Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

The Palestinians have been on the forefront of PR/propaganda campaigns in Israel since the 1960's. Before that they were instrumental in destabilizing Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan (which got them tossed out from these countries)

But in the 60's Americans with movie cameras and news cameras broadcast their propaganda around the world. The "Palestinians " got to reach a much wider audience and it was effective for their fundraising and hatred of Jews.

They have gone with what works. Of course it is all lies and extreme exaggerations. But that's what propaganda is about.

The jew hatred on the forum is a reflection of that. Nevermind reality-based truth of the Hospitals and libraries and schools the Jews build in every city they create a community in....the infrastructure their own governments won't support or fund. They believe the propaganda of hate. It's easy to hate farm and grow a huge harvest.
Tragic, and true. What is the end goal?

I never thought this would happen in America, but it is largely a result of unvetted ”immigrants” who have no wish to adopt American values.
Yes, I believe this level of irrational and visceral hatred is demonic; ie, of Satan. I understand you might not believe in Satan, and that's fine. But it's very clear to me.
So, for the purposes of discussion, is Satan more powerful than Gd? Why would He allow it? Surely you don’t think Gd wants Jews exterminated?
Satan has dominion over the Earth.
Who else could be responsible?

According to Judaism Satan is an anthropomorphic representation of behavior and attitudes that are in opposition to God. IOW satan is people.
According to Judaism Satan is an anthropomorphic representation of behavior and attitudes that are in opposition to God. IOW satan is people.
So Satan is the bad side of people? This will be a good question to ask my rebbetzin when I see her this week.
So, for the purposes of discussion, is Satan more powerful than Gd? Why would He allow it? Surely you don’t think Gd wants Jews exterminated?

God does not want Jews exterminated.

For God to not allow Satan any leeway at all, He would have had to smoke Adam and Eve right in the Garden. But He didn't. He concluded it was worth it.
So, for the purposes of discussion, is Satan more powerful than Gd? Why would He allow it? Surely you don’t think Gd wants Jews exterminated?
Nope....not even after several inquisitions and exterminations has it happened.

Jews are a "Nation of priests" to testify about God and always will be until the end of time.
Nope....not even after several inquisitions and exterminations has it happened.

Jews are a "Nation of priests" to testify about God and always will be until the end of time.
Yes, and that is what they were Chosen for.
So Satan is the bad side of people? This will be a good question to ask my rebbetzin when I see her this week.
This is God we are talking about....where even a false but accurate shadow of His Chair is more than Holy enough to kill.
Nothing that is in opposition to God can exist in Heaven.
So, for the purposes of discussion, is Satan more powerful than Gd? Why would He allow it? Surely you don’t think Gd wants Jews exterminated?
It all works out to His purpose.

You likely will hate me for saying this, but God ALLOWED Hitler because prophecy had to be fulfilled -- a Jewish State. Jews were comfortable in Europe and thought they were citizens until they weren't.

All the world will go through what happened once again. America won't because safe haven this time. The prophecies of the Last Days are almost here

The "Time of Jacob's Trouble" is coming
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It all works out to His purpose.

You likely will hate me for saying this, but God ALLOWED Hitler because prophecy had to be fulfilled -- a Jewish State. Jews were comfortable is Europe and thought they were citizens until they weren't.

All the world will go through what happened once again. America won't because safe haven this time. Th prophecies of the Last Days are almost here

The "Time of Jacob's Trouble" is coming
I don’t hate you for saying that….I just don’t believe it.
So Satan is the bad side of people? This will be a good question to ask my rebbetzin when I see her this week.
Christians see Satan as a being. He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven.

He rules the earth until the Messiah comes
The part I meant I don’t believe was about the last days.
I found a book in The Bible called Zephaniah, I think it applies to now,

Not sure about the Ethiopia thing, though.

It's very short if you wanna read it.
Tragic, and true. What is the end goal?

I never thought this would happen in America, but it is largely a result of unvetted ”immigrants” who have no wish to adopt American values.

this is the goal of the democrats. Cloward and Piven, Marx, all of their socialist saints pushed to get this done....and their High Priest, obama, is still doing his part to make it happen. Does anyone really think biden is in control of that White HOuse?

What happens when these hamas agents here in the U.S. decide to actually storm the White House? How soon after will they be telling us that whatever the Secret Service does to stop them is genocide against the hamas agents?

It is time to stop all immigration into the U.S. so that hopefully President Desantis can fix this problem.
Many of the Satan worshipers claim God doesn't exist....but if Satan exists so does God.

And that is why Satan hides from plain sight. Showing himself will confirm the truth of the existence of God, making it harder for some to doubt the existence of God.....of course, as Dennis Prager would point out, even if the existence of God was completely evident for all to see you would still have leftists denying him.

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