‘Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Donors, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers

Oh really?

If you read Lakhota's hit piece you would realize that they have been audited and there has been no issue to date.

Lakhota should have read the article herself.


Funny you don't say the same thing with Obama and Benghazi "no issue to date"
Sounds like serious prison time if these scammers are convicted.
what the hell is it to you who they support? you just care about smearing them and fuck the troops if they get in your way doing it...you really are a miserable hateful puke. that's all you bring on here , HATE AND you vulgar mouth while talking out of your ass

Until you've worn a uniform and put your ass on the line, STFU with that line of partisan crap. That bunch of grifters are the ones deserving of your ire! THEY'RE THE ONES USING THOSE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AS PAWNS.

To protect those crooks while evoking the troops as YOUR PAWN to make a partisan point makes you no better that the crooks in that respect.

You don't know if that is true, HAVE they been charged with a crime?
until then you don't tell me to shut the fuck up..I've worked with the military for years, so you can just xxxxxxxxxx

Sure you have honey! Just workin' your little fingers to the bone. That's why you can turn on those that stepped up and took the Oath so quickly, without a twinge, and push them around the board in your defense, right? That doesn't pass the smell test!

I have the same faith in those reports as your faith in the reports condemning anything to do with the Dems. Don't be such a bloody hypocrite!

I have seen so many people like you getting behind those in the service of our Nation, just to show how patriotic they are. Many people like you spit at me and my brothers when we came home 45+ years ago. But just 25 years later, the same people were cheering for the troops because it was in fashion and still is.

What you did was give away your true identity in that regard. You cheer the uniforms out of one side of your duplicitous mouth, but have no compunction to use the troops as a pawn attempting to gain an upper hand in an argument or for some other purpose. That is not at all different from what those Grifters did. Maybe they are guilty as Hell in a legal sense, and maybe not; that'll be up to the Courts eventually if prosecuted. But sweet cheeks you are nailed!
Okey dokey left wing whackos. In the very article Lakhota has put up to smear this charity, the author states that the former director states unequivocably that they have been audited.

No problems to date. Let them be audited again if necessary. Let the chips fall where they may.

Right now though, this is just another bullshit thread by a bullshit poster who still has a mega lie in her/his/its sig line. Fuckhota wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and smacked it in the face.

The former executive director, Shawn Callahan, left in 2012 and does not seem to have been replaced. Callahan also didn’t respond to questions, although last year, he defended the group to ProPublica in an email and said Move America Forward had been audited recently by the IRS. (The IRS does not comment on individual taxpayers.)

“I personally oversaw the audit where I worked with the IRS as they went over every penny spent with a fine-tooth comb,” Callahan wrote in March 2013.

“As expected, they reported that we were in full compliance and all our expenditures were appropriate.”

Exclusive: ?Pro-Troop? Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

Bullshit. I did read the whole story. Apparently you only cherry-picked. So, you believe it when a crook says he didn't do anything crooked? Let the Attorney General sort it out.
Funny how the article never actually supports the allegations it made, isn't it?

Maybe funny to you, but the article supports the allegations it made.

Would you like me to rub your pathetic excuse for logic in the fact that it doesn't?

Let us start with the actual source of the story, which you couldn't be bothered to provide a link to.

Pro-Troop Charity Misleads Donors While Lining Political Consultants? Pockets - ProPublica

Now that we have all the hyper-partisan nonsense out of the way, lets see what the partisan hacks actually have to say.

This is the core of everything they are accusing MAF of doing.

Yet an examination of its fundraising appeals, tax records and other documents shows that Move America Forward has repeatedly misled donors and inflated its charitable accomplishments, while funneling millions of dollars in revenue to the men behind the group and their political consulting firms.

Interesting, isn't it. Funny thing, the IRS has never actually seen any evidence of this, despite the fact that they audit groups like MAF every year. I wonder why.

Let us read a little further.

"I personally oversaw the audit where I worked with the IRS as they went over every penny spent with a fine-tooth comb," Callahan wrote in March 2013. "As expected, they reported that we were in full compliance and all our expenditures were appropriate."

Oops, I just pointed that out, yet Pro Publica says this has been going on for years. Perhaps the IRS is incompetent, which would directly counter everything you believe about the IRS. You seem to have a problem.

Reading further we find this.

According to its five most recent tax returns, Move America Forward paid out more than $2.3 million to Russo or Russo, Marsh and Associates for services including "program management and advertising." That's about 30 percent of the charity's overall expenditures over that time.

Wow, they pay for services rendered by other firms. I will admit that this doesn't look good, but it is hardly anything like what the story charged them with doing, is it?

All I see is a lot of vague allegations about questionable, yet IRS approved, ways of spending money. There is nothing anywhere that even hints that MAF is funneling funds to any PAC, which makes the entire premise of this thread absurd.

Want to point out what I got wrong, or are you just going to blither about evil Tea Party assholes?
Funny how the article never actually supports the allegations it made, isn't it?

Kornacki is doing this story on the Rachel Maddow show. Move America Forward is a disgrace, as are you for defending them.

I didn't defend anyone, I pointed out that the main complaint is based on whackadoodle nonsense. I know facts are something that never enter into your consideration, but they matter to the real world.
Until you've worn a uniform and put your ass on the line, STFU with that line of partisan crap. That bunch of grifters are the ones deserving of your ire! THEY'RE THE ONES USING THOSE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AS PAWNS.

To protect those crooks while evoking the troops as YOUR PAWN to make a partisan point makes you no better that the crooks in that respect.

You don't know if that is true, HAVE they been charged with a crime?
until then you don't tell me to shut the fuck up..I've worked with the military for years, so you can just xxxxxxxxxx

Sure you have honey! Just workin' your little fingers to the bone. That's why you can turn on those that stepped up and took the Oath so quickly, without a twinge, and push them around the board in your defense, right? That doesn't pass the smell test!

I have the same faith in those reports as your faith in the reports condemning anything to do with the Dems. Don't be such a bloody hypocrite!

I have seen so many people like you getting behind those in the service of our Nation, just to show how patriotic they are. Many people like you spit at me and my brothers when we came home 45+ years ago. But just 25 years later, the same people were cheering for the troops because it was in fashion and still is.

What you did was give away your true identity in that regard. You cheer the uniforms out of one side of your duplicitous mouth, but have no compunction to use the troops as a pawn attempting to gain an upper hand in an argument or for some other purpose. That is not at all different from what those Grifters did. Maybe they are guilty as Hell in a legal sense, and maybe not; that'll be up to the Courts eventually if prosecuted. But sweet cheeks you are nailed!

oh for crying loud. you don't know me or anyone else on this board. after 94 post you have some nerve..... so up can take your spew and choke on it. K
or give it to someone who might care
good gawd
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If you want to be fair, it's more likely that both political parties and partisans are at work with the IRS. One party may be working with the IRS more than the other, but I think both are. Pretending one wing is bad and the other blameless is corrupt, in my opinion.

The starting post in this thread is biased, because it's not coming from an open mind. It's the "Us-vs-Them" mentality, where Lakhota castigates the Right over the IRS... yet is starkly silent about the Left and the IRS. Does this give you the impression that Lakhota is being unbiased? If she is that biased, then it's fair to wonder what the worth of this thread is in the realm of fair political debate and discussion.

That's funny coming from a pretend doctor. Well, sparky, give us some credible links showing where Liberals are violating similar 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status - while keeping in mind this thread is about a rightwing CHARITY that has funneled millions to Tea Party groups.


IRS forms show charity's money isn't going to disabled vets - CNN.com

Spay Neuter HSUS Campaign - HSUS tax fraud

Terrified and Trying to Dodge the IRS, ALEC Hides Under Shadow Group

Pull your fucking head out of your fat ass.
You don't know if that is true, HAVE they been charged with a crime?
until then you don't tell me to shut the fuck up..I've worked with the military for years, so you can just xxxxxxxxxx

Sure you have honey! Just workin' your little fingers to the bone. That's why you can turn on those that stepped up and took the Oath so quickly, without a twinge, and push them around the board in your defense, right? That doesn't pass the smell test!

I have the same faith in those reports as your faith in the reports condemning anything to do with the Dems. Don't be such a bloody hypocrite!

I have seen so many people like you getting behind those in the service of our Nation, just to show how patriotic they are. Many people like you spit at me and my brothers when we came home 45+ years ago. But just 25 years later, the same people were cheering for the troops because it was in fashion and still is.

What you did was give away your true identity in that regard. You cheer the uniforms out of one side of your duplicitous mouth, but have no compunction to use the troops as a pawn attempting to gain an upper hand in an argument or for some other purpose. That is not at all different from what those Grifters did. Maybe they are guilty as Hell in a legal sense, and maybe not; that'll be up to the Courts eventually if prosecuted. But sweet cheeks you are nailed!

oh for crying loud. you don't know me or anyone else on this board. after 94 post you have some nerve..... so up can take your spew and choke on it. K
or give it to someone who might care
good gawd

I don't have to know someone to know a bogus argument they've made when I read one or to figure out a deception they have given away by their own words! Maybe 94 posts here, but do you really think this is my first rodeo? And yeah, I got some nerve based on experience. You're the one boasting the bona fides, sweets, so quit whining. It's a simple matter of admitting your error with some dignity and moving on. You'd get a heap of respect from me with that action! Like I said, your mistake was giving yourself away as a duplicitous hypocrite. And I'm thinking you do k k k k k care, or why would you even reply, DUH!
Come on, Cons, surely you have some rational justification for such illegal activity.

Dude, you and the Huffington post are proven liars. I haven't read these links and I won't. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. But you and your sources are proven liars, so that's why no one cares about your troll thread dumbass.

In other words, you have no valid argument.
I don't how people stand you progressives... You don't give a shit about what they do for the troops, you just hope to bring them down because you're the most hateful people in this country....I hope they sue whoever it is putting this out and it's proven to be nothing BUT SLANDER

Move America Forward has nothing to do with the Tea Party

they can sue the dailybest, huffingtonpost , Jakie and Lakoota out of existence as far I'm concerned

Are you really that fucking dumb? Seriously?

Yes, she is that dumb, and proves it constantly.
You think huffpufferpost, dailybeast and slate can sic the IRS on this dude? or get some rage over it at least ? naa, won't happen because he isn't Republican or conservative

Report: Race Hustler Al Sharpton And His Businesses Owe $4.7 Million In Tax Debt…


Taxes are racist.

Via Poughkeepsie Journal:

The Rev. Al Sharpton, along with his nonprofit National Action Network and two for-profit firms, have $4.7 million in outstanding debt and liens, according to federal and state tax records, the New York Post reported on Sunday.

Among the debts include $806,875 that Sharpton owes the state, along with $2.6 million in federal liens against him for unpaid personal income taxes, the Post stated.

Recent filings showed the National Action Network owed $813,576 to the federal government at the end of 2012, and his company Rev-Al Communications owes $447,826 to the state, while the Bo-Spanky Consulting firm has $18.21 in outstanding debt, according to the Post.

Sharpton told the Post he’s paying down the debts according to negotiated agreements.

all of it here:
Report: Race Hustler Al Sharpton And His Businesses Owe $4.7 Million In Tax Debt? | Weasel Zippers
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You think huffpufferpost, dailybeast and slate can sic the IRS on this dude? or get some rage over it at least ? naa, won't happen because he isn't Republican or conservative

Report: Race Hustler Al Sharpton And His Businesses Owe $4.7 Million In Tax Debt…


Taxes are racist.

Via Poughkeepsie Journal:

The Rev. Al Sharpton, along with his nonprofit National Action Network and two for-profit firms, have $4.7 million in outstanding debt and liens, according to federal and state tax records, the New York Post reported on Sunday.

Among the debts include $806,875 that Sharpton owes the state, along with $2.6 million in federal liens against him for unpaid personal income taxes, the Post stated.

Recent filings showed the National Action Network owed $813,576 to the federal government at the end of 2012, and his company Rev-Al Communications owes $447,826 to the state, while the Bo-Spanky Consulting firm has $18.21 in outstanding debt, according to the Post.

Sharpton told the Post he’s paying down the debts according to negotiated agreements.

all of it here:
Report: Race Hustler Al Sharpton And His Businesses Owe $4.7 Million In Tax Debt? | Weasel Zippers

It's interesting as to why you need to deflect from the topic of this thread.
I don't how people stand you progressives... You don't give a shit about what they do for the troops, you just hope to bring them down because you're the most hateful people in this country....I hope they sue whoever it is putting this out and it's proven to be nothing BUT SLANDER

Move America Forward has nothing to do with the Tea Party

they can sue the dailybest, huffingtonpost , Jakie and Lakoota out of existence as far I'm concerned

Are you really that fucking dumb? Seriously?

Yes, she is that dumb, and proves it constantly.

She's a government employee who hates the government lol. She's Ron from Parks and Recreation,

minus the brains and charming personality.
Sadly, the ones that will suffer from this hit piece is our troops.
well, here comes the SMEARS and using our vets to do it they could care less

and again they are suggesting THE IRS go after WE THE people for their Political vendettas

they did this same thing with Sean Hannity folks.

don't let these people ruin a good cause for their dirty hate politics against the Tea Party

you and Huffingtonpost all crawl lower than a snake

the hufferpufferpost and cult members should move to Iran, North Korea, China, none of you deserve to have Freedom

You didn't mention the link from the U.S. Marine Corps News. I guess you think Marines are snakes too?

?Pro-troop? conservative charity mainly exists to funnel money to Tea Party Express founder - U.S. Marine Corps News Today
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Sadly, the ones that will suffer from this hit piece is our troops.

Hey, dumbass, they've been suffering if this pro-troop charity has been screwing them. Don't you care?
I don't how people stand you progressives... You don't give a shit about what they do for the troops, you just hope to bring them down because you're the most hateful people in this country....I hope they sue whoever it is putting this out and it's proven to be nothing BUT SLANDER

Move America Forward has nothing to do with the Tea Party

they can sue the dailybest, huffingtonpost , Jakie and Lakoota out of existence as far I'm concerned

Are you really that fucking dumb? Seriously?

All the evidence I've seen seems to indicate yes.

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