Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

That ethic died with the Nazis
Since the end of WWII acquisition of territory by force of arms is a violation of international law. Not that the Jews of Israel pay the slightest attention to such legal restrictions

Israeli crowds chant racist slogans, taunt Palestinians during Jerusalem Day march

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Thousands of Jewish nationalists, some of them chanting 'Death to Arabs' and other racist slogans, paraded on Thursday through the main Palestinian thoroughfare of Jerusalem’s Old City, in an annual display that caused new friction between Jews and Palestinians in the tense city."
So with all these posts, it would be safe to say you won't be going to too many Pro-Israel rally's?
"JERUSALEM (AP) — Thousands of Jewish nationalists, some of them chanting 'Death to Arabs' and other racist slogans, paraded on Thursday through the main Palestinian thoroughfare of Jerusalem’s Old City, in an annual display that caused new friction between Jews and Palestinians in the tense city."
Wow.....then there's this:

Palestinians and their allies have justified and even celebrated Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel as a blow against Jewish oppression. But the 2 million Arab citizens of Israel have overwhelmingly responded by drawing closer to the Jewish state. Among Arab Israelis, prominent media personalities have helped lead an unprecedented surge in support for their country and opposition to their self-proclaimed liberator Hamas. Pro-Israel arguments that were previously almost unspeakable in the Arab mainstream have in recent weeks gotten a respectful hearing.

Yoseph Haddad, a 38-year-old Christian Arab influencer, has skyrocketed to fame in Israel with his outspoken advocacy for the country in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. Haddad told CNN on Oct. 22 that Hamas’s attack was a wakeup call for the Arabs who constitute about 20 percent of Israel’s population.

"We literally felt that Hamas could have conquered the south and then the center and also the north of Israel, where the majority of Arab Israelis are staying, and we had a very bad feeling about it," said Haddad, who has more than 1.5 million followers across social media. "Immediately my friends and colleagues here said, ‘That’s the last thing that we want. We don’t want to live under a terrorist organization. We want to live in a democracy, and that’s what the state of Israel is.’"

"Our beloved country is under attack … [from] a brutal, barbaric, inhumane terror organization," Aharish said in English from her seat on Reshet 13 news. "Don’t be mistaken. We experience difficulties, disagreements, and major disputes, like any other country on this globe. But it does not mean that we will not protect ourselves and our children, our homeland."

"As a Muslim, this is not Islam—what Hamas is doing in the name of religion—this is not being a Muslim," she told CNN days later. "This is being a monster."

Nuseir Yassin, the 31-year-old travel blogger behind the popular "Nas Daily" franchise, directly addressed the tension in Arab-Israeli identity when on Oct. 8 he declared himself Israeli first and Palestinian second.

"But from today forward, I view myself as an ‘Israeli-Palestinian,’" Yassin wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "Sometimes it takes a shock like this to see so clearly."

Wow.....then there's this:

Palestinians and their allies have justified and even celebrated Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel as a blow against Jewish oppression. But the 2 million Arab citizens of Israel have overwhelmingly responded by drawing closer to the Jewish state. Among Arab Israelis, prominent media personalities have helped lead an unprecedented surge in support for their country and opposition to their self-proclaimed liberator Hamas. Pro-Israel arguments that were previously almost unspeakable in the Arab mainstream have in recent weeks gotten a respectful hearing.

Yoseph Haddad, a 38-year-old Christian Arab influencer, has skyrocketed to fame in Israel with his outspoken advocacy for the country in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. Haddad told CNN on Oct. 22 that Hamas’s attack was a wakeup call for the Arabs who constitute about 20 percent of Israel’s population.

"We literally felt that Hamas could have conquered the south and then the center and also the north of Israel, where the majority of Arab Israelis are staying, and we had a very bad feeling about it," said Haddad, who has more than 1.5 million followers across social media. "Immediately my friends and colleagues here said, ‘That’s the last thing that we want. We don’t want to live under a terrorist organization. We want to live in a democracy, and that’s what the state of Israel is.’"

"Our beloved country is under attack … [from] a brutal, barbaric, inhumane terror organization," Aharish said in English from her seat on Reshet 13 news. "Don’t be mistaken. We experience difficulties, disagreements, and major disputes, like any other country on this globe. But it does not mean that we will not protect ourselves and our children, our homeland."

"As a Muslim, this is not Islam—what Hamas is doing in the name of religion—this is not being a Muslim," she told CNN days later. "This is being a monster."

Nuseir Yassin, the 31-year-old travel blogger behind the popular "Nas Daily" franchise, directly addressed the tension in Arab-Israeli identity when on Oct. 8 he declared himself Israeli first and Palestinian second.

"But from today forward, I view myself as an ‘Israeli-Palestinian,’" Yassin wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "Sometimes it takes a shock like this to see so clearly."

I remember well the constant news stories of Arab Mayors being assassinated in Israel in the 1960's by Arab terrorists; I always wondered how they could get anybody to run for Mayor in those little Arab towns back then, as it seemed like a suicide wish. After the 1967 war the stories practically disappeared, thanks to Arafat's fans fleeing to Jordan, where they were later booted out as well.
Wow.....then there's this:

Palestinians and their allies have justified and even celebrated Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel as a blow against Jewish oppression. But the 2 million Arab citizens of Israel have overwhelmingly responded by drawing closer to the Jewish state. Among Arab Israelis, prominent media personalities have helped lead an unprecedented surge in support for their country and opposition to their self-proclaimed liberator Hamas. Pro-Israel arguments that were previously almost unspeakable in the Arab mainstream have in recent weeks gotten a respectful hearing.

Yoseph Haddad, a 38-year-old Christian Arab influencer, has skyrocketed to fame in Israel with his outspoken advocacy for the country in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. Haddad told CNN on Oct. 22 that Hamas’s attack was a wakeup call for the Arabs who constitute about 20 percent of Israel’s population.

"We literally felt that Hamas could have conquered the south and then the center and also the north of Israel, where the majority of Arab Israelis are staying, and we had a very bad feeling about it," said Haddad, who has more than 1.5 million followers across social media. "Immediately my friends and colleagues here said, ‘That’s the last thing that we want. We don’t want to live under a terrorist organization. We want to live in a democracy, and that’s what the state of Israel is.’"

"Our beloved country is under attack … [from] a brutal, barbaric, inhumane terror organization," Aharish said in English from her seat on Reshet 13 news. "Don’t be mistaken. We experience difficulties, disagreements, and major disputes, like any other country on this globe. But it does not mean that we will not protect ourselves and our children, our homeland."

"As a Muslim, this is not Islam—what Hamas is doing in the name of religion—this is not being a Muslim," she told CNN days later. "This is being a monster."

Nuseir Yassin, the 31-year-old travel blogger behind the popular "Nas Daily" franchise, directly addressed the tension in Arab-Israeli identity when on Oct. 8 he declared himself Israeli first and Palestinian second.

"But from today forward, I view myself as an ‘Israeli-Palestinian,’" Yassin wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "Sometimes it takes a shock like this to see so clearly."

Are you surprised Israel's second class citizens refuse to criticize their masters' war crimes?

What's happening inside Israel to those who protest the ethnic cleansing of Gaza?

Israel cracks down on internal critics of its Gaza war

"Palestinians, as well as some left-wing Jews, are being suspended from studies, fired from jobs, or arrested at night — all because of social media posts."​


My Leftest friends love the Palestinians and hate the Israelis.

My Righty friends love the Israelis and hate the Palestinians.

I think they are both Middle East turds and the US shouldn't have anything to do with either one of the bastards.
I used to sympathize with the moose limbs. The Israelis have always been heavy handed in responses. After the celebrations I witnessed on 9/11 and how they're causing their own problems, fuck 'em. Israel can force them out into the Sinai desert for all I care.

I'm also no big fan of Israel and sinking our boat.
All demonstrations around me are pro-Palestine (not pro-Hamas or pro-occupation) I suppose that will change if Arab or Turkish military forces invade the Jewish state

Those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") enforcing sharia law
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
I used to sympathize with the moose limbs. The Israelis have always been heavy handed in responses. After the celebrations I witnessed on 9/11 and how they're causing their own problems, fuck 'em. Israel can force them out into the Sinai desert for all I care.

I'm also no big fan of Israel and sinking our boat.
The fact that the Israeli apologists fail to acknowledge is that Gaza is a Ghetto. A way to control the people that the European Jews learned from the Germans. The Palestinians really have no place to go. They are not forced to live there but they are subjected to poverty.

If I was a Palestinian I would be pissed at the Israelis also.

If I was an Israeli I would be pissed at the Palestinians for being pissed at me.

That is just how that shit goes in the Middle East. Everybody is always pissed at each other.

Assholes fighting other assholes.

That is why Americans should just stay out of it. it ain't our war.

It is pathetic to see American politicians trying to take one side against the other. For instance, I really like Ron DeSantis for the great job he is doing but he is kissing the ass of the pro Israel Jews that live in South Florida. Jews that put the interest of a foreign country ahead of their own. Jews, that by the way, usually vote 70% for Democrats.

Then you have Ole Potatohead trying to kiss the ass of the filthy Muslims while at the same time pretending to support Israel.

Doesn't any American have the moral courage to say "piss on both of you"?
My Leftest friends love the Palestinians and hate the Israelis.

My Righty friends love the Israelis and hate the Palestinians.

I think they are both Middle East turds and the US shouldn't have anything to do with either one of the bastards.
Kidnapping, raping and murdering civilians means nothing to you. Mere humanity should tell you you have to choose.
The fact that the Israeli apologists fail to acknowledge is that Gaza is a Ghetto
Ghettos are created by people who lack morals.

Palestinians are a degenerate people. They are poor because they cannot separate themselves from their genocidal desires. Hate has destroyed them
Your link contains no reference to Plan Dalet which leads me to believe it's largely an apology for the ethnic cleansing committed by Jewish terrorists in 1948:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ('Avnir') received an order from Ben-Gurion who, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asking Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine.

"According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint, refined in subsequent adjustments (A,B,C) before it emerged in its final form as Plan Dalet over a decade later."

Give us a number. How many more times are you going to cut and paste that wiki nonsense across multiple threads, multiple times?

You really are the most prolific spammer on this message board.
Are you surprised Israel's second class citizens refuse to criticize their masters' war crimes?

What's happening inside Israel to those who protest the ethnic cleansing of Gaza?

Israel cracks down on internal critics of its Gaza war

"Palestinians, as well as some left-wing Jews, are being suspended from studies, fired from jobs, or arrested at night — all because of social media posts."​

You copy and paste from internet tabloids.
Ghettos are created by people who lack morals.

Palestinians are a degenerate people. They are poor because they cannot separate themselves from their genocidal desires. Hate has destroyed them
They didn't have much of a choice when the European Jews made their post WWII "Exodus" after being treated like crap by the good ole Master Race..

However, as an American I don't give a shit. Both sides are turds. Ain't my war. We have our own problems to deal with. Like Potatohead's massive inflation, the millions of Illegals and this country being turned into a Banana Republic.

The Israelis and Palestinians getting alongl don't even deflect on my Give a Shit O'Meter.
However, as an American I don't give a shit. Both sides are turds. Ain't my war
Then stay out of the discussion if it ",ain't your war."

I'm in no war either, but they are not "both turds."

Imagine a foreign army invading America and murdering 50,000 people by the most barbaric means possible.

Imagine this foreign army of savages putting babies in the oven and cooking them alive.

Imagine your American wives and daughters being raped, killed or kidnapped.

Imagine 8,750 AMERICANS being kidnapped and taken to a foreign country to be used as bargaining chips.

Now imagine some idiot such as you self saying BOTH SIDES are the same!

That's half the board here.

I support ISRAEL. ANYTHING they do in Gaza is justified.

You'd think so too if this happened in America.

Fuck the Arabs and anyone who excuses their barbarism
Then stay out of the discussion if it ",ain't your war."

I'm in no war either, but they are not "both turds."

Imagine a foreign army invading America and murdering 50,000 people by the most barbaric means possible.

Imagine this foreign army of savages putting babies in the oven and cooking them alive.

Imagine your American wives and daughters being raped, killed or kidnapped.

Imagine 8,750 AMERICANS being kidnapped and taken to a foreign country to be used as bargaining chips.

Now imagine some idiot such as you self saying BOTH SIDES are the same!

That's half the board here.

I support ISRAEL. ANYTHING they do in Gaza is justified.

You'd think so too if this happened in America.

Fuck the Arabs and anyone who excuses their barbarism
Fuck all the shitheads in the Middle East. They are all turds. That includes the Israelis.

The attack on the USS Liberty was one of the most barbaric actions ever taken against the US. Fucking the Palestinians in that slum ghetto ain't exactly going to get them Humanitarian of the Year award, is it? Being welfare queens of the US is a shitty thing, isn't it?

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