Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

after thinking about it...i don't care. As long as we can get these destructive, death cult loving dems out of office THAT is the main thing.
But if it is proven? Even Shaun Hannity, the party sycophant, seems to believe the story. He displayed Walker's payment/letter to his girlfriend for the abortion.

He didn't display the payment.

And that's problematic for those who want us to believe this story is true...

So, if it is proven, would you accept that it was not lies and that Walker does not deserve to be voted into office? Yes or No?

That does not, by default, mean that his opponent should be voted into office.

Let's hear what they have to say about the actual issues which affect voters. The average voter doesn't give a shit about whether or not Walker paid for an abortion. The average voter gives a shit about the fact that his paycheck nowhere near as far as it did only a year or two ago. The average voter cares about the fact that it's costing twice as much to fill up his old, gas guzzling beater because he can't afford a new, more fuel efficient car.

There's a reason this issue has come up now. Those on the idiot left know they can't win on the issues, so they're hoping to win by demonizing their opponent as opposed to telling the voter how they intend to help them.

That's no reason to vote for someone and is, in fact, a very strong reason to not vote for someone...
Why in hell should he not be voted into office?

During the Clinton years your side defended him saying what a man does in his private life is none of our business. My how things have changed.
I could say the same thing about you, retards. You guys wanted only morally superior human beings to take office. What changed?

But the fact remains - your side feels abortion is equal to murder. Hershal Walker paid for his GF's abortion. Ergo, as per your retard philosophy, Walker is guilty of murder. Yes or No?

So, should a murderer be voted into office? Can you can answer with a Yes or No... instead of dragging Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, et al. into the conversation?

I doubt you can. But, hey, prove me wrong. Go.
He didn't display the payment.

And that's problematic for those who want us to believe this story is true...

That does not, by default, mean that his opponent should be voted into office.

Let's hear what they have to say about the actual issues which affect voters. The average voter doesn't give a shit about whether or not Walker paid for an abortion. The average voter gives a shit about the fact that his paycheck nowhere near as far as it did only a year or two ago. The average voter cares about the fact that it's costing twice as much to fill up his old, gas guzzling beater because he can't afford a new, more fuel efficient car.

There's a reason this issue has come up now. Those on the idiot left know they can't win on the issues, so they're hoping to win by demonizing their opponent as opposed to telling the voter how they intend to help them.

That's no reason to vote for someone and is, in fact, a very strong reason to not vote for someone...
First of all, do you expect Shaun Hannity to help the Dems? It was only surprising that he came out so hard against Walker.

Second point - Voting on actual issues. Really? Since, when has that been important to the average Republican voter?

Dems are painted as the devil incarnate because they support women choosing what to do with their bodies. They are castigated as evil for allowing gays and trans to have basic freedom. If the Dems do not come out as holier-than-thou wearing Jesus on his/her sleeve, they are considered evil. Fuck the issues.

But, now suddenly the Right has discovered "actual issues"? LOL

Never fails. Everytime a Republican candidate is caught doing exactly the opposite of what they preach - cheating on their wives, having gay sex, paying for abortions etc etc - the right suddenly wakes up to the fact that people must vote for "actual issues" instead of focusing on the candidate's foibles!!! :auiqs.jpg:
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He didn't display the payment.

And that's problematic for those who want us to believe this story is true...

That does not, by default, mean that his opponent should be voted into office.

Let's hear what they have to say about the actual issues which affect voters. The average voter doesn't give a shit about whether or not Walker paid for an abortion. The average voter gives a shit about the fact that his paycheck nowhere near as far as it did only a year or two ago. The average voter cares about the fact that it's costing twice as much to fill up his old, gas guzzling beater because he can't afford a new, more fuel efficient car.

There's a reason this issue has come up now. Those on the idiot left know they can't win on the issues, so they're hoping to win by demonizing their opponent as opposed to telling the voter how they intend to help them.

That's no reason to vote for someone and is, in fact, a very strong reason to not vote for someone...
When a candidate presents one thing in public, and then does the opposite in private, it shows lack of principles. AKA hypocrisy. IF you want to fix those things you mentioned, you need lawmakers with principles. Otherwise, its just a power grab.
When a candidate presents one thing in public, and then does the opposite in private, it shows lack of principles. AKA hypocrisy. IF you want to fix those things you mentioned, you need lawmakers with principles. Otherwise, its just a power grab.
Do you mean folks like Gavin Newsom?
Let's hear what they have to say about the actual issues which affect voters. The average voter doesn't give a shit about whether or not Walker paid for an abortion. The average voter gives a shit about the fact that his paycheck nowhere near as far as it did only a year or two ago. The average voter cares about the fact that it's costing twice as much to fill up his old, gas guzzling beater because he can't afford a new, more fuel efficient car.
And Walker is going to fix any of that?

Shit he barely knows what his NAME is
First of all, do you expect Shaun Hannity to help the Dems? It was only surprising that he came out so hard against Walker.

I was responding to your spurious claim that Hannity displayed proof of the payment.

He did not

You lied about that...

Second point - Voting on actual issues. Really? Since, when has that been important to the average Republican voter?

Not being a Republican, I couldn't tell you. But I also know that it's not very high on the priority list for democrats, either...
When a candidate presents one thing in public, and then does the opposite in private, it shows lack of principles. AKA hypocrisy. IF you want to fix those things you mentioned, you need lawmakers with principles. Otherwise, its just a power grab.

Of course, the alleged incident occurred 13 years ago.

People do change, you know. Shit, even the woman behind Roe V. Wade is now pro-life.

Is it possible Walker has changed his views? Well, I know not a single idiot lib would acknowledge that, but it's certainly within the realm of possibility. Hell, when I was younger I used to go to "NO NUKES" rallies back in New York. Not a chance in Hell you'd find me at one of those now...
No, I don’t particularly care about your whiny bitch antics. Really.
NO Republican posting on this thread cares if the allegations are true.'d vote for an actual pedophile (see Roy Moore) if it meant you took the Senate
40 pages in and ZERO evidence. Go Hershel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Say no to dusty bum commies like warnock.
NO Republican posting on this thread cares if the allegations are true.'d vote for an actual pedophile if it meant you took the Senate
You would vote for a pedo if they they ran on a pro pedo platform.
I JUST heard Walker ask for redemption.

That's an ADMISSION of guilt you idiots
The woman in question has a get-well card and a check from Walker for $700.00. That's not proof of anything.
Run Hershel Run!
You are in Good Company. Pu_ _ y grabbers!

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