Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

I know Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza for the last 56 years is responsible for Palestinian resistance; apparently you're ignorant of the fact an occupying power can not legally declare war on the civilian population it has a responsibility to protect.
Gaza has been under Hamas control since 2006. 2007 Israel blockaded Gaza off.

Hamas was governing since 2006, they chose to attack Israel......all bets were off after that.

Gaza has been under Hamas control since 2006. 2007 Israel blockaded Gaza off.

Hamas was governing since 2006, they chose to attack Israel......all bets were off after that.
That blockade you mentioned gave Israel effective control over Gaza. Israel controlled 3 of 4 land borders directly and relied on US influence over Egypt to close the fourth.

Israel also regulated coastal waters and Gazan air space. Israel allowed just enough food into Gaza to prevent mass starvation. Israel controlled the fuel and water Gazans required.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation.

"It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation.

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them."
^^^lol halfwit throwing around words like 'hasbara' and 'kosher' hoping to fool dopers and deviants into believing he really knows his stuff.
I know enough to realize greedy Jews in Israel are committing genocide in Palestine (again):

Genocide - Wikipedia

"Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five 'acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group'"
Ate you saying any protests supporting Palestinian rights are now considered supporting terrorism?
Depends on the form of protest, and the rhetoric being spewed, and the hate being shouted in the form of violence that is being promoted.
gee---you are dim. The "arabs" have refused to declare borders ----since---uhm---the career of the rapist of Mecca----DA WHOLE WORLD IS MUSLIM LAND. Try to learn something
No, you can't argue between Judaism and Islam while conveniently leaving out the third Abrahamic religion: xianity. Like getting amnesia about Vicky Nuland's micromanagement of Ukraine since 2014.
No, you can't argue between Judaism and Islam while conveniently leaving out the third Abrahamic religion: xianity. Like getting amnesia about Vicky Nuland's micromanagement of Ukraine since 2014.
I am not "arguing between islam and Judaism"
Convince me you know more about Plan Dalet than Wikipedia:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ('Avnir') received an order from Ben-Gurion who, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asking Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine.

"According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint, refined in subsequent adjustments (A,B,C) before it emerged in its final form as Plan Dalet over a decade later."'
Here's the deal... People are conquered for what reasons, and people aren't conquered for what reasons ??????? If a people are strong, and they are Godly, civilized, and righteous in their ways, then it is impossible to conquer such a people, but if the people are weak, scattered in thought, unGodly, heavy in baggage over inward issues of self struggle among their tribes, and they are follower's of the creature instead of the Creator, then their feet shall not be stable upon the ground in which they stand. FACT.... The proof is written in the history of it all, and for anyone who knows the history of the world and man's struggle within, then they will be awakened with the understanding of it all.
1) They’re not occupying. This is a war in response to the HAMAS pogram of innocent Jews.

2) There’s no alternative because the Palestinians want nothing short of Israel’s destruction, as proven by their refusal to accept a two-state solution before.
Under international law Israel is conducting an illegal military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank:

"Occupation is defined in Article 42 of the Fourth Hague Convention:

“Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.”

Speaking of pogroms, have you ever noticed how often Jews have been victims of genocide over thousands of years and across thousands of miles?

'Think there might be a reason?
Under international law Israel is conducting an illegal military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank:

"Occupation is defined in Article 42 of the Fourth Hague Convention:

“Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.”

Speaking of pogroms, have you ever noticed how often Jews have been victims of genocide over thousands of years and across thousands of miles?

'Think there might be a reason?
^^^ another emboldened antisemite blaming Jews for the antisemitic slaughter.
I know enough to realize greedy Jews in Israel are committing genocide in Palestine (again):

Genocide - Wikipedia

"Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five 'acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group'"
According to that, HAMAS is guilty of genocide - intent to destroy a religious group.
That blockade you mentioned gave Israel effective control over Gaza. Israel controlled 3 of 4 land borders directly and relied on US influence over Egypt to close the fourth.

Israel also regulated coastal waters and Gazan air space. Israel allowed just enough food into Gaza to prevent mass starvation. Israel controlled the fuel and water Gazans required.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation.

"It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation.

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them."
Occupy for what reason ? Ohhhh let's see now, are they occupied because they are the lesser due to their uncivilized actions that bring about their warring tendencies or is it their religion and/or cultures that make them incompatible with certain societies ? Are they a freedom loving democratic society or a highly restrictive closed minded society, otherwise due to their religious beliefs that demand them to be strict authoritarians over their people without any give ????

The study of Islam and such needs to be viewed along side of other world religions, and then their requirements and tenants judged in order to righteously assess the many religions comparability in regards to peace, hope, and all of them graded on having a loving kindness within their hearts that pleases the Lord God or to see if maybe they do not..
Under international law Israel is conducting an illegal military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank:

"Occupation is defined in Article 42 of the Fourth Hague Convention:

“Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.”

Speaking of pogroms, have you ever noticed how often Jews have been victims of genocide over thousands of years and across thousands of miles?

'Think there might be a reason?
They are always triumphant too... Think there might be a reason ?
Why did Israel resort to a blockade?

Because they're evul bigots trying to deny those poor Hamas humanitarians their rights to launch thousands of rockets into Israel and stuff, and to murder Jews. Jews are supposed to allow them to do anything they want to. They're being big doody heads by defending themselves from vermin.

Haven't you been reading the news? You need to go stand by a George Floyd memorial and accept indoctrination, maybe pistol whip a few pregnant women and steal their dope or something. You're way out of touch with today's left wing fashions.

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