Pro-Life all the way: Trump continues to deliver on campaign promises

He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Trump dodges question over whether any past partners had abortions ...

Why Trump's NDA With Stormy Daniels Mentions 'Paternity' ...

Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money, and no longer has anything to do with morality, simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal Disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

Huge difference from a child dying from disease and being murdered in the womb

They are fetuses.

You used to be a fetus, dumb ass
What memories do you have from your fetus stage?

You think that people with bad memories deserve death?

Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money, and no longer has anything to do with morality, simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal Disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

Huge difference from a child dying from disease and being murdered in the womb

They are fetuses.

You used to be a fetus, dumb ass
What memories do you have from your fetus stage?

You think that people with bad memories deserve death?

I’m saying a fetus has no memories of existence, nor has anyone ever met a fetus.
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Nope--he's not---:auiqs.jpg: In fact Trump has probably paid for a few abortions himself. One of the biggest disasters the Republican party ever did was to seek out politicians that would campaign on overturning a 45 year already settled U. S Supreme court issue, (Roe v Wade) and the blowback is "yuuuuuge."

2nd annual women's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017


For more pictures go to this link and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state in one.
Woman's march pictures

A sleeping giant has been awoken. They're not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Niel Gorsuch, Trump's pick is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation, that Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Furthermore, Niel Gorsuch is a nominee that Hillary Clinton may have chosen as she voted for him for the District Court of Appeals under G.W. Bush in 2006. In fact, they all voted for Gorsuch and they could have easily rejected him, because at the time Democrats were the majority in the senate.


The ONLY reason Democrats tried to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were upset that Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee Merrick Garland. This so they could use the U.S. Supreme court nominee to campaign on in 2016.

The damage you social conservatives have done to the Republican party is absolutely astounding.

Someday maybe you'll realise that you cannot legislate your version of morality from Washington D.C. Any politician that campaigns on overturning Roe v Wade is lying through their teeth to get your money and your support.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
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He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Nope--he's not---:auiqs.jpg: In fact Trump has probably paid for a few abortions himself. One of the biggest disasters the Republican party ever did was to seek out politicians that would campaign on overturning a 45 year already settled U. S Supreme court issue, and the blowback is "yuuuuuge."

2nd annual women's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017


For more pictures go to this link and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state in one.
Woman's march pictures

A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Niel Gorsuch, Trump's pick is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation, that Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Furthermore, Niel Gorsuch is a nominee that Hillary Clinton may have chosen as she voted for him for the District Court of Appeals under G.W. Bush in 2006. In fact, they all voted for Gorsuch and they could have easily rejected him as at the time Democrats were the majority in the senate.


The ONLY reason Democrats tried to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were upset that Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee Merrick Garland, so they could use the U.S. Supreme court nominee to campaign on in 2016.

The damage you social conservatives have done to the Republican party is absolutely astounding. Someday maybe you'll realise that you cannot legislate your version of morality from Washington D.C.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

What total bs lol.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who have done things in there past that they would not do today...or are ashamed of.

In fact, most people.

That doesn't mean they should be prevented from doing the right thing now...
If these "evangelicals" want to piss off MOST women by denying them a right to choose what to do with their OWN bodies.......let them and see what the ballot box.
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.

Abortions have been decreasing for years..
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.

As am I, ANTI abortion .....abortion is not and should never be an easy decision.

However, I do wonder if these so-called conservative, republican evangelicals realize that the LESS number of abortions, the MORE future democratic voters....
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.

Abortions have been decreasing for years..

So has the pregnancy rate

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Those who claim abortion is murder must go to abortion clinics and stop them, or at least be arrested for trying. Otherwise, they are complicit in what they are calling murder.
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.

Abortions have been decreasing for years..

So has the pregnancy rate

Sent from my iPhone using
So we shouldn’t mess with something going in the right direction.
Raising a child is too hard and important for anyone who does not want a child.
Those who claim abortion is murder must go to abortion clinics and stop them, or at least be arrested for trying. Otherwise, they are complicit in what they are calling murder.
What horseshit. No, they must not.
I recognize that Islam is butchering people all over the place..I don't go into their houses and stop them.
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.

Abortions have been decreasing for years..

So has the pregnancy rate

Sent from my iPhone using
So we shouldn’t mess with something going in the right direction.

Nope. But none of that matters to the zealots.

Sent from my iPhone using
I recognize that Islam is butchering people all over the place..I don't go into their houses and stop them.

Like you, radical Islamists are also against women's rights......You DO have a lot in common....
Baby killers are losing it, which is a good sign.

Here.....learn something you

The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents

That happens because Republicans are idiots and they cut off funding for birth control and other such things in their zeal.

I am is anti-abortion is they come but the Repubs drive me crazy because they cause more abortions and they stop.

The way to stop abortion is to have less pregnancies.

Abortions have been decreasing for years..
But are still occurring at many times the rate they were occurring before RvW

and venereal disease is a bigger problem now than it ever has been.

so apparently state funded baby killing doesn't actually improve anything for anyone. It doesn't reduce the rate of abortion, since the rates are still much higher than they were before rvw...and it doesn't reduce stds.

Why do we do it again?

Oh sex traffickers can keep their girls on the street and so PP can sell baby parts for $$.
Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money, and no longer has anything to do with morality, simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal Disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

Huge difference from a child dying from disease and being murdered in the womb

They are fetuses.

You used to be a fetus, dumb ass
What memories do you have from your fetus stage?

More goalpost-moving. If you don't remember it, you must not have been alive then.

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