Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

The handpicked MAGA candidate by Trump himself is getting beaten down on all fronts now. First, he's getting hammered over an accusation he paid for a girlfriend's abortion in 2009, a claim he is vehemently denying.

Second, his own son is now attacking him on Twitter.

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Republicans may as well pull all remaining resources out of this race and focus them on others like Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Ohio
The fifth commandment says Thou shalt not kill. Herschel Walker is a murderer.
I'm pro-choice and don't even care....I suspect a lot of such checks have been written by right-leaners in the past 50 years and will continue to be written.....Perhaps now along with a ticket on a slut bus heading out of the currently abortion deprived states to a sane one. ;)
Maybe she is a liar. you have provided zero proof he paid for an abortion.

Lets see…

His girlfriend at the time was pregnant
She went and had an abortion
Shortly after she paid $545 for an abortion, Walker sent her a check for $700
He sent her Get Well Soon cards after the abortion

What more proof do you want?
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LOL, here is Walker’s homo son:

Yea, literally a flaming lefty homosexual. He would never lie I’m sure! LOL
So you believe that a murdering, drunk makes for a good Senator? Interesting point of view, so you’d vote for a Scott Peterson, at least he isn’t a drunk.
I take no joy in backing up rightwinger but what happened at Chappaquidick was not murder.
Lets see…

His current girlfriend was pregnant
She went and had an abortion
Shortly after she paid $545 for an abortion, Walker sent her a check for $700
He sent her Get Well Soon cards after the abortion

What more proof do you want?
Cool story.
That said, Walker is running for US senate. Since SCOTUS sent the issue back to the states, will Walker have an impact on the abortion issue if elected anyway?

In the absence of a Federal Law, SCOTUS sent it back to the states
Republicans in Congress are considering a “Life begins at conception” bill that would make abortion illegal nationwide
Pretty 'meh' attempt at voter suppression.
Is this the same son who earlier this year, congratulated his
father and supported his decision to run for Senator.
I guess it might slither down to Son's peer pressure as a
popular Social media star who apparently does not have the
balls to withstand the huge Social media fracus when Lefties
decide to Go On the Attack when it comes to Conservatives vs.
Radicalss.There is no question that Raphael Warnock if elected would
far and away be The Most Radical U.S. Senator in American History.
How much of his current $ 26.3 Million fundraising collections went to
pressure son Christopher to Turn on his Father.
Warnock has raised roughly $ 90 Million since defeating Kelly
Loeffler last year as the Republican in their senate runoff.
As the Provable scumbags at The Atlanta-Journal Constitution
accuse Football Great Conservative Christian Hershel Walker
" who's pattern of lies and disturbing behavior prove he's
not ready to represent Georgia. "
I tell ya what Scumbags ... Why don't YOU prove { back up }
those Lies and Disturbing behavior.
Because as We the People know ... ya can't.That's yer problem.
Just go into constant attack mode with No Specifics.
Just level accusations with No proof or explanation.
No wonder Son Christopher was used.To expedite the
scumbagger approach.The Country is used to that by now.
Won't work this cycle.Fool us once ... Fools us twiced.
Lets see…

His girlfriend at the time was pregnant
She went and had an abortion
Shortly after she paid $545 for an abortion, Walker sent her a check for $700
He sent her Get Well Soon cards after the abortion

What more proof do you want?

A question answered for one. I write checks for things I'm going to write-off on my taxes so I have a paper trail. After the check is cashed the bank keeps it and sends me a copy of all my checks at the end of the month. Why would the bank send her a copy of his check? I've never heard of that before.

Okay, so she has this copy of his check. This was back in 2009 which is almost 15 years ago. Why would anybody keep a copy of a check for that long, especially for something like this that supposedly happened?

Anonymous girlfriend? Why is it when the Communists make allegations, it's always from "anonymous" people that can't be interviewed by anybody else?

Next is, did she have a test done to prove it was his baby? Where are those test results at?

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