Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

False narrative: Ethic cleansing". You've got all your propaganda terms. Tell us who the Pals really are. Tell us where they're from originally since there has never been a Palestinian nation. Go ahead. Let's get to the facts and stop the media spin.
The facts confirming Israeli ethnic cleansing in Palestine begin with Plan Dalet:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"Plan Dalet specifically spoke of gaining control of areas outside the borders of the Jewish state wherever Yishuv populations existed.[8]

"The issue is subject to much controversy, with some historians asserting that it was defensive, while other historians assert that the plan aimed at the expulsion, sometimes called an ethnic cleansing, on the grounds that this was an integral part of a planned strategy."

Your red herring about Palestine never existing doesn't change the fact that thousands of Palestinians left their farms, businesses, and homes with their legal deeds and keys in hand in 1948. Israeli Jews then stole those properties and gave them to immigrant Jews from around the world as part of an integral part of the planned strategy of ethnic cleansing.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Wikipedia
The facts confirming Israeli ethnic cleansing in Palestine begin with Plan Dalet:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"Plan Dalet specifically spoke of gaining control of areas outside the borders of the Jewish state wherever Yishuv populations existed.[8]

"The issue is subject to much controversy, with some historians asserting that it was defensive, while other historians assert that the plan aimed at the expulsion, sometimes called an ethnic cleansing, on the grounds that this was an integral part of a planned strategy."

Your red herring about Palestine never existing doesn't change the fact that thousands of Palestinians left their farms, businesses, and homes with their legal deeds and keys in hand in 1948. Israeli Jews then stole those properties and gave them to immigrant Jews from around the world as part of an integral part of the planned strategy of ethnic cleansing.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Wikipedia
Wikipedia is for amateurs and ignorant wannabes.
Wikipedia is for amateurs and ignorant wannabes.
Convince me you know more about Plan Dalet than Wikipedia:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ('Avnir') received an order from Ben-Gurion who, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asking Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine.

"According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint, refined in subsequent adjustments (A,B,C) before it emerged in its final form as Plan Dalet over a decade later."'
Convince me you know more about Plan Dalet than Wikipedia:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ('Avnir') received an order from Ben-Gurion who, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asking Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine.

"According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint, refined in subsequent adjustments (A,B,C) before it emerged in its final form as Plan Dalet over a decade later."'
True or False:

In the summer of 1937 (10 years before al-Nakba) David Ben-Gurion ordered Elimelech Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of all of Palesine

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"Plan Dalet specifically spoke of gaining control of areas outside the borders of the Jewish state wherever Yishuv populations existed.[8]

"The issue is subject to much controversy, with some historians asserting that it was defensive, while other historians assert that the plan aimed at the expulsion, sometimes called an ethnic cleansing, on the grounds that this was an integral part of a planned strategy."
Convince me you know more about Plan Dalet than Wikipedia:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ('Avnir') received an order from Ben-Gurion who, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asking Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine.

"According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint, refined in subsequent adjustments (A,B,C) before it emerged in its final form as Plan Dalet over a decade later."'
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Have you noticed that over the last three weeks we’ve had a ton of antisemites who never posted as long as I’ve been here all of a sudden wake up and start spewing their anti-Jewish propaganda?
AAHHHH something came up that INTERESTS
AAHHHH something came up that INTERESTS
Is that what it is? Members for 10 years and no topic of interest until….hooray!!!….a chance to shit all over Jews.

This country is doomed. Thanks, Obama.

Don't they have cleaners in the WH?​

White House Entrance Still Smeared With ‘Blood’ Red Paint Two Days After Pro-Hamas Riot​

They are advocating the extermination of Greater Israel which requires annexing all of the West Bank and Gaza; is that example of ethnic cleansing worth supporting?
It is an Israeli response to an act of war against its country and its citizens.

You have a hard time figuring that out?
It is an Israeli response to an act of war against its country and its citizens.

You have a hard time figuring that out?
I know Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza for the last 56 years is responsible for Palestinian resistance; apparently you're ignorant of the fact an occupying power can not legally declare war on the civilian population it has a responsibility to protect.

Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza?
I know Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza for the last 56 years is responsible for Palestinian resistance; apparently you're ignorant of the fact an occupying power can not legally declare war on the civilian population it has a responsibility to protect.

Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza?
Israel does not occupy Gaza. As to the West Bank---it is also not occupied---that land is disputed. Neither Israel or the "palestinians" determineds a BORDER between "Palestine" and Israel SO FAR. Try for a modicum of precision
Israel does not occupy Gaza. As to the West Bank---it is also not occupied---that land is disputed. Neither Israel or the "palestinians" determineds a BORDER between "Palestine" and Israel SO FAR. Try for a modicum of precision
More hasbara from our resident apologist for kosher apartheid:

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

"Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.

"Since then, the Israeli government has established a two-tiered legal and political system that provides comprehensive rights for Jewish Israeli settlers while imposing military rule and control on Palestinians without any basic protections or rights under international law."
More hasbara from our resident apologist for kosher apartheid:

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

"Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.

"Since then, the Israeli government has established a two-tiered legal and political system that provides comprehensive rights for Jewish Israeli settlers while imposing military rule and control on Palestinians without any basic protections or rights under international law."
there are no recognized borders between Israel and "palestine" The moron will be unable to produce a "palestinian" map of Israel

Don't they have cleaners in the WH?​

White House Entrance Still Smeared With ‘Blood’ Red Paint Two Days After Pro-Hamas Riot​

View attachment 854315

It's banana republican Joe's way of showing 'solidarity', while his administration is working on handing Hamas nuclear missiles or something.

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