Pro-Trump Christian Pastor Betrays Trump & Jesus & Calls Biden President-Elect


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"One of President Donald Trump’s top evangelical Christian allies, Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress, called Democrat Joe Biden’s victory a “bitter pill to swallow” for conservatives and said that while the result isn’t official, “it appears that he won -- 'It’s always easier to submit and to pray for someone when he was our preferred candidate. But the rubber really meets the road when the person who takes office is not the one we supported. Here is our chance to show that Christians are not hypocrites"

Christians are not hypocrites?? -- Being a hypocrite is a prerequisite to join any religion, what is he talking about? How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy like uttering demonic phrases like "President-Elect Biden"?? -- But this one statement he said is the worst:

“I don’t pretend to be an election expert,” he said by phone. “I trust that if there is that kind of fraud that it would be uncovered.”

Are you kidding?? What do you mean "if" there is any kind of fraud -- of course there is fraud, Trump said it is massive fraud unlike any other in the history of the universe (that's including the USSR and the Grammys) -- how can a guy have the faith and conviction to believe that God told people Trump will be president but not believe that there is wide scale voter fraud? Evidence is not necessary when you have faith...
I wasn't aware Jesus had voted. What state would he be registered in? Was he forced to show ID?...if not, he may have been here illegally. Time for an investigation of the son of God.

"One of President Donald Trump’s top evangelical Christian allies, Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress, called Democrat Joe Biden’s victory a “bitter pill to swallow” for conservatives and said that while the result isn’t official, “it appears that he won -- 'It’s always easier to submit and to pray for someone when he was our preferred candidate. But the rubber really meets the road when the person who takes office is not the one we supported. Here is our chance to show that Christians are not hypocrites"

Christians are not hypocrites?? -- Being a hypocrite is a prerequisite to join any religion, what is he talking about? How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy like uttering demonic phrases like "President-Elect Biden"?? -- But this one statement he said is the worst:

“I don’t pretend to be an election expert,” he said by phone. “I trust that if there is that kind of fraud that it would be uncovered.”

Are you kidding?? What do you mean "if" there is any kind of fraud -- of course there is fraud, Trump said it is massive fraud unlike any other in the history of the universe (that's including the USSR and the Grammys) -- how can a guy have the faith and conviction to believe that God told people Trump will be president but not believe that there is wide scale voter fraud? Evidence is not necessary when you have faith...
When did Jesus become part of the political process?
Betrays Trump and Jesus? That must have been written by the NYT or the WaPo
How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy
So, being a hypocrite is not a prerequisite to join?
You must be a hypocrite to be a good Christian....
You're contradicting yourself. Or maybe another way to say it is that you're a hypocrite.
I am not religious, so there is nothing to contradict....

But I definitely question a religion who thinks this is "scriptural"

By the way...have those Angels from Africa arrived to save Trump yet??
How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy
So, being a hypocrite is not a prerequisite to join?
You must be a hypocrite to be a good Christian....
You're contradicting yourself. Or maybe another way to say it is that you're a hypocrite.
I am not religious, so there is nothing to contradict....

But I definitely question a religion who thinks this is "scriptural"

By the way...have those Angels from Africa arrived to save Trump yet??

You have to be religious in order to make two contradicting statements about a religion?

Idiocy is the reason I tend to ignore you moonbats.
It was exciting for badger to post on atheism right after Trump’s post on
It was exciting for badger to post on atheism right after Trump’s post on

That either Christian's and atheist's very faithful set ...

Self utter how atheists believe politics target.

Believing Christian's believe Jesus and God the Lord.

Might oneself believe no Jesus and no God the Lord how is good give from the good ...

Because the good know the politics faith in Christian's.
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How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy
So, being a hypocrite is not a prerequisite to join?
You must be a hypocrite to be a good Christian....
You're contradicting yourself. Or maybe another way to say it is that you're a hypocrite.
I am not religious, so there is nothing to contradict....

But I definitely question a religion who thinks this is "scriptural"

By the way...have those Angels from Africa arrived to save Trump yet??

You have to be religious in order to make two contradicting statements about a religion?

Idiocy is the reason I tend to ignore you moonbats.

God isn't religious either by the way....

Religion is nothing but man 's attempt to be God on Earth......which is why the "moonbats" you speak of are so aligned on your side of the spectrum....

Both of you are sycophants for power so it makes sense
How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy
So, being a hypocrite is not a prerequisite to join?
You must be a hypocrite to be a good Christian....
You're contradicting yourself. Or maybe another way to say it is that you're a hypocrite.
I am not religious, so there is nothing to contradict....

But I definitely question a religion who thinks this is "scriptural"

By the way...have those Angels from Africa arrived to save Trump yet??

You have to be religious in order to make two contradicting statements about a religion?

Idiocy is the reason I tend to ignore you moonbats.

God isn't religious either by the way....

Religion is nothing but man 's attempt to be God on Earth......which is why the "moonbats" you speak of are so aligned on your side of the spectrum....

Both of you are sycophants for power so it makes sense

Mr nice some atheists believe not any gods and profits existed this atheists believe human's live only one time ...

I'm believe in politics and metal plus more music and hockey and have some to smoke ...
This was a funny OP. I confess I have an unusual sense of humor. The video provided of Donald Trump’s “spiritual advisor” — Paula White — was truly terrifying. I assume it has been edited for effect, but it is still horrifying. You need to watch this:

For the record, I’ve known many Christians — and members of other religions too — whom I respect as thoroughly good and decent people. Hypocrisy comes in all shapes, sizes & religions, and in both parties. But there is something truly scary about obsessive “religious belief” in our utterly disbelieving and amoral President Trump. I confess I despise most mega churches and all religious-political leaders like Dallas Pastor Robert Jefferss and snake oil saleswomen like Paula White.

All societies accept a certain level of hypocrisy. But it seems to me remarkably large elements in our society now accept a truly “Marvel Comic Book” level of hypocrisy.

Joe Biden is an ordinary hypocrite, a “modern Catholic” who holds to his religion for ... who knows what reasons? Family tradition? Political convenience? The comfort it has provided him when losing family members? All of the above? Biden surely has much to confess if he has an ounce of self-honesty and integrity. On the other hand, Trump’s blatant lies, his conduct and demeanor, his narcissistic braggadocio, these place him outside the parameters of “old fashioned” hypocrisy. The normal hypocrite pays homage to virtue, but virtuous conduct, like genuine moral or religious belief, is something completely alien to Trump.
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How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy
So, being a hypocrite is not a prerequisite to join?
You must be a hypocrite to be a good Christian....
You're contradicting yourself. Or maybe another way to say it is that you're a hypocrite.
I am not religious, so there is nothing to contradict....

But I definitely question a religion who thinks this is "scriptural"

By the way...have those Angels from Africa arrived to save Trump yet??

This woman is certifiably insane. No wonder she's in the White House. What was she chanting? The Constitution backwards? The notion that Jesus is somehow aligned with the Republican Party is ludicrous. The Christian religion certainly has its lunatic fringe.

I couldn't stomach watching the whole thing. Did she behead a chicken or something?

This woman is certifiably insane. No wonder she's in the White House. What was she chanting? The Constitution backwards? The notion that Jesus is somehow aligned with the Republican Party is ludicrous. The Christian religion certainly has its lunatic fringe.

I couldn't stomach watching the whole thing. Did she behead a chicken or something?

The amazing thing is Trump chose her to be his “spiritual advisor.” Of all the parsons and preachers in America, Trump chose this quack speaking in tongues. The video actually gets better, more political, more crazy over time. But no — no chicken. :disbelief:
How can you call yourself a follower of Christ when you are speaking blasphemy
So, being a hypocrite is not a prerequisite to join?
You must be a hypocrite to be a good Christian....
You're contradicting yourself. Or maybe another way to say it is that you're a hypocrite.
I am not religious, so there is nothing to contradict....

But I definitely question a religion who thinks this is "scriptural"

By the way...have those Angels from Africa arrived to save Trump yet??

Wow.. She's possessed.

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