Pro-Life all the way: Trump continues to deliver on campaign promises

The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash

Health care is available just don't expect me to pay for yours
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever
Pro life but cuts health care? What a joke. Anyone that thinks Trump or any of these people care about fu King fetuses is an idiot
Are you baby killers just organically incapable of making an actual argument for killing babies and exploiting girls?
Guess not.
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
Though they will take money for them.

"...Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided. "

Planned Parenthood Pays $4.3 Million To Settle Allegations Of Unnecessary Medical Care
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
Another scam perpetrated against vulnerable women.



Carroll worked as the accounts receivable manager at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast from 2007-2012. In that position, she said she discovered “a fraudulent Medicaid scheme” that dated back to 2002. She alleged that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Huntsville had an employee visit a charter school called Gulf Coast Trade Center and perform STD/HIV tests on the students there, all of whom receive Medicaid benefits.

"....Planned Parenthood incorrectly coded the visits to collect Medicaid reimbursements, estimating the clinic received about $200 per student. “Thousands of claims were filed” in the ten year span, according to Carroll’s original complaint.

"In May 2014, a federal district judge in Houston ruled that Carroll had “adequately pleaded factual content that allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that Planned Parenthood knowingly filed false claims.”

Whistleblower accusations led to Planned Parenthood Medicaid investigations | Politics | Dallas News
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
Though they will take money for them.

"...Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided. "

Planned Parenthood Pays $4.3 Million To Settle Allegations Of Unnecessary Medical Care

PP needs to be yesterday

If they have millions to give to demoquacks they don't need taxpayer money
Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
Though they will take money for them.

"...Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided. "

Planned Parenthood Pays $4.3 Million To Settle Allegations Of Unnecessary Medical Care

PP needs to be yesterday

If they have millions to give to demoquacks they don't need taxpayer money
PP is a huge money maker for the dems.

Plus PP helps them with sex trafficking and slavery endeavors.
Actually, trump is the most flip-flopping in history. He has no ethics or morals. All that matters to him is money in his pocket.

Even trumpanzees know that.

you are the biggest liar of the century.Trump is the first president that spans five previous administrations before him starting in 1981 that has not betrayed americans by shipping jobs overseas.He has done well on his domestic policys.something the last five administrations could not say,the only thing that he is a traiter for is his foreign policys suck.same as obama,he lied about getting out of the middle east THAT you have a legitimate argument on.everything else in your post is BS which is the norm for you.
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
Though they will take money for them.

"...Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided. "

Planned Parenthood Pays $4.3 Million To Settle Allegations Of Unnecessary Medical Care

PP needs to be yesterday

If they have millions to give to demoquacks they don't need taxpayer money
PP is a huge money maker for the dems.

Plus PP helps them with sex trafficking and slavery endeavors.

I know their track record on reporting underage sexual assaults is atrocious
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".

Bbbbut mamograms!!! Oh wait PP doesn't do those.
Though they will take money for them.

"...Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided. "

Planned Parenthood Pays $4.3 Million To Settle Allegations Of Unnecessary Medical Care

PP needs to be yesterday

If they have millions to give to demoquacks they don't need taxpayer money
PP is a huge money maker for the dems.

Plus PP helps them with sex trafficking and slavery endeavors.

I know their track record on reporting underage sexual assaults is atrocious

Yup. They work with the schools to protect sexual predators and human traffickers.
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Gorsuch will not overturn R v W. A quick look at his history will tell you that much.

Nobody is going to overturn RvW, as nobody is prepared to deal with a million extra babies a year and nobody is willing to throw women in jail for having one.

Judging by his performance so far, I'd say it's going to depend on whether or not someone can make a solid, Constitution-based argument about it.

And nobody is talking about "throwing women in jail for having one", so spare us all your straw-man arguments.

So how do you stop them from having them if you do not have a punishment?

It will be illegal but nothing will happen to them for having one...then they are not really illegal

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How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Gorsuch will not overturn R v W. A quick look at his history will tell you that much.

Nobody is going to overturn RvW, as nobody is prepared to deal with a million extra babies a year and nobody is willing to throw women in jail for having one.

Judging by his performance so far, I'd say it's going to depend on whether or not someone can make a solid, Constitution-based argument about it.

And nobody is talking about "throwing women in jail for having one", so spare us all your straw-man arguments.

So how do you stop them from having them if you do not have a punishment?

It will be illegal but nothing will happen to them for having one...then they are not really illegal

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How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?

Well the kind the left likes to engage in were illegal...the kind where depraved butchers without any oversight abused and chopped up women and babies for profit. It was called practicing without a license.

The left made those *legal*. so now fake doctors and con men and perverts glove up and dive in for $$.
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Gorsuch will not overturn R v W. A quick look at his history will tell you that much.

Nobody is going to overturn RvW, as nobody is prepared to deal with a million extra babies a year and nobody is willing to throw women in jail for having one.

Judging by his performance so far, I'd say it's going to depend on whether or not someone can make a solid, Constitution-based argument about it.

And nobody is talking about "throwing women in jail for having one", so spare us all your straw-man arguments.

So how do you stop them from having them if you do not have a punishment?

It will be illegal but nothing will happen to them for having one...then they are not really illegal

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How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?

That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?
He is making good on his promise to defend the lives of the most vulnerable among us..pregnant women and infants. Other presidents have talked the talk, but then appointed SCOTUSes who were not pro-life at all.

"...Trump is continuing his practice of outsourcing his judicial appointments to intensely trustworthy people, under the watchful eye of chief adviser Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the Federalist Society, who also had a hand in the Roberts and Alito appointments."

"As Edward Whelan, a prominent conservative legal activist and blogger, wrote recently, “No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo.”

Trump Is the Most Substantively Anti-Abortion President Ever

Gorsuch will not overturn R v W. A quick look at his history will tell you that much.

Nobody is going to overturn RvW, as nobody is prepared to deal with a million extra babies a year and nobody is willing to throw women in jail for having one.

Judging by his performance so far, I'd say it's going to depend on whether or not someone can make a solid, Constitution-based argument about it.

And nobody is talking about "throwing women in jail for having one", so spare us all your straw-man arguments.

So how do you stop them from having them if you do not have a punishment?

It will be illegal but nothing will happen to them for having one...then they are not really illegal

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How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?

That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.
All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.
First of all, bullshit. Pro-lifers want to make it as difficult as possible for women to excercise their right to seek an abortion. That’s why states like Texas have passed ridiculous laws that have caused most of the abortion facilities in the state to close.

Second, taxpayer money doesn’t pay for abortions. That’s a lie.

And the fundies are not only losing members, they are energizing an already energized womens vote. Who in case nobody has noticed are winning everything in sight since. When those women win back the House this year, and get control of the budget, watch how fast a bill that gives more funding to planned parenthood gets signed by Trump, because that's the only way any budget gets to his desk.
Gorsuch will not overturn R v W. A quick look at his history will tell you that much.

Nobody is going to overturn RvW, as nobody is prepared to deal with a million extra babies a year and nobody is willing to throw women in jail for having one.

Judging by his performance so far, I'd say it's going to depend on whether or not someone can make a solid, Constitution-based argument about it.

And nobody is talking about "throwing women in jail for having one", so spare us all your straw-man arguments.

So how do you stop them from having them if you do not have a punishment?

It will be illegal but nothing will happen to them for having one...then they are not really illegal

Sent from my iPhone using

How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?

That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.
Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money, and no longer has anything to do with morality, simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal Disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

Huge difference from a child dying from disease and being murdered in the womb

Since you're such a devout christian you should know it's wrong to lie.

You should also know that your own god and religion says that while it's inside the womb, it's not life.

Your bible says very clearly and plainly, life starts when air is taken through the nose. A fetus inside the womb can't do that. Only a living person outside the womb can do that.

So there's no murder. No death as far as the christian bible is concerned.

Read genesis. It states very clearly when life starts and it's not inside any womb.
Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money, and no longer has anything to do with morality, simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal Disease - UNICEF DATA

We do abortions here. A nurse's story | Harper's Magazine

Huge difference from a child dying from disease and being murdered in the womb

Since you're such a devout christian you should know it's wrong to lie.

You should also know that your own god and religion says that while it's inside the womb, it's not life.

Your bible says very clearly and plainly, life starts when air is taken through the nose. A fetus inside the womb can't do that. Only a living person outside the womb can do that.

So there's no murder. No death as far as the christian bible is concerned.

Read genesis. It states very clearly when life starts and it's not inside any womb.

You have your "opinion" and never ever try to dictate me on Christianity.

You're such a Bible fan try Genesis 4: 1, 17, Psalms: 139: 13, 15, Psalms 22: 11-12

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