Pro-Russian Protesters Declare Eastern Ukraine a Separatist Republic…

The book was written about how to respond to the situation in Ukraine decades ago. Ukraine is not a NATO country and the USA doesn't have the moral or legal right to do more than follow the book (contingency) that has already been written and approved by it's NATO allies. It is surprising and a bit confusing that the OP, a 5th SFG veteran would suggest actions that don't adhere to the contingency plans.
It's turning out to be a civil war in a non NATO country. Russian troops will be occupiers the same way they are in Crimea. They will be foriegn troops supporting one side of the civil war. You would think the OP who is a SF veteran would have some tactical knowledge in regards to civil wars. Maybe he forgot what he learned?

I've never forgotten......

We fight and die to win a War and dimocrap scum come along to give our victory away.

One consolation...... We sure as FUCK killed a lot of communists.

And we got a lot more targets these days.

It just seems like you maybe are forgetting the language and what should come out of your pocket.
How many times can the right be wrong? As many times as it fits their political agenda...

OIL production in the United States rose by a record 992,000 barrels a day in 2013, the International Energy Agency estimated this week.

U.S. oil production hits highest level since 1989
New data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that U.S. crude oil U.S. Oil Production Hits 25 Year Highproduction is at its highest levels since 1989. December 2013 posted an impressive monthly average of 7.9 million bpd. For 2013, average oil production reached 7.5 million barrels per day. That was 967,000 bpd higher than 2012, a massive jump. The 15% annual increase in production is the largest since 1940.

U.S. Oil Production Hits 25 Year High

Must be those fracking Republicans...

Thing is sparky, the PPB is still very high, which gives countries like Iran and Russia a solid income. IF we wish to contain them, then the most effective way is to EXPORT enough oil that the GLOBAL PPB drops. That means the Keystone pipeline, drilling the Gulf, reopening the wilderness exploration, etc.
How many times can the right be wrong? As many times as it fits their political agenda...

OIL production in the United States rose by a record 992,000 barrels a day in 2013, the International Energy Agency estimated this week.

U.S. oil production hits highest level since 1989
New data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that U.S. crude oil U.S. Oil Production Hits 25 Year Highproduction is at its highest levels since 1989. December 2013 posted an impressive monthly average of 7.9 million bpd. For 2013, average oil production reached 7.5 million barrels per day. That was 967,000 bpd higher than 2012, a massive jump. The 15% annual increase in production is the largest since 1940.

U.S. Oil Production Hits 25 Year High

Must be those fracking Republicans...

Thing is sparky, the PPB is still very high, which gives countries like Iran and Russia a solid income. IF we wish to contain them, then the most effective way is to EXPORT enough oil that the GLOBAL PPB drops. That means the Keystone pipeline, drilling the Gulf, reopening the wilderness exploration, etc.

Kinda hard to do since during the Bush administration oil companies and refiners were allowed to conglomerate, then the price of fuel doubled....
When Reagan deregulated it was good for consumers but people like my Grandparents lost the farm due to investment in Phillips petroleum....when the bottom fell out.. sent Okiehoma into recession yet again,so I went on active duty due to the severe lack of work after deregulation..
How many times can the right be wrong? As many times as it fits their political agenda...

OIL production in the United States rose by a record 992,000 barrels a day in 2013, the International Energy Agency estimated this week.

U.S. oil production hits highest level since 1989
New data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that U.S. crude oil U.S. Oil Production Hits 25 Year Highproduction is at its highest levels since 1989. December 2013 posted an impressive monthly average of 7.9 million bpd. For 2013, average oil production reached 7.5 million barrels per day. That was 967,000 bpd higher than 2012, a massive jump. The 15% annual increase in production is the largest since 1940.

U.S. Oil Production Hits 25 Year High

Must be those fracking Republicans...

Thing is sparky, the PPB is still very high, which gives countries like Iran and Russia a solid income. IF we wish to contain them, then the most effective way is to EXPORT enough oil that the GLOBAL PPB drops. That means the Keystone pipeline, drilling the Gulf, reopening the wilderness exploration, etc.

fracking has been around since the 1930's, the only thing stopping it before was low fuel prices...
Another voice for capitulation.

No. Just pointing out that we are backing an illegal government that was not elected by the people of the Ukraine. And we are openly and brazenly doing so.
All the governments that took power in E.Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union were equally "illegal." Vanukovich was a corrupt tyrant who subverted the law and the will of the people. Now Russia is doing the same.

Subverted the law and the will of the people? How so? He was elected in a fair battle for the Presidency. The voters knew he was pro Russian on many issues. They voted with full knowledge of his platform and his party's platform.

Corruption? Only allegations. Tyrant? No tyrant would sign an agreement like he signed in February before the coup.

Ukraine president, opposition sign EU-brokered agreement on ending crisis
Published time: February 21, 2014 14:05
Edited time: February 21, 2014 21:51
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Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovich and opposition leaders have signed an EU brokered agreement on ending the political crisis in the country.

The Ukrainian opposition representatives included the leader of the UDAR political party, Vitaly Klitschko, the head of the Batkivshchyna opposition party, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and the leader of the nationalist Svoboda opposition party, Oleg Tyagnibok.

The breakthrough agreement was witnessed by EU foreign ministers who brokered the deal, including Poland’s Radoslaw Sikorski and Germany’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier, as well as Director at the Continental Europe Department of the French Foreign Ministry, Eric Fournier.

Russia’s Human Rights Commissioner Vladimir Lukin, who was present at the negotiations, noted the positive dynamic of the talks.

"We got acquainted with our partners’ position, and now we understand it," he said. However, he added that “the biggest difficulty is that the situation is constantly changing" and there is no clarity as to who will fulfill the agreements and how.

On Friday, Yanukovich announced early presidential elections and the return to the constitution of 2004, which limits presidential powers and widens the parliament’s authority. Ukraine’s Parliament has already adopted a law restoring the constitution of 2004 with 386 MP’s voting in favor.

Ukraine president, opposition sign EU-brokered agreement on ending crisis ? RT News
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So we will see libs and narco-libs proclaiming "We have no real options here." Or "Ukraine just isn't in our interest." Which begs the question, what is in our interest? If we do not stop Putin now we will be fighting him in Germany. The libs/narcos will give away all of Eastern Europe. As long as they can have gay marriage and legal pot it's all good.

And cueing the "warmonger" meme in 3...2...1...

So, as usual, you got nothing.
Now here's where the muscle in the coup openly talked about this overthrow. You know. The guys that the new President is afraid of. You know calling them terrorists. They were good enough for him to seize power back then. Not now.

Leader of far-right group Right Sector, Dmitri Yarosh, told the protesters at Maidan Square Friday that the deal reached between the president and the opposition is not acceptable.

Yarosh said that his group will not be putting down their arms until President Viktor Yanukovich resigns. “The Right Sector will not lay down its arms.

The Right Sector will not remove the blockade of one of the government buildings until our most important requirement is fulfilled – the resignation of Yanukovich,” Unian quoted him as saying.

Ukraine president, opposition sign EU-brokered agreement on ending crisis ? RT News
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Our narco neo-cons, like The Rabbi, are bed wetters, so upset they can't do anything about the Ukrainians decisions in these matters. They were all praising Putin before, now the jerk wads are all whining.
Why not? Pro EU protesters overthrew the elected government in Kiev.

No they didn't. Ukraine Parliament impeached the Ukraine Pres. by a vote of 328 to 119. You're just regurgitating Putin propaganda.
Kinda hard to do since during the Bush administration oil companies and refiners were allowed to conglomerate, then the price of fuel doubled....

That's a ThinkProgress talking point alright - divorced from reality as it is. I mean, as the mindless shit the left puts out goes, that is pretty fucking stupid.

Look, Obamunists have ONE and ONLY ONE answer to anything - Blame Bush - but Bush isn't President, Obumbler is.

When Reagan deregulated it was good for consumers but people like my Grandparents lost the farm due to investment in Phillips petroleum....when the bottom fell out.. sent Okiehoma into recession yet again,so I went on active duty due to the severe lack of work after deregulation..

The Russians and Iranians lost most. Obama appears to be protecting their markets at present time.
obama just hates voting. All democrats do. Every election that doesn't result in what they want is fraudulent.

the Government in the Ukrainian was a duly elected government, then it was overthrown by rightwing fascist vermin in the last few months and not by any election. Get an education maybe you wouldn't publicly embarrass yourself with your ignorance

Maybe that "duly elected government" shouldn't have started to surpress the citizens' rights, cuddled up to Putin and shot protesters from rooftops.
And what would you have us do?

Wonder what our fearless leader will do when Putin invades Eastern Ukraine?

What would you have him do, specifically?

Neither one of you have a clue, do you?

This, right here ladies and gentlemen, is prima facie evidence why dimocrap scum should never hold the reins of power.

They're clueless. And stupid.

boys, if you gotta ask..... :dunno:

Step 1) Grow a pair....

Step 2) :lmao: Step 1 is never gonna happen so what's the point? :lmao:

And your answer is ...??

C'mon, you're always all show, no go.

how about you YOU grow a pair and answer.
It's turning out to be a civil war in a non NATO country. Russian troops will be occupiers the same way they are in Crimea. They will be foriegn troops supporting one side of the civil war. You would think the OP who is a SF veteran would have some tactical knowledge in regards to civil wars. Maybe he forgot what he learned?

I've never forgotten......

We fight and die to win a War and dimocrap scum come along to give our victory away.

One consolation...... We sure as FUCK killed a lot of communists.

And we got a lot more targets these days.


How about just ONE example of that.

No, not your dumb ass opinion.


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