Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

Free Palestine from what or who ? Don't say occupation, because an occupied territory doesn't have the ability to mass military weapons within an occupied territory, and it dam sure doesn't have the time and ability to dig 300 miles of tunnels extending over the border into a sovereign nation for nefarious purposes.

If it was a prison, the Jewish Warden and his entire staff would be fired and replaced, otherwise for allowing the prisoners to do to the prison what the sao called prisoner Hamas was doing to GAZA prison if it were occupied by a Jewish warden and it's staff..
When was there ever a Palestinian nation?
way back ---just after the time of Jesus---the Romans decided to call the nation of JUDEA---PALESTINE. For the next almost 2000 years THE ONLY people called "palestinians" were Jews living in what had been Judea----or JUDEA/ISRAEL . In the 1960s AD----there was a brilliant move on the part of islamo nazis who decided to term ARABS---
PALESTINIANS ----and that's about it
way back ---just after the time of Jesus---the Romans decided to call the nation of JUDEA---PALESTINE. For the next almost 2000 years THE ONLY people called "palestinians" were Jews living in what had been Judea----or JUDEA/ISRAEL . In the 1960s AD----there was a brilliant move on the part of islamo nazis who decided to term ARABS---
PALESTINIANS ----and that's about it
Link me to that please.
Bullshit and you know it. What happened to the Jews for hundreds upon hundreds of years BEFORE 1947?
For thousands of years the actions of a relatively small number of Jews have resulted in the mass extermination/displacement of millions of innocent Jews.

Why is that?

Jews are the only race/ethnicity/religion that have experienced that level of regularly occurring genocide.

The answer is on full display today in Israel.
Jews are pushing Arabs into Sinai and Jordan.
The Arab world has noticed, and it won't allow another Nakba even if that means another Holocaust in Israel:
How can a sovereign nation be "occupying" the Pals when they aren't even a nation?
Territories can also be occupied.
Jews are illegally occupying the West Bank and Gaza territories:

Legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestine - Wikipedia

"The legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which has continued since 1967 and is the longest military occupation in modern history,[1] is a subject that has received much less attention than violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) that have occurred during the occupation.[2][3][4]

"Multiple United Nations General Assembly resolutions have described the continuing occupation as illegal.

"The general thrust of international law scholarship addressing this question has concluded that, regardless of whether it was initially legal, the occupation has become illegal over time.[5]

"Reasons cited for its illegality include use of force for impermissible purposes such as annexation, violation of the Palestinian right to self-determination, that the occupation itself is an illegal regime 'of alien subjugation, domination and exploitation', or some combination of these factors."
Territories can also be occupied.
Jews are illegally occupying the West Bank and Gaza territories:

Legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestine - Wikipedia

"The legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which has continued since 1967 and is the longest military occupation in modern history,[1] is a subject that has received much less attention than violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) that have occurred during the occupation.[2][3][4]

"Multiple United Nations General Assembly resolutions have described the continuing occupation as illegal.

"The general thrust of international law scholarship addressing this question has concluded that, regardless of whether it was initially legal, the occupation has become illegal over time.[5]

"Reasons cited for its illegality include use of force for impermissible purposes such as annexation, violation of the Palestinian right to self-determination, that the occupation itself is an illegal regime 'of alien subjugation, domination and exploitation', or some combination of these factors."
Was the attack on Israel on January 6th legal?
When was there ever a Palestinian nation?
Is this an acceptable definition of "nation?"

nation - Google Search

"a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory"

If so, Palestine declared its independence on 15 November 1988 and became eligible for UNGA observer state status 29 November 2012.

When did Jews in Israel acquire the right to steal Palestinian land and murder Palestinian children?
Free Palestine from what or who ? Don't say occupation, because an occupied territory doesn't have the ability to mass military weapons within an occupied territory, and it dam sure doesn't have the time and ability to dig 300 miles of tunnels extending over the border into a sovereign nation for nefarious purposes.

If it was a prison, the Jewish Warden and his entire staff would be fired and replaced, otherwise for allowing the prisoners to do to the prison what the sao called prisoner Hamas was doing to GAZA prison if it were occupied by a Jewish warden and it's staff..
You're right Gaza is a ghetto not unlike the Warsaw ghetto the German Nazis established in 1940. How did the Jews in Warsaw get weapons past their guards?

The Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza: Understanding history | MR Online

"On January 18, 1943, Jews in the ghetto took up arms. The Jews had managed to get weapons into the ghetto in small parties, and had prepared for resistance. The insurgents gained control of the site and set up barricades.

"On April 19, three months after the heroic resistance, came the final assault of the fascist troops.

"In one month they murdered 13,000 Jews, about half of them burned alive.

"Knowing victory impossible, the Jews fought to the death.

"They asked for no truce.

"They were heroes for their people."
Was the attack on Israel on January 6th legal?
The attack on October 7th was legal; however, there were war crimes committed during that attack.

Palestinians have a legal right to armed struggle

"Long ago, it was settled that resistance and even armed struggle against a colonial occupation force is not just recognised under international law but specifically endorsed."
Is this an acceptable definition of "nation?"

nation - Google Search

"a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory"

If so, Palestine declared its independence on 15 November 1988 and became eligible for UNGA observer state status 29 November 2012.

When did Jews in Israel acquire the right to steal Palestinian land and murder Palestinian children?
Why does the Palastinians or any Arab nation have the right to declare war on Israel non-stop ??? Is it being declared due to a religious tenet, otherwise that demands that they destroy Israel for religious purposes or beliefs ?? (Allahu Akbar), which is a common Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims and Arabs around the world: in formal Salah, in the Adhan, in Hajj, as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress or joy, or to express resolute determination or defiance.

This leads me to think that none of this bull crap has anything to do with land or territory, but more to due with Islamic law or the religion in the literal sense of it.

So settling land disputes is one thing, but settling religious disputes is something altogether different.

If the hearts and minds can't be changed in order to obtain peace, then what other option does Israel have in the situation, otherwise if this is a war that revolves around a religious belief and it's law's being taken literally, and not instead over land or territory persae ??
You're right Gaza is a ghetto not unlike the Warsaw ghetto the German Nazis established in 1940. How did the Jews in Warsaw get weapons past their guards?

The Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza: Understanding history | MR Online

"On January 18, 1943, Jews in the ghetto took up arms. The Jews had managed to get weapons into the ghetto in small parties, and had prepared for resistance. The insurgents gained control of the site and set up barricades.

"On April 19, three months after the heroic resistance, came the final assault of the fascist troops.

"In one month they murdered 13,000 Jews, about half of them burned alive.

"Knowing victory impossible, the Jews fought to the death.

"They asked for no truce.

"They were heroes for their people."
Do you think of the Jews, otherwise those very same people you are glorifying in this post you wrote, as being the same as Nazis now ??

If so "prove it"... We'll be waiting.
The attack on October 7th was legal; however, there were war crimes committed during that attack.

Palestinians have a legal right to armed struggle

"Long ago, it was settled that resistance and even armed struggle against a colonial occupation force is not just recognised under international law but specifically endorsed."
The moment Hamas resorted to violence as a resolution in regards to land disputes etc, then it became illegal unless the warring party was defending itself from an attack from ISRAEL first. Sorry but Hamas committed an illegal act under international law.

Disputes in the past weren't always legally dealt with either, but for the most part they were always resolved with help from the international community.

This attack ended that resolve, and it has therefore put ISRAEL in the position of right, and Hamas in the position of wrong.
Is this an acceptable definition of "nation?"

nation - Google Search

"a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory"

If so, Palestine declared its independence on 15 November 1988 and became eligible for UNGA observer state status 29 November 2012.

When did Jews in Israel acquire the right to steal Palestinian land and murder Palestinian children?
So why are people still calling for a two-state solution? You're more confused than a termite in a yo yo.
The attack on October 7th was legal; however, there were war crimes committed during that attack.

Palestinians have a legal right to armed struggle

"Long ago, it was settled that resistance and even armed struggle against a colonial occupation force is not just recognised under international law but specifically endorsed."
And Israeli has a legal right to defend their nation. Now go fuck yourself.

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