Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

Is that why no one in Gaza has stood up to or objected to their Hamas government?
Hamas isn't inflicting an illegal occupation on Gaza; Israel is.
Even so, Gazans had mixed feelings about another "war" with Israel:

Polls Show Majority of Gazans Were Against Breaking Ceasefire; Hamas and Hezbollah Unpopular Among Key Arab Publics

"According to the latest Washington Institute polling, conducted in July 2023, Hamas’s decision to break the ceasefire was not a popular move.

"While the majority of Gazans (65%) did think it likely that there would be 'a large military conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza' this year, a similar percentage (62%) supported Hamas maintaining a ceasefire with Israel."
I think you misunderstood my claim.

Here's an abbreviated list starting in Carthage (250 CE) and ending with the Holocaust between 1938-1945 CE; the Jews were NOT triumphant in any of these examples.

Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism

If the Jews of Israel continue with their current episode of ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they will likely loose the upcoming fight against the Persians, Arabs, and Turks; then what?
View attachment 855046
You call it ethnic cleansing, but of course that's just another buzz word being used by you on the left, so it's scoffed at and deservedly so.

Hamas jumped the shark, and it's not going so well for them or the people that believed in them.
Hamas isn't inflicting an illegal occupation on Gaza; Israel is.
Even so, Gazans had mixed feelings about another "war" with Israel:

Polls Show Majority of Gazans Were Against Breaking Ceasefire; Hamas and Hezbollah Unpopular Among Key Arab Publics

"According to the latest Washington Institute polling, conducted in July 2023, Hamas’s decision to break the ceasefire was not a popular move.

"While the majority of Gazans (65%) did think it likely that there would be 'a large military conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza' this year, a similar percentage (62%) supported Hamas maintaining a ceasefire with Israel."
Illegal occupation ? One that allowed arms, rockets, and everything it took to attack ISRAEL relentlessly from the territory of peace and tranquility ? That doesn't sound like a very good occupation to me.

Now why don't you stop with your pro-Hamas rhetoric and lying ? That would be very much appreciated 👍
So with all these posts, it would be safe to say you won't be going to too many Pro-Israel rally's?
I'd say it's likely that bed wetter would attend a Pro-Israel Rally.

In order to commit an act of terrorism. Regardless of their projectionism, embellishments and bullshit accusations, they're the harbingers of terror in US politics. They represent the criminals, traitors and enemies of the republic and even western civilization.

Someone as motivated and consumed with bed wetter dogma is either getting paid, or dedicated to a cause promoted and advanced ONLY THROUGH WICKED MEANS, and never to the benefit of the civilian population.
Israel is responding to an attack on their sovereign nation...I think they call it an act of war.
The problem is that bed wetters are programmed to believe they can be aggressive, hostile, physically attack people and destroy shit "for the people", thus giving them beyond divine powers that are above reproach.

Any resistance or response is to be condemned and crushed with prejudice.
You call it ethnic cleansing, but of course that's just another buzz word being used by you on the left, so it's scoffed at and deservedly so.

Hamas jumped the shark, and it's not going so well for them or the people that believed in them.
Israel is no shark since its biggest military successes in the last fifty years have come against rock-throwing children (many of whom currently rot in Jew jails without any charges).

The ethnic cleansing of Gaza has been a public part of Likud policy since 2014, at least:

Israeli Extremists Believe Now Is the Time to Deploy Their Ethnic Cleansing Plots.

"During the 2014 Gaza-Israel war Moshe Feiglin, who was then part of Likud and deputy chair of the Knesset, sent Netanyahu a public seven-point proposal for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

"He repeated the genocidal advocacy in 2018, according to quotes collated by campaigning news website Mondoweiss."
Israel is no shark since its biggest military successes in the last fifty years have come against rock-throwing children (many of whom currently rot in Jew jails without any charges).

The ethnic cleansing of Gaza has been a public part of Likud policy since 2014, at least:

Israeli Extremists Believe Now Is the Time to Deploy Their Ethnic Cleansing Plots.

"During the 2014 Gaza-Israel war Moshe Feiglin, who was then part of Likud and deputy chair of the Knesset, sent Netanyahu a public seven-point proposal for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

"He repeated the genocidal advocacy in 2018, according to quotes collated by campaigning news website Mondoweiss."

Those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") enforcing sharia law
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
Illegal occupation ? One that allowed arms, rockets, and everything it took to attack ISRAEL relentlessly from the territory of peace and tranquility ? That doesn't sound like a very good occupation to me.
"Which begs the question: How did Hamas amass the sheer amount of weaponry that enabled the group to pull off coordinated attacks that have left more than 1,200 people dead in Israel and thousands more injured – while continuing to rain rocket fire down on Israel?

"The answer, according to experts, is through a combination of guile, improvisation, tenacity and an important overseas benefactor."

A recent interview on "Judging Freedom" contains the allegation some of the rifles Hamas used on October 7th bear serial numbers revealing they came from Ukraine. :stir:
This means it can not legally declare war and murder civilians of the population it has a responsibility to protect.
Who says Israel has a responsibility to protect Gaza when they turned it over to self governance in 2006 when Hamas won elections (imagine that).
Who says Israel has a responsibility to protect Gaza when they turned it over to self governance in 2006 when Hamas won elections (imagine that).
Israel turned over the day-to-day administration of Gaza to Hamas in 2006 but maintained a near-total control over the population: (P.2/6)

"But while Israel is no longer responsible for the day-to-dayadministration of Gaza, it retains a good deal of control over the territory.

"The flow of people and goods into and out of Gaza is supervised by Israel, even along the Gaza-Egypt border.2

"Israel also controls the airspace above theterritory, patrols Gaza's coastline, bans the building of an airport or seaport, collects customs for the territory, and maintains a population registry for all of Gaza's residents. 3

"Most intrusively, the Israeli military creates sonic booms inthe skies above Gaza, fires artillery at targets in northern Gaza, and carries out targeted assassinations throughout the territory.4"
And why would that be?
For exactly the same reason Zionists have been ethnically cleansing Palestine for the last 75 years. Israeli Jews want a pure state; that means all non-Jews are pushed into Sinai or Jordan or murdered in their sleep.
For exactly the same reason Zionists have been ethnically cleansing Palestine for the last 75 years. Israeli Jews want a pure state; that means all non-Jews are pushed into Sinai or Jordan or murdered in their sleep.
Bullshit and you know it. What happened to the Jews for hundreds upon hundreds of years BEFORE 1947?
For exactly the same reason Zionists have been ethnically cleansing Palestine for the last 75 years. Israeli Jews want a pure state; that means all non-Jews are pushed into Sinai or Jordan or murdered in their sleep
The problem is that bed wetters are programmed to believe they can be aggressive, hostile, physically attack people and destroy shit "for the people", thus giving them beyond divine powers that are above reproach.

Any resistance or response is to be condemned and crushed with prejudice.
We have grown this problem in America sadly to untold numbers. How stupid or sold out have we been ? I guess we need to ask Joe, and probably Bill Clinton, because this shite goes right on back through time now.

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