‘Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Donors, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers

Well, sparky, give us some credible links showing where Liberals are violating similar 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status - while keeping in mind this thread is about a rightwing CHARITY that has funneled millions to Tea Party groups.

With all due respect to you, I will not play this game that partisans of all stripes have played in the past.

You make a thread emphasizing your dismay with the political Right over IRS issues, yet you are quiet about anything the political Left has done regarding the same.

My contention is that neither political party is inexplicably innocent in affairs regarding the IRS. That is the truth of the matter. To disagree with that, you'd have to be arguing that the political Left is absolutely innocent in all matters regarding the IRS. If you do think that, I question whether you'd actually believe it. I think you should open your mind and acknowledge that neither party is innocent on so many issues.

This is a mindless approach...both sides do bad things so let's never talk about bad things either side does???

What the hell, is there some mandatory rule that in order to post something negative about Republicans you need to post something negative about Democrats??? If thats the case then going both ways everyone is failing miserably.
I don't how people stand you progressives... You don't give a shit about what they do for the troops, you just hope to bring them down because you're the most hateful people in this country....I hope they sue whoever it is putting this out and it's proven to be nothing BUT SLANDER

Move America Forward has nothing to do with the Tea Party

they can sue the dailybest, huffingtonpost , Jakie and Lakoota out of existence as far I'm concerned

Are you really that fucking dumb? Seriously?

what the hell is it to you who they support? you just care about smearing them and fuck the troops if they get in your way doing it...you really are a miserable hateful puke. that's all you bring on here , HATE AND you vulgar mouth while talking out of your ass

Until you've worn a uniform and put your ass on the line, STFU with that line of partisan crap. That bunch of grifters are the ones deserving of your ire! THEY'RE THE ONES USING THOSE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AS PAWNS.

To protect those crooks while evoking the troops as YOUR PAWN to make a partisan point makes you no better that the crooks in that respect.
Well, sparky, give us some credible links showing where Liberals are violating similar 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status - while keeping in mind this thread is about a rightwing CHARITY that has funneled millions to Tea Party groups.

With all due respect to you, I will not play this game that partisans of all stripes have played in the past.

You make a thread emphasizing your dismay with the political Right over IRS issues, yet you are quiet about anything the political Left has done regarding the same.

My contention is that neither political party is inexplicably innocent in affairs regarding the IRS. That is the truth of the matter. To disagree with that, you'd have to be arguing that the political Left is absolutely innocent in all matters regarding the IRS. If you do think that, I question whether you'd actually believe it. I think you should open your mind and acknowledge that neither party is innocent on so many issues.

This is a mindless approach...both sides do bad things so let's never talk about bad things either side does???

What the hell, is there some mandatory rule that in order to post something negative about Republicans you need to post something negative about Democrats??? If thats the case then going both ways everyone is failing miserably.

NaziCons like to pretend they're taking the high road. I love it when they get all pious and self-righteous.
Well, sparky, give us some credible links showing where Liberals are violating similar 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status - while keeping in mind this thread is about a rightwing CHARITY that has funneled millions to Tea Party groups.

With all due respect to you, I will not play this game that partisans of all stripes have played in the past.

You make a thread emphasizing your dismay with the political Right over IRS issues, yet you are quiet about anything the political Left has done regarding the same.

My contention is that neither political party is inexplicably innocent in affairs regarding the IRS. That is the truth of the matter. To disagree with that, you'd have to be arguing that the political Left is absolutely innocent in all matters regarding the IRS. If you do think that, I question whether you'd actually believe it. I think you should open your mind and acknowledge that neither party is innocent on so many issues.

This is a mindless approach...both sides do bad things so let's never talk about bad things either side does???

What the hell, is there some mandatory rule that in order to post something negative about Republicans you need to post something negative about Democrats??? If thats the case then going both ways everyone is failing miserably.

oh please, save the lectures
these are allegations being made against this group...Lakhota and his left wing sites doesn't need anything more than that...they haven't been charged with any CRIME buttthey still post this crap....and like I said, we have people in congress that are tax cheats and this is what the left thinks is more important and should have the IRS brought down on them
Are you really that fucking dumb? Seriously?

what the hell is it to you who they support? you just care about smearing them and fuck the troops if they get in your way doing it...you really are a miserable hateful puke. that's all you bring on here , HATE AND you vulgar mouth while talking out of your ass

Until you've worn a uniform and put your ass on the line, STFU with that line of partisan crap. That bunch of grifters are the ones deserving of your ire! THEY'RE THE ONES USING THOSE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AS PAWNS.

To protect those crooks while evoking the troops as YOUR PAWN to make a partisan point makes you no better that the crooks in that respect.

You don't know if that is true, HAVE they been charged with a crime?
until then you don't tell me to shut the fuck up..I've worked with the military for years, so you can just xxxxxxxxxx
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Gee, it looks like a certain poster is coming unhinged. Ahem, I mean more unhinged.
Gee, it looks like a certain poster is coming unhinged. Ahem, I mean more unhinged.

yeah you the troll are. but that's not new around here
You go on stirring up hate, that is your goal in life no matter how sad it is..but I hope you got your jollies off your hate thread, it's what you live for
you aren't worth the time...or the day
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what the hell is it to you who they support? you just care about smearing them and fuck the troops if they get in your way doing it...you really are a miserable hateful puke. that's all you bring on here , HATE AND you vulgar mouth while talking out of your ass

Until you've worn a uniform and put your ass on the line, STFU with that line of partisan crap. That bunch of grifters are the ones deserving of your ire! THEY'RE THE ONES USING THOSE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AS PAWNS.

To protect those crooks while evoking the troops as YOUR PAWN to make a partisan point makes you no better that the crooks in that respect.

You don't know if that is true, HAVE they been charged with a crime?
until then you don't tell me to shut the fuck up..I've worked with the military for years, so you can just xxxxxxxxxx

Let's see...has Obama or Hillary been charged with any crime in Benghazi? HMMMM....
Until you've worn a uniform and put your ass on the line, STFU with that line of partisan crap. That bunch of grifters are the ones deserving of your ire! THEY'RE THE ONES USING THOSE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AS PAWNS.

To protect those crooks while evoking the troops as YOUR PAWN to make a partisan point makes you no better that the crooks in that respect.

You don't know if that is true, HAVE they been charged with a crime?
until then you don't tell me to shut the fuck up..I've worked with the military for years, so you can just xxxxxxxxxx

Let's see...has Obama or Hillary been charged with any crime in Benghazi? HMMMM....

oh oh, weren't you just lecturing on something about that? and I believe they are OUR GOVRNMENT, this group has no bearing on anyone's life but you want to be led by the nose by lakhota, have at it
who care, you all can play with the hater troll. carry on
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First they need to make fake Democrat Donation sites...now they need to profiteer off military people in combat....makes you wonder if they really HAVE any real supporters besides the Kochs and their buddies.
In February 2013, Move America Forward announced an ambitious fundraising goal. The charity, launched in part by one of the most prominent figures in the Tea Party movement, had adopted the 800 Marines in a battalion fighting in Afghanistan and wanted to send them all care packages.

"For some troops, these care packages are the only mail they will receive all year," the group said in one email solicitation.

The charity later described the fundraising drive as a rousing success: In less than five weeks, all 800 Marines in a 1st Marine Division battalion nicknamed Geronimo were sent care packages and notes in Afghanistan, it claimed.

But that couldn't have been true. The Marines of Geronimo weren't even in Afghanistan during Move America Forward's fund drive. Instead, they were deployed more than 3,000 miles away, in Okinawa, Japan.

Move America Forward calls itself the nation's "largest grassroots pro-troop organization," and has recruited a bevy of Republican luminaries, including former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, to support its efforts.

Yet an examination of its fundraising appeals, tax records and other documents shows that Move America Forward has repeatedly misled donors and inflated its charitable accomplishments, while funneling millions of dollars in revenue to the men behind the group and their political consulting firms.

In several instances, the charity has taken images and stories from other groups and from veterans themselves without permission to use in fundraising appeals.

Last year, Move America Forward even solicited funds by claiming a partnership with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the largest hospital for wounded service members in the country. No such partnership existed, Defense Department officials say.

The charity's funds and other assets also appear to have been used to subsidize three conservative political action committees, records show.

MUCH MORE: 'Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Donors, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers

Exclusive: 'Pro-Troop' Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

Moving America Forward: The pro-troop charity that happens to give millions of dollars to "Tea Party" consultants.

'Pro-troop' conservative charity mainly exists to funnel money to Tea Party Express founder - U.S. Marine Corps News Today

This is yet another example why the IRS can't trust Conservatives not to misuse their tax-exempt status for political purposes.

I guess this explains why the crooks don't want the IRS to scrutinize them
Why is this in politics? What's up with this bullshit with threads in all the wrong places?
I don't understand why rightwingers aren't enraged that a pro-troop charity is screwing the troops.
In February 2013, Move America Forward announced an ambitious fundraising goal. The charity, launched in part by one of the most prominent figures in the Tea Party movement, had adopted the 800 Marines in a battalion fighting in Afghanistan and wanted to send them all care packages.

"For some troops, these care packages are the only mail they will receive all year," the group said in one email solicitation.

The charity later described the fundraising drive as a rousing success: In less than five weeks, all 800 Marines in a 1st Marine Division battalion nicknamed Geronimo were sent care packages and notes in Afghanistan, it claimed.

But that couldn't have been true. The Marines of Geronimo weren't even in Afghanistan during Move America Forward's fund drive. Instead, they were deployed more than 3,000 miles away, in Okinawa, Japan.

Move America Forward calls itself the nation's "largest grassroots pro-troop organization," and has recruited a bevy of Republican luminaries, including former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, to support its efforts.

Yet an examination of its fundraising appeals, tax records and other documents shows that Move America Forward has repeatedly misled donors and inflated its charitable accomplishments, while funneling millions of dollars in revenue to the men behind the group and their political consulting firms.

In several instances, the charity has taken images and stories from other groups and from veterans themselves without permission to use in fundraising appeals.

Last year, Move America Forward even solicited funds by claiming a partnership with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the largest hospital for wounded service members in the country. No such partnership existed, Defense Department officials say.

The charity's funds and other assets also appear to have been used to subsidize three conservative political action committees, records show.

MUCH MORE: 'Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Donors, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers

Exclusive: 'Pro-Troop' Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

Moving America Forward: The pro-troop charity that happens to give millions of dollars to "Tea Party" consultants.

'Pro-troop' conservative charity mainly exists to funnel money to Tea Party Express founder - U.S. Marine Corps News Today

This is yet another example why the IRS can't trust Conservatives not to misuse their tax-exempt status for political purposes.

I guess this explains why the crooks don't want the IRS to scrutinize them

Oh really?

If you read Lakhota's hit piece you would realize that they have been audited and there has been no issue to date.

Lakhota should have read the article herself.

Okey dokey left wing whackos. In the very article Lakhota has put up to smear this charity, the author states that the former director states unequivocably that they have been audited.

No problems to date. Let them be audited again if necessary. Let the chips fall where they may.

Right now though, this is just another bullshit thread by a bullshit poster who still has a mega lie in her/his/its sig line. Fuckhota wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and smacked it in the face.

The former executive director, Shawn Callahan, left in 2012 and does not seem to have been replaced. Callahan also didn’t respond to questions, although last year, he defended the group to ProPublica in an email and said Move America Forward had been audited recently by the IRS. (The IRS does not comment on individual taxpayers.)

“I personally oversaw the audit where I worked with the IRS as they went over every penny spent with a fine-tooth comb,” Callahan wrote in March 2013.

“As expected, they reported that we were in full compliance and all our expenditures were appropriate.”

Exclusive: ?Pro-Troop? Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

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