Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

How many of those toasted children you shed (crocodile) tears for were killed by the heroic IDF?

October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles - The Grayzone

"An Israeli woman named Yasmin Porat confirmed in an interview with Israel Radio that the military 'undoubtedly' killed numerous Israeli noncombatants during gun battles with Hamas militants on October 7. 'They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,' she stated, referring to Israeli special forces.

"As David Sheen and Ali Abunimah reported in Electronic Intifada, Porat described 'very, very heavy crossfire' and Israeli tank shelling, which led to many casualties among Israelis.

"While being held by the Hamas gunmen, Porat recalled, 'They did not abuse us. We were treated very humanely… No one treated us violently.'

"She added, 'The objective was to kidnap us to Gaza, not to murder us'".
GP said, "How many of those toasted children you shed (crocodile) tears for were killed by the heroic IDF?

All of them, silly. And it is quite sillier to project your (crocodile) tears on someone else who doesn't fit the crocodile specifications as well as you.

GP said. "They eliminated everyone, including the hostages."

Oh, yeah. They learned it from the suicide bombers who killed their families and a few Americans to get the maximum amount from the late Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq. Murder was profitable back in that day, wasn't it. :talk2hand:

Seems to me what goes around comes around, and it doesn't fit your weaponized narrative very well in the light of the truth I reminded you of.

Good night, everyone. :bigbed:I'm going to pray very earnestly for peace in the Middle East. If the polls hadn't been padded so fatly by people who hate the Flag, the Constitution, and America's history, President Trump could have continued on to bring peace on earth through strength and his fortunate-for-Americans ability to encourage people of all walks to do their best and receive rewards for doing their best that President Trump followed through with at minimal cost to the taxpayers. I'm so thankful that we have a chance to bring him back in 2024 to make world peace happen through strength and excellent negotiations. He's probably the only one in the world who will bring Russia and the Middle East to peaceful terms by encouraging them to shine the light on brotherhood for the rest of their lives so the world can have peace, not war; love, not hate; prosperity, not poverty, and gratitude to God for merely developing trust in God's power, not in weapons of mass destruction. This world has a choice, and America has the man who can make it happen, even if some of you can't stand him, I hope you will change your minds when he brings the joy of peace the almighty God had in mind for us when he presented Adam and Eve with Eden for a life of happiness and companionship. Y'all vote for President Trump. He knows what God expects of him, and he knows what to do by following God's only plan--peace, happiness, and good will to all men. God loves America, and he always has since George Washington begged him to make America the best country that ever blessed all of its neighbors on this planet. If peace will ever come to the planet, it will be because you gave President Trump the green light to make peace our future. Go with God, and he will bless you like never before. Amen!
Even worse.

It's insurrection or an invasion.

But if you think there isn't one Palestinian in that crowd you're not being realistic.

It doesn't matter who it is....they're waving the Palestinian flag over the White House, and I'd kill anyone who does that. That used to be my job. I swore to protect the US and the Constitution against all enemies 'FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC'.

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I'm reserving judgment hear since all the accounts I've read said they vandalized a fence and gate with red paint and pried open the gate but none got past the gate per the Secret Service. Another social media account of Palestinian protesters running into somebody's house was also misrepresented and was actually a 2020 video of BLM/ANTIFA going into somebody's house.

So the OP info may be right and the MSM is deliberately downplaying it or not. Sorting out the propaganda from actual fact is getting harder these days.
Apparently Palestinians have jumped over the White House Fence and are waving their flag over the people's house.

That should be an automatic deportation if not a long prison sentence.

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When Trump was hounded by media ater protests and he said "there are good people on both sides" the media destroyed him. Will they ask this administration their opinion of the anti-Semitic protesters?
I'm reserving judgment hear since all the accounts I've read said they vandalized a fence and gate with red paint and pried open the gate but none got past the gate per the Secret Service. Another social media account of Palestinian protesters running into somebody's house was also misrepresented and was actually a 2020 video of BLM/ANTIFA going into somebody's house.

So the OP info may be right and the MSM is deliberately downplaying it or not. Sorting out the propaganda from actual fact is getting harder these days.
if they were wearing maga hats it would be broadcasting over all the msm channels and dems would be calling for an armed response .

Protesters at White House call for elimination of Jewish state​

ain't that lovely?:rolleyes:

Today, 2:59 am
A crowd of protesters from a pro-Palestinian rally earlier today in Washington have marched to the gate of the White House, where they are filmed chanting, “We don’t want a Jewish state. We want ‘48!”
The chant is a reference to the year 1948, when five Arab armies attacked the fledgling state of Israel seeking its destruction.

I'm reserving judgment hear since all the accounts I've read said they vandalized a fence and gate with red paint and pried open the gate but none got past the gate per the Secret Service. Another social media account of Palestinian protesters running into somebody's house was also misrepresented and was actually a 2020 video of BLM/ANTIFA going into somebody's house.

So the OP info may be right and the MSM is deliberately downplaying it or not. Sorting out the propaganda from actual fact is getting harder these days.

When it comes to give them a foot and they'll take a mile.

They're taking a dump on our country and they need to be smacked down hard or this will never end well.

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