Pro Soccer players booed for taking a knee during National Anthem

Those who don't like the kneeling shouldn't watch. And ignore. It is that easy. I don't care what they do it doesn't affect my life. Or country.
Fuck off, your word games and pretending you did not mean what you obviously said are old, we have a few other posters that play that game. They are just as stupid as you.

I mean exactly what I say. If you have difficulty following, then go pay someone to help you.
No you don't you play games and pretend you don't you reply and then claim you didn't really mean what was being discussed.
Fuck off, your word games and pretending you did not mean what you obviously said are old, we have a few other posters that play that game. They are just as stupid as you.

I mean exactly what I say. If you have difficulty following, then go pay someone to help you.
No you don't you play games and pretend you don't you reply and then claim you didn't really mean what was being discussed.

Words have meaning. Learn them.
No you don't you play games and pretend you don't you reply and then claim you didn't really mean what was being discussed.

Well now I'm curious.

Did you misinterpret what I said? Exactly what part did I play word games with? I thought I was pretty clear about the woke thing.
I guess you guys can add soccer to all the things you're boycotting.

Maybe you guys can stick with ballet and synchronized swimming so that they don't hurt your delicate feelings.

if you are an anti-american piece of shit, you are my enemy. fuck them. all of them.

what part of that is confusing to you?

That's not confusing.

not wanting to celebrate assholes who are my enemy, is not about my "delicate feelings".

don't be an ass. if you want to side with the anti-american shits, expect hostility from patriotic Americans.

not ticket sales.

You seem upset.

anti-american assholes insulting the country during the national anthem, and their supporters pretending that there is something wrong with us, for being offended by their treasonous assholery?

yes, a little upset. as is called for.
This is ALOT to do about NOTHING. Don't watch good enough. They only want attention and imbeciles react so they get what they want.
yes, a little upset.

I thought so. You sounded upset.

what is it to you? why are you here, commenting on my natural response to anti-american assholes, being anti-american assholes?

Discussing the topic. Isn't that why we're all here?
No you are not you are playing games, denying when caught and parsing words, bug off moron. Leave the adults to discuss this.
yes, a little upset.

I thought so. You sounded upset.

what is it to you? why are you here, commenting on my natural response to anti-american assholes, being anti-american assholes?

Discussing the topic. Isn't that why we're all here?
No you are not you are playing games, denying when caught and parsing words, bug off moron. Leave the adults to discuss this.

I'm still not sure which words of mine are confusing you.

And I'm still not going anywhere. Feel free to keep whining about it though.
yes, a little upset.

I thought so. You sounded upset.

what is it to you? why are you here, commenting on my natural response to anti-american assholes, being anti-american assholes?

Discussing the topic. Isn't that why we're all here?

my feelings are not the topic.

so, why are you asking about them? do you have a point to make? or are you just going to dance around it?
yes, a little upset.

I thought so. You sounded upset.

what is it to you? why are you here, commenting on my natural response to anti-american assholes, being anti-american assholes?
Hating America and Americans comes natural for the Communist Democrats :smoke:

seems that way. they spend so much time attacking America, and/or the very idea of patriotism,

and then they act as though we are being unreasonable when we mention or reference the fact that they are anti-americans.
yes, a little upset.

I thought so. You sounded upset.

what is it to you? why are you here, commenting on my natural response to anti-american assholes, being anti-american assholes?

Discussing the topic. Isn't that why we're all here?

my feelings are not the topic.

so, why are you asking about them? do you have a point to make? or are you just going to dance around it?

Just making an observation.
yes, a little upset.

I thought so. You sounded upset.

what is it to you? why are you here, commenting on my natural response to anti-american assholes, being anti-american assholes?

Discussing the topic. Isn't that why we're all here?

my feelings are not the topic.

so, why are you asking about them? do you have a point to make? or are you just going to dance around it?

Just making an observation.

do you agree that someone who would kneel during the national anthem is an anti-american piece of shit,

or are you here to side with the anti-american pieces of shit?
Count me as one who could care less if they kneel or not. I don't watch sports for the anthem. I don't watch pro soccer. They have ZERO affect on the nation. Learn to ignore. I'm on neither side. Fathom that.

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