Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Hershel Walker's boy, Christian, has spilled all the tea, and it isn't tasty...

As you can see, the man's entire has been a total and complete lie.

Which, for thinking people like myself, is no surprise at all.

If Republicans still support this walking POS, then they're helping to build and nail their own coffin.

Sounds like a woke, alt-left, CRT cheerleading kid who was handed 30 silver coins to slag his dad. This illustrates the deep fear some have of outsiders potentially obtaining office. "Better to have a smart guy with bad policies and much to lose who we can control".

Now the kid goes from blue ribbons to 15 minutes of fame.

Colour me jaded and skeptical. I'm sure Americans are far more insightful than I am on such tactics.
I take no joy in backing up rightwinger but what happened at Chappaquidick was not murder.
He left the scene of an accident because he was driving under the influence, he went home, sobered up and came back. He was negligent and I have no use for the guy.
Which Democratic candidate is supporting that?
All of them

Voting Democrat is a stamp of approval for child drag shows and child trans surgery.

Vote Democrat if you want more of it.

Vote for Republicans if you want to protect kids from the groomers.
Sounds like a woke, alt-left, CRT cheerleading kid who was handed 30 silver coins to slag his dad. This illustrates the deep fear some have of outsiders potentially obtaining office. "Better to have a smart guy with bad policies and much to lose who we can control".

Now the kid goes from blue ribbons to 15 minutes of fame.

Colour me jaded and skeptical. I'm sure Americans are far more insightful than I am on such tactics.
Please expound on how you came to that conclusion.
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Sounds like a woke, alt-left, CRT cheerleading kid who was handed 30 silver coins to slag his dad. This illustrates the deep fear some have of outsiders potentially obtaining office. "Better to have a smart guy with bad policies and much to lose who we can control".

Now the kid goes from blue ribbons to 15 minutes of fame.

Colour me jaded and skeptical. I'm sure Americans are far more insightful than I am on such tactics.
Haha, so you’re just going to blindly dismiss this as a woke kid lying for money?! Anything to back that up with?
This thread has forced Nostra to flip flop and say that abortion is not murder.
He has said in the past that it is murder.
I said abortion is not murder in this thread?
what post number?
Quote it or admit you are a lying sack of shit.

Wow! This is not surprising. He is just another repub Hypocrite.
I doubt this is true. Just another smear by Lying Lefties, conveniently published right before The Midterms. No different than The Russian Collusion Scam.
Hopefully the people of Georgia will not fall for this propaganda.

Anyone with a brain can see The Lefty Lie Machine is in a full court press to damage Walker before the election,
See Below just a few examples of nauseating attacks on Walker:




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Read my lips......

I don't give a shit. He'd get my vote all week long and twice on Sunday.
You dumbfucks vote for people like AOC who actually work to destroy America.
I'm not here to judge personal lives or listen to asswipe Leftists in their families.

EVERYONE has dirt on them. No exceptions.
I bet you would vote for a rock if it was painted red?


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