capitalist society and how they clash with the democratic model are more to blame.

But people need scapegoats, it appears.

Try outsourcing of high tech jobs and insourcing of low ball wage ... work!
Where is Teddy Roosevelt when ya need him...Nationalism rocks! "Bull Party" for me! ps: "Illegal is Illegal" my friend!
Shaggy said:
Its fact bro. Napolean III was intent on marching through Mexico to reinforce the confederate army. The battle of Pueblo, however, prevented his army from doing so. He had to send reinforcements to the area after the initial loss.

Right--I HOPED to drive over the middle east to kill bin laden but I ran out of gas. :rolleyes:
Shaggy said:
Its fact bro. Napolean III was intent on marching through Mexico to reinforce the confederate army. The battle of Pueblo, however, prevented his army from doing so. He had to send reinforcements to the area after the initial loss.

Still has nothing to do with "Cinco de Mayo" Get a grip Professor!

ps:I love the song "Battle of New Orleans" kinda catchy..but does not relate to "Cinco de Mayo" and Andy Jackson gets the credit in my books!

Opps that was the Brittish..if ya get my drift!
archangel said:
Still has nothing to do with "Cinco de Mayo" Get a grip Professor!

Are you ever right?

The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, but it should be! And Cinco de Mayo is not an American holiday, but it should be. Mexico declared its independence from mother Spain on midnight, the 15th of September, 1810. And it took 11 years before the first Spanish soldiers were told and forced to leave Mexico.

So, why Cinco de Mayo? And why should Americans savor this day as well? Because 4,000 Mexican soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City on the morning of May 5, 1862.
archangel said:
Still has nothing to do with "Cinco de Mayo" Get a grip Professor!

ps:I love the song "Battle of New Orleans" kinda catchy..but does not relate to "Cinco de Mayo" and Andy Jackson gets the credit in my books!

Opps that was the Brittish..if ya get my drift!

lmao... :poke: :poke:

I cant spell it out any clearer for you.

battle of pueblo occured on the 5th of may. Thats cinco de mayo in english.
Shaggy said:
lmao... :poke: :poke:

I cant spell it out any clearer for you.

battle of pueblo occured on the 5th of may. Thats cinco de mayo in english.

How about..who cares? I know and I was just making a point about revision of a subjective history lesson...history is changed all the time in our I was just showing how stupid this can be... :poke:
archangel said:
How about..who cares? I know and I was just making a point about revision of a subjective history lesson...history is changed all the time in our I was just showing how stupid this can be... :poke:
Now it's clear. As mud.
Shaggy said:
lmao... :poke: :poke:

I cant spell it out any clearer for you.

battle of pueblo occured on the 5th of may. Thats cinco de mayo in english.

Right---the day the Mexicans saved America ! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
dilloduck said:
Right---the day the Mexicans saved America ! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

you got it, and now we want it back.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Shaggy said:
you got it, and now we want it back.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Don't worry--we're going to hand it to ya on a platter. You may have to riot a few times but you'll get your way. We will lose to the lawn mowers and beet pickers.

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