Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

They are always triumphant too... Think there might be a reason ?
I think you misunderstood my claim.

Here's an abbreviated list starting in Carthage (250 CE) and ending with the Holocaust between 1938-1945 CE; the Jews were NOT triumphant in any of these examples.

If the Jews of Israel continue with their current episode of ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they will likely loose the upcoming fight against the Persians, Arabs, and Turks; then what?
Why did Israel resort to a blockade?
Because the Jews of Israel drove hundreds of thousands of Christians and Muslims from their homes in 1948, including hundreds of non-Jews living close to Gaza.

Sderot - Wikipedia.

"The Israeli Negev Brigade had depopulated the area on which Sderot would be built on the 2nd and 13th of May 1948, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, expelling the 422 Muslim farmers there who cultivated citrus, bananas and cereals. The latter were relocated in Gaza as refugees."

Nakba Day: What happened in Palestine in 1948?
Occupy for what reason ? Ohhhh let's see now, are they occupied because they are the lesser due to their uncivilized actions that bring about their warring tendencies or is it their religion and/or cultures that make them incompatible with certain societies ? Are they a freedom loving democratic society or a highly restrictive closed minded society, otherwise due to their religious beliefs that demand them to be strict authoritarians over their people without any give ????

The study of Islam and such needs to be viewed along side of other world religions, and then their requirements and tenants judged in order to righteously assess the many religions comparability in regards to peace, hope, and all of them graded on having a loving kindness within their hearts that pleases the Lord God or to see if maybe they do not..
Can't understand why Israel would feel the need to occupy land it stole in 1948 from its rightful inhabitants? If you're an American, try imagining how you would respond today if your grandparents had had their homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts plundered by illegal migrants from Europe in 1948. Would you respond with loving kindness within your heart towards your occupiers or would you resist?

One moment, please...

""Every year on May 15th, millions of Palestinians around the world commemorate the Nakba, or the catastrophe that befell them in 1948.

"This catastrophe resulted in the dispossession of an estimated 750,000 refugees from historic Palestine, and the uprooting of two-thirds of the Palestinian Arab population and their society in the process of the creation of the State of Israel..."
I know Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza for the last 56 years is responsible for Palestinian resistance; apparently you're ignorant of the fact an occupying power can not legally declare war on the civilian population it has a responsibility to protect.

Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza?

There is no occupation of any territory sovereign to the Islamic terrorists.

You’re simply cutting and pasting worn out slogans.
Because the Jews of Israel drove hundreds of thousands of Christians and Muslims from their homes in 1948, including hundreds of non-Jews living close to Gaza.

Sderot - Wikipedia.

"The Israeli Negev Brigade had depopulated the area on which Sderot would be built on the 2nd and 13th of May 1948, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, expelling the 422 Muslim farmers there who cultivated citrus, bananas and cereals. The latter were relocated in Gaza as refugees."

Nakba Day: What happened in Palestine in 1948?

How many more times are you going to spam the thread with the same cut and paste article from wiki?
Down from the 100K the MSM was harping about yesterday....Villainous scum all.

Blah, even if it's much less than that they will leave a small mountain of trash behind.
They always trash and destroy the places they go. You'd think a bunch of bed wetters who always piss and moan about the environment would be better stewards of it, but they're the greatest enemies of it.
Can't understand why Israel would feel the need to occupy land it stole in 1948 from its rightful inhabitants? If you're an American, try imagining how you would respond today if your grandparents had had their homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts plundered by illegal migrants from Europe in 1948. Would you respond with loving kindness within your heart towards your occupiers or would you resist?

One moment, please...

""Every year on May 15th, millions of Palestinians around the world commemorate the Nakba, or the catastrophe that befell them in 1948.

"This catastrophe resulted in the dispossession of an estimated 750,000 refugees from historic Palestine, and the uprooting of two-thirds of the Palestinian Arab population and their society in the process of the creation of the State of Israel..."
many southerners had their homes taken from them and they were run off from land their families had owned for generations..they didn't want to leave but FDR had other plans.

I missed your link for what you claim. Got one? Here's one you might read. you seem to have left need to know information out of yours.
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many southerners had their homes taken from them and they were run off from land their families had owned for generations..they didn't want to leave but FDR had other plans.

I missed your link for what you claim. Got one? Here's one you might read. you seem to have left need to know information out of yours.

They left voluntarily, believing the mighty Arab Mob posing as an 'army' would soon kill all the Jooz and they were going to return and plunder the remains. They were screaming at the King of Jordan to 'Do more to win!'; he came out to address the mobs of faux 'refugees' and told them where his recruiting office was and that they were free to sign up and fight, and almost none of the mob did. they slunk away and hid instead. So much for their 'commitment' to their own 'Cause'.

When the mighty army of Allah'' disintegrated into mobs of looters and rapists almost immediately after crossing the borders, with the singular exception of the Jordanians, and lost the war, the Palestinians were already getting free stuff for doing nothing and then refused to accept the new state, and have been squatting ever since, the best fed and clothed 'refugees' in world history, with zero incentive to sue for peace and every incentive to continue terrorism and gangsterism. The UN loves them.
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War happens.....spoils to victors.
That ethic died with the Nazis
Since the end of WWII acquisition of territory by force of arms is a violation of international law. Not that the Jews of Israel pay the slightest attention to such legal restrictions

Israeli crowds chant racist slogans, taunt Palestinians during Jerusalem Day march

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Thousands of Jewish nationalists, some of them chanting 'Death to Arabs' and other racist slogans, paraded on Thursday through the main Palestinian thoroughfare of Jerusalem’s Old City, in an annual display that caused new friction between Jews and Palestinians in the tense city."
My Leftest friends love the Palestinians and hate the Israelis.

My Righty friends love the Israelis and hate the Palestinians.

I think they are both Middle East turds and the US shouldn't have anything to do with either one of the bastards.
They expect 30,000 radical Hamas supporters to rally in Washington DC. I hope there is no violence.

Those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") enforcing sharia law
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
many southerners had their homes taken from them and they were run off from land their families had owned for generations..they didn't want to leave but FDR had other plans.

I missed your link for what you claim. Got one? Here's one you might read. you seem to have left need to know information out of yours.
Your link contains no reference to Plan Dalet which leads me to believe it's largely an apology for the ethnic cleansing committed by Jewish terrorists in 1948:

Plan Dalet - Wikipedia

"In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ('Avnir') received an order from Ben-Gurion who, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asking Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine.

"According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint, refined in subsequent adjustments (A,B,C) before it emerged in its final form as Plan Dalet over a decade later."

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