Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

It all works out to His purpose.

You likely will hate me for saying this, but God ALLOWED Hitler because prophecy had to be fulfilled -- a Jewish State. Jews were comfortable in Europe and thought they were citizens until they weren't.

All the world will go through what happened once again. America won't because safe haven this time. The prophecies of the Last Days are almost here

The "Time of Jacob's Trouble" is coming Jesus said, no one knows when he will return, and the world has been through horrible things before......he may show up, he may not, but we won't know when.
this is the goal of the democrats. Cloward and Piven, Marx, all of their socialist saints pushed to get this done....and their High Priest, obama, is still doing his part to make it happen. Does anyone really think biden is in control of that White HOuse?

What happens when these hamas agents here in the U.S. decide to actually storm the White House? How soon after will they be telling us that whatever the Secret Service does to stop them is genocide against the hamas agents?

It is time to stop all immigration into the U.S. so that hopefully President Desantis can fix this problem.
I tell ya one thing, these protests are not organic, someone is funding them and organizers are getting paid.
I didn't bother to watch the rally but news reports said the crowd was smaller than expected.
"Answer Coalition" is one of the organizers. Think the FBI will check them out at all?
I tell ya one thing, these protests are not organic, someone is funding them and organizers are getting paid.
The same Arabs that have been donating big bucks to liberal universities to get them to adopt the anti-Israel beliefs.
I tell ya one thing, these protests are not organic, someone is funding them and organizers are getting paid.

And follow the money you will find democrats and george soros....

The left since 1917 has tried to take over around the world....the only thing that stoped their advance was the U.S. They are now trying to take us out of their way
And follow the money you will find democrats and george soros....

The left since 1917 has tried to take over around the world....the only thing that stoped their advance was the U.S. They are now trying to take us out of their way
That’s why they pulled out all the stops to prevent Trump from remaining in office.
"Answer Coalition" is one of the organizers. Think the FBI will check them out at all?

The FBI is likely in that crowd with their faces
covered jist like Jan. can bet antifa and blm are therw too. Democrat party brown shirts are there in force
Nope....not even after several inquisitions and exterminations has it happened.

Jews are a "Nation of priests" to testify about God and always will be until the end of time.
Jews and Catholics......two of the worst religions when it comes to human rights on the planet....coming in second and third to Islam.
They expect 30,000 radical Hamas supporters to rally in Washington DC. I hope there is no violence.

Yeah, that's what Biden needs now, yet another one of his failures to blow up in him and Obama's face. The losing just keeps on rolling for Biden and his hinchmen.

Update - After reading further, I see that Biden and his crew have dodged yet another disaster in the making
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So you are a Jew hater too eh ??
No. I feel an inherent kinship with them.
However, Jews murdered Jesus.....and I can't forgive them for that.
And Jews helped the Nazis off 6 million Jews.
I can't forgive them for that.
Right now much of the problems in Hollywood can be traced back to Jews.

My point is.....not all Jews are bad and not all Catholics are bad and not all Muslims are bad.....and not all people are bad. But being bad seems to be something we learn early in life. Being good is more difficult than being bad. It's something we learn or we don't learn.
Your upbringing has a lot to do with whether you will be good or bad.
And if you spent your childhood in an abusive family or school environment it's quite easy to pass that along.
No. I feel an inherent kinship with them.
However, Jews murdered Jesus.....and I can't forgive them for that.
And Jews helped the Nazis off 6 million Jews.
I can't forgive them for that.
Right now much of the problems in Hollywood can be traced back to Jews.

My point is.....not all Jews are bad and not all Catholics are bad and not all Muslims are bad.....and not all people are bad. But being bad seems to be something we learn early in life. Being good is more difficult than being bad. It's something we learn or we don't learn.
Your upbringing has a lot to do with whether you will be good or bad.
And if you spent your childhood in an abusive family or school environment it's quite easy to pass that along.
Good Post, so I guess it's more about pointing out bad verses good in people without labeling the entire group.

Jewish leadership (not all), and it's people (not all), were forgiven when Jesus said to the Father in heaven "forgive them father, for they know not what they do". What came to pass was written, and was prophesied by the baptist and the Christ himself, so the events were to take place in sequence as it's intent was to save man from himself, and woman along with him.

Yes, their were those who remained defiant and confused, and their were those who were saved that very day as they weeped at the cross for our Lord. He has risen Amen.
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I'm not a Democrat.
Some Democrats tend to assign guilt to an entire group.
This is a Marxist tactic.

However I think all Florida Gator fans suck ass.
What about the 'Noles, though?

I go into Gator Country wearing a 'Noles hat. :D
It may seem like Washington D.C. is a long way from the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza but Islamic terrorism knows no passage of time or geographic boundaries. These retrogrades from the 7th century have held a grudge that has not diminished over time.

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Call for ‘Intifada’ Against Israel in Washington D.C.


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