Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

I read the article there is no proof whatsoever in that article. Shameful headline.
There is proof that Walker paid for the abortion. His conservative son even admits Walker is a liar. He should fit in well in MAGA world.
You want her to give her name so you nut jobs can go after her and threaten her life. You R insane.

No, that's not something I waste time doing. I leave that type of thing up to idiot liberals (remember Judge Kavanaugh?).

Without knowing the woman's name, there's no way to verify the validity of her story. It's just that: a story, and nothing more.

Honestly, it comes down to whether you're a conservative or a liberal. If you're liberal, you'll believe it because it attacks a conservative, and that's all you need to know. That's stupid, of course, but you do it anyway. If you're a conservative, as I am, you wish to know whether or not an accusation is true before being willing to crucify someone for it...
What proof?
There is no proof. This is just another smear tactic same as Russian Collusion. This is how lying lefties play the game.
Look at all the smear attacks against Walker just on USMB.

Sure, and this is as phony as the Ford rape claim. In all the years this was supposedly out there, all of a sudden some bimbo comes out with an allegation less than two months before an election. Gee, what are the chances???? :eusa_shhh:

I said it before and I'll say it again, Democrats are the disciples of Satan.
Sure sure, walker gets to get out of his responsibility to the life he created (his belief), but nobody else can.

Seems typical of conservative belief.
Unlike you socialist leftists, we wait to see empirical evidence before we condemn anybody. You people just read something online, believe it if it suits your political position, and then judge people based on that alone.
It won’t matter. Walker has been lying his face off the entire campaign. He just shrugs it off and says it doesn’t matter if he lies. The voters don’t care.
The handpicked MAGA candidate by Trump himself is getting beaten down on all fronts now. First, he's getting hammered over an accusation he paid for a girlfriend's abortion in 2009, a claim he is vehemently denying.

Second, his own son is now attacking him on Twitter.

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Republicans may as well pull all remaining resources out of this race and focus them on others like Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Ohio
Nah, The LYING LEFT would NEVER make FAKE ACCOUNTS and Post Lies about a Candidate. They also would never COLLUDE with PUTIN and Launch a COUP to overthrow our Democracy and Overturn our Election with Fake Allegations of Russian Collusion.

This is just another smear tactic. I am calling BS.
It won’t matter. Walker has been lying his face off the entire campaign. He just shrugs it off and says it doesn’t matter if he lies. The voters don’t care.

The fact is…..the voters don’t care how many lies and bizarre claims come out of Walker

As long as he is Republican
There is proof that Walker paid for the abortion. His conservative son even admits Walker is a liar. He should fit in well in MAGA world.
Progs made these things easy to do for groups. So, some of them want to leave that.
Hershel Walker's boy, Christian, has spilled all the tea, and it isn't tasty...

As you can see, the man's entire has been a total and complete lie.

Which, for thinking people like myself, is no surprise at all.

If Republicans still support this walking POS, then they're helping to build and nail their own coffin.

Interesting, I guess we should also believe the claims made by Obama's brother when he said Barrack was born in Kenya...
It won’t matter. Walker has been lying his face off the entire campaign. He just shrugs it off and says it doesn’t matter if he lies. The voters don’t care.

i don't know that there is anything he lied about. I don't really care for the guy myself, but I'm sick of commies getting their comrades to make up shit about Republicans that are not true.
Haha, so you’re just going to blindly dismiss this as a woke kid lying for money?! Anything to back that up with?
Haha. So you are going to blindly accept what he says because it's against someone you disagree with politically.

What proof is there to back up any of this person's assertions? You do realize this is a fucking twitter rant, right?

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