Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

His name is on the Stormy Daniels check.

No one should believe what anyone in The DemNazi Party claims.

Once you lied about Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane, we can never believe anything you say again.
You launched a treasonous COUP and attempted to overthrow OUR Democracy and Overturn our Election based on false allegations of Russian Collusion.
You still continue in your treachery today.
May you all burn in Hell and may No One ever be dumb enough to listen to a single thing you say.
My comments about Walker have nothing to do with his skin color. In fact his opponent who I support is also black

That was a stupid comment
Funny…. Anytime I make a critique about a Black Democrat the racist cards come flying out. I don’t think your comments about Walker have anything to do with skin color. Just an observation.
Interesting, I guess we should also believe the claims made by Obama's brother when he said Barrack was born in Kenya...
A statement is either true of false, and that statement has already been proven to be false...EPIC FAIL!!!!!

Do lefties really want to lynch the guy for paying for an abortion? Wouldn't you think they would admire him?
There is? Cool.

Where is it?
Walker reimbursed her abortion with a check that he signed....along with letters and notes. But the trump playbook is to lie, deny, and delay. So you will bury your head in the SAND...where your brain cells can sleep with the rest of the MAGA COWARDS.
i don't know that there is anything he lied about. I don't really care for the guy myself, but I'm sick of commies getting their comrades to make up shit about Republicans that are not true.
It's just another smear attempt. The Left is fairly consistent in how filthy they play. If you assume they lie about everything, you will be right 100% of the time.
Look at all the smear attempts just at USMB.

i don't know that there is anything he lied about. I don't really care for the guy myself, but I'm sick of commies getting their comrades to make up shit about Republicans that are not true.
So, you think you know the walker didn't pay for an abortion.

You should beg him to sue, so she can get her story out under oath.

Then we will see if he lies under oath like his lied about pretty much everything else.
So, you think you know the walker didn't pay for an abortion.

You should beg him to sue, so she can get her story out under oath.

Then we will see if he lies under oath like his lied about pretty much everything else.
It's just another lying smear, just like Russian Collusion.
You people have sold your souls to Hell.
No one should ever believe you again.
No one should believe what anyone in The DemNazi Party claims.

Once you lied about Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane, we can never believe anything you say again.
You launched a treasonous COUP and attempted to overthrow OUR Democracy and Overturn our Election based on false allegations of Russian Collusion.
You still continue in your treachery today.
May you all burn in Hell and may No One ever be dumb enough to listen to a single thing you say.
The former 1-term fuckup lied over 30,000 times as President Fuckup.

You have no credibility boi.
As far as they're concerned they own black people, and if one drifts off the reservation, they are a turn coat. Blacks are not allowed to think for themselves, only Democrats are allowed to tell them what to think..
Old tried canard told by fuckups to deflect from the fact the QOP offers not options to them.
So, you think you know the walker didn't pay for an abortion.

You should beg him to sue, so she can get her story out under oath.

Then we will see if he lies under oath like his lied about pretty much everything else.

That seems to be his plan, sue the media that put out this false story about him. Yes, she will have to testify that this was his kid she aborted. I seriously doubt she has any evidence of it.
Like a check with his signature on it?
If she has a check with his signature on it, it was obviously never cashed. Did she not need an abortion, not have one, paid for it herself? Just hang onto the check in case it was ever needed to derail a political campaign. That she has an uncashed check is pretty much evidence that Walker never paid for an abortion.
Walker reimbursed her abortion with a check that he signed....along with letters and notes. But the trump playbook is to lie, deny, and delay. So you will bury your head in the SAND...where your brain cells can sleep with the rest of the MAGA COWARDS.
Where does it say it was for an abortion?

What letters and notes? Post them.
Funny…. Anytime I make a critique about a Black Democrat the racist cards come flying out. I don’t think your comments about Walker have anything to do with skin color. Just an observation.
Yours generally are

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