Probe finds no proof of ‘racist or offensive statements’ by Covington Catholic students...

can't stop Tomahawk chops as i think they are free speech and expression Pogo .

Nobody even hinted that "you can stop" them or that they're not "free expression". Not AT ALL the point.

The point is what the nature of the message is that it sends. Especially in the presence of a Native American group. Are they free to make that statement? Of course they are. Does it say something about those who would choose to do so? Damn right it does.
-------------------------------------------- GOOD , and just so the kids can do the CHOP and peacefully smile . The 'indians' can also beat their widdle Drums Pogo .
can't stop Tomahawk chops as i think they are free speech and expression Pogo .

Nobody even hinted that "you can stop" them or that they're not "free expression". Not AT ALL the point.

The point is what the nature of the message is that it sends. Especially in the presence of a Native American group. Are they free to make that statement? Of course they are. Does it say something about those who would choose to do so? Damn right it does.
-------------------------------------------- GOOD , and just so the kids can do the CHOP and peacefully smile . The 'indians' can also beat their widdle Drums Pogo .

Well I'm sure they're grateful for that. To quote an old saying, "that's white of ya".
"The statements we obtained from students and chaperones are remarkably consistent," the investigators said. “And, the statements are consistent with the videos we reviewed."

That's true.

When everyone is telling the truth you get the truth.

Nick Sandmann is a modern-day Gandhi. He remained poised and dignified like blacks at a lunch counter while surrounded by obnoxious creeps hurling insults.

The Hill ^

An investigation into the viral encounter between students from Covington Catholic High School and a Native American man found the students' accounts to be largely accurate, according to findings released Wednesday.

Greater Cincinnati Investigations issued a report dated Feb. 11 that found no evidence that students from Covington Catholic made “offensive or racist” statements to either Black Hebrew Israelites or Native American tribe members gathered on the National Mall.

"The statements we obtained from students and chaperones are remarkably consistent," the investigators said. “And, the statements are consistent with the videos we reviewed."

The students were the subject of intense scrutiny after a short video clip went viral that showed students wearing "Make America Great Again" hats surrounding Native American Nathan Phillips as he played a traditional Native American drum. One student, Nicholas Sandmann, appeared to be in a standoff with Phillips.

Social media users, politicians and the Diocese of Covington were among those who initially condemned the boys’ actions. The students maintained that they were being respectful, and additional video footage and accounts emerged in the days that followed that showed Phillips had walked toward the student group amid broader tensions near the Lincoln Memorial.

Investigators found that, based on interviews with 43 students and 16 adult chaperones and hours of video and social media content, "none of the students felt threatened by Mr. Phillips and many stated they were 'confused.’"

The investigation found that some students performed a “tomahawk chop” to the beat of Phillips’ drum, and that the group did “school cheers” directed at the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Investigators attempted to interview Sandmann and Phillips, but were unsuccessful. Sandmann referred to a previously issued written statement on the matter, which investigators said "appears to accurately reflect the facts surrounding the interaction between the students and the Black Hebrew Israelites."

The report makes no recommendations to the school about future events or policies in the wake of the incident.

The Bishop of the Covington Diocese, Roger Foys, welcomed the report as vindication of the students' behavior, despite the diocese's initial condemnation of the events.

"In truth, taking everything into account, our students were placed in a situation that was at once bizarre and even threatening," Foys said in a statement. "Their reaction to the situation was, given the circumstances, expected and one might even say laudatory."
My question is why the time and money wasted on a study?

The same conclusions were reached by anyone who watched the videos and the videos proved those conclusions true beyond any question.

Of course there are still stupid fools like bwk and others lying about those kids because they are too childish to admit when they are wrong. But the facts prove they are liars.

You are correct that it's a waste of time and money to deploy a classic strawman. WHO claimed "Covington Catholic students are racists" in the first place?

Been posing that query for -- whatever it is, a month now. Have yet to get a single answer.

Always easy to find in the negative when there's nothing to disprove.

I love this desperate stretch of the OP though:

Nick Sandmann is a modern-day Gandhi. He remained poised and dignified like blacks at a lunch counter while surrounded by obnoxious creeps hurling insults.


Yyyyyeah I don't think you'll find Ghandi standing in front of the British army smirking. Or anything "dignified" about a smirk. The OP insults the memory of both Ghandi and the Greesnboro Four. None of them copped an attitude.
He did not smirk he smiled you idiotic sack of shit.

And many on this forum lied and called him a racist.

He was more respectful than anyone there including the dishonest Indian punk

And that is what you really hate.

No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
Well it's clear you are a racist pig but like all racists your claims are based on lies

The kids showed no disrespect and that is fact.

Others showed them great disrespect and they responded well.

Of course the video proves these facts and prove you a racist liar.
My question is why the time and money wasted on a study?

The same conclusions were reached by anyone who watched the videos and the videos proved those conclusions true beyond any question.

Of course there are still stupid fools like bwk and others lying about those kids because they are too childish to admit when they are wrong. But the facts prove they are liars.

You are correct that it's a waste of time and money to deploy a classic strawman. WHO claimed "Covington Catholic students are racists" in the first place?

Been posing that query for -- whatever it is, a month now. Have yet to get a single answer.

Always easy to find in the negative when there's nothing to disprove.

I love this desperate stretch of the OP though:

Nick Sandmann is a modern-day Gandhi. He remained poised and dignified like blacks at a lunch counter while surrounded by obnoxious creeps hurling insults.


Yyyyyeah I don't think you'll find Ghandi standing in front of the British army smirking. Or anything "dignified" about a smirk. The OP insults the memory of both Ghandi and the Greesnboro Four. None of them copped an attitude.
He did not smirk he smiled you idiotic sack of shit.

And many on this forum lied and called him a racist.

He was more respectful than anyone there including the dishonest Indian punk

And that is what you really hate.

No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
^ Someone clearly hasnt watched the actual footage.

You should do that then.
He meant you dumbass you are still lying like the miserable coward you have always been
He did not smirk he smiled you idiotic sack of shit.

And many on this forum lied and called him a racist.

He was more respectful than anyone there including the dishonest Indian punk

And that is what you really hate.

No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
^ Someone clearly hasnt watched the actual footage.

You should do that then.
Oh i have. Im very well versed on this incident. Do you have any questions about it? If so, ask away.

Did you watch the full video, or the edited version put out by boy's PR firm? They are two quite different things.
They have no pr firm and all of the videos prove you a liar.
He did not smirk he smiled you idiotic sack of shit.

And many on this forum lied and called him a racist.

He was more respectful than anyone there including the dishonest Indian punk

And that is what you really hate.

No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
^ Someone clearly hasnt watched the actual footage.

You should do that then.
Oh i have. Im very well versed on this incident. Do you have any questions about it? If so, ask away.

Oh I already did, as soon as the kerfuffle started. And I have yet to get Answer One.

--- which is kinda what I expected but I put the challenge out there just in case something slipped by me.

Fatter o' mact I was the first one, maybe the only one, to note the woman bystander chiding the boys that they were "acting like a mob".
You are a liar you have in fact been answered many times over
No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
^ Someone clearly hasnt watched the actual footage.

You should do that then.
Oh i have. Im very well versed on this incident. Do you have any questions about it? If so, ask away.

Did you watch the full video, or the edited version put out by boy's PR firm? They are two quite different things.
They have no pr firm and all of the videos prove you a liar.

You're the one lying here, bucko:

Louisville PR firm played a key role in Covington Catholic controversy

Notice that the PR firm was instrumental in releasing "extended video", not the "entire video". Both the video and the statements released were prepared by the PR firm to support the story they were trying to tell.

The Washington Post and the native groups are commenting on the entire video which they viewed.

The private school, and their PI's didn't interview ANYONE outside of the students and their chaperones, so their report is based on the interviews with the students and their chaperones, not any of the other parties involved.

The school, the parents, and everyone involved with these children are white washing what happened and my choice of words is deliberate. You want to talk about radicalized indoctrination, these boys were in Washington on a school trip, for the purpose of marching against women's health care rights.

What the fuck do teenage boys know about women't reproductive rights? This is right wing brainwashing by religious schools.
Last edited:
^ Someone clearly hasnt watched the actual footage.

You should do that then.
Oh i have. Im very well versed on this incident. Do you have any questions about it? If so, ask away.

Did you watch the full video, or the edited version put out by boy's PR firm? They are two quite different things.
They have no pr firm and all of the videos prove you a liar.

You're the one lying here, bucko:

Louisville PR firm played a key role in Covington Catholic controversy

Notice that the PR firm was instrumental in releasing "extended video", not the "entire video". Both the video and the statements released were prepared by the PR firm to support the story they were trying to tell.

The Washington Post and the native groups are commenting on the entire video which they viewed.

The private school, and their PI's didn't interview ANYONE outside of the students and their chaperones, so their report is based on the interviews with the students and their chaperones, not any of the other parties involved.

The school, the parents, and everyone involved with these children are white washing what happened and my choice of words is deliberate. You want to talk about radicalized indoctrination, these boys were in Washington on a school trip, for the purpose of marching against women's health care rights.

What the fuck do teenage boys know about women't reproductive rights? This is right wing brainwashing by religious schools.
Ok they have a pr firm.

You are still a proven racist and liar. As the entire video proves

It is not brain washing you retard they know as much about abortion as you and have every right to express it
No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
Ooooh...really upset because you can't burn these white kids at the stake, aren't you.

They had the gall to stand there while being harassed by some black nut jobs and then some fake Viet Nam vet activist/Native American who was banging a drum in their faces and take it with calm detachment. How that must make your putrid blood boil!

Yes, they were so white and Christian and they failed to react to the provocations of racist lunatics and catfish mouthed liars like Nathan Phillips. I can see how that would make you seethe with rage and lose all contact with reality.

Maybe you should organize a drum circle in your living room, if you have one, and ask your Great Spirit (a bottle of Jim Beam, probably) to give you counsel and peace of mind.
What chaperones? There were no chaperones in any of the videos. Were they off having a smoke?
You mean because YOU didn't see any on the few videos tsken, it never happened.....ROTFLMFAO..... YOU ALSO DIDN'T SEE THE 9/11 HIJACKERS WITHIN THE PLANES!!!

No one trusts anything you lying MFers has to say. Fake news. Move on, dickhead.
Yes, the ABNORMALS BRILLIANCE DIMS in comparison to this salamanders!!!

I'm no Democrat, but you're certainly a winger idiot.
Then what are you. Just plain stupid?

Perhaps. Still smarter than you, tho.
No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
Ooooh...really upset because you can't burn these white kids at the stake, aren't you.

They had the gall to stand there while being harassed by some black nut jobs and then some fake Viet Nam vet activist/Native American who was banging a drum in their faces and take it with calm detachment. How that must make your putrid blood boil!

Yes, they were so white and Christian and they failed to react to the provocations of racist lunatics and catfish mouthed liars like Nathan Phillips. I can see how that would make you seethe with rage and lose all contact with reality.

Maybe you should organize a drum circle in your living room, if you have one, and ask your Great Spirit (a bottle of Jim Beam, probably) to give you counsel and peace of mind.

Aren't you just the fine Christian asshole spreading lies and hate. I am a white Christian woman, a Presbyterian, an elder in my congregation, and a Sunday School teacher. If any of my children had ever shown such disrespect an elder and a community leader, he'd be making public apology and doing volunteer work with the local native community until he learned his manners.

Jim Beam isn't fit for pigs. Only a heathen would drink that stuff.
No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
Ooooh...really upset because you can't burn these white kids at the stake, aren't you.

They had the gall to stand there while being harassed by some black nut jobs and then some fake Viet Nam vet activist/Native American who was banging a drum in their faces and take it with calm detachment. How that must make your putrid blood boil!

Yes, they were so white and Christian and they failed to react to the provocations of racist lunatics and catfish mouthed liars like Nathan Phillips. I can see how that would make you seethe with rage and lose all contact with reality.

Maybe you should organize a drum circle in your living room, if you have one, and ask your Great Spirit (a bottle of Jim Beam, probably) to give you counsel and peace of mind.

You know you hypocritical right-wingers have no room to flap your gums about anyone's behavior after your treatment of David Hogg, right? None whatsoever. No one is interested in your faux outrage butthurt, sorry.
You know you hypocritical right-wingers have no room to flap your gums about anyone's behavior after your treatment of David Hogg, right? None whatsoever. No one is interested in your faux outrage butthurt, sorry.
Well, Mr. Weed...I'm quite pleased that these unfairly maligned students have been vindicated and yet again another hyped instance of leftist outrage has been shown to be a farcical invention of the left wing media (always looking for ways to keep their client audience in a state of indignant agitation).
So no "faux outrage butthurt" here, sir.

And what about our treatment of David Camera Hogg? Who tried to make him a media star and put him at the center of well financed astroturfed campaign? Not the folks on the right. No way!
No, Mr. Weed...he turned the glaring spotlight on himself and now says he wants to run for Congress. Imagine that! A shy unassuming boy like little Davey! David Hogg calls for Michelle Obama to run in 2020: 'End this madness'

So if he loves the political wars and being a mouthpiece for the left wing meat grinder then he invites all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune on himself, doesn't he? Of course he does.
Your pitiful mewling about the rough deal a little shit like David Hogg got is all bulllcrap, it turns out. Pull up your big boy pants and stop the cringe worthy pity party.
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No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
Ooooh...really upset because you can't burn these white kids at the stake, aren't you.

They had the gall to stand there while being harassed by some black nut jobs and then some fake Viet Nam vet activist/Native American who was banging a drum in their faces and take it with calm detachment. How that must make your putrid blood boil!

Yes, they were so white and Christian and they failed to react to the provocations of racist lunatics and catfish mouthed liars like Nathan Phillips. I can see how that would make you seethe with rage and lose all contact with reality.

Maybe you should organize a drum circle in your living room, if you have one, and ask your Great Spirit (a bottle of Jim Beam, probably) to give you counsel and peace of mind.

Aren't you just the fine Christian asshole spreading lies and hate. I am a white Christian woman, a Presbyterian, an elder in my congregation, and a Sunday School teacher. If any of my children had ever shown such disrespect an elder and a community leader, he'd be making public apology and doing volunteer work with the local native community until he learned his manners.

Jim Beam isn't fit for pigs. Only a heathen would drink that stuff.

So what disrespect was shown? The FACT that the young man did NOTHING wrong? The FACT that he didn't resort to leftie tactics and smash that drum over the stolen valor POS' head (as he likely deserved for violating personal space)? The FACT that you would be shown to be a complete idiot for making a child do what you suggest? The FACT that CPS would then be notified and giving YOU a mental evaluation. What a "Christian woman" you are, believing a bunch of lies and disparaging an INNOCENT young man. What you are is an indoctrinated know nothing.
Aren't you just the fine Christian asshole spreading lies and hate. I am a white Christian woman, a Presbyterian, an elder in my congregation, and a Sunday School teacher.
Wow! Nice Christian attitude there lady. Now why I remember why I dropped out of the Presbyterian flock decades ago.
Do you talk to your Sunday school groups with that mouth?

If any of my children had ever shown such disrespect an elder and a community leader, he'd be making public apology and doing volunteer work with the local native community until he learned his manners.
I didn't see any disrespect towards someone blatantly trying to provoke a reaction or conflict. That's what these so called "activists" feed on , you know.
I saw high school aged students not escalating a situation and not allowing themselves to be provoked.
But as I said I'm sure you wish you could burn them alive for what they didn't do.

Jim Beam isn't fit for pigs. Only a heathen would drink that stuff.
Then you don't deny posting in an alcohol fueled rage? You only deny your brand? Good to know.
"The statements we obtained from students and chaperones are remarkably consistent," the investigators said. “And, the statements are consistent with the videos we reviewed."

That's true.

When everyone is telling the truth you get the truth.

Nick Sandmann is a modern-day Gandhi. He remained poised and dignified like blacks at a lunch counter while surrounded by obnoxious creeps hurling insults.

The Hill ^

An investigation into the viral encounter between students from Covington Catholic High School and a Native American man found the students' accounts to be largely accurate, according to findings released Wednesday.

Greater Cincinnati Investigations issued a report dated Feb. 11 that found no evidence that students from Covington Catholic made “offensive or racist” statements to either Black Hebrew Israelites or Native American tribe members gathered on the National Mall.

"The statements we obtained from students and chaperones are remarkably consistent," the investigators said. “And, the statements are consistent with the videos we reviewed."

The students were the subject of intense scrutiny after a short video clip went viral that showed students wearing "Make America Great Again" hats surrounding Native American Nathan Phillips as he played a traditional Native American drum. One student, Nicholas Sandmann, appeared to be in a standoff with Phillips.

Social media users, politicians and the Diocese of Covington were among those who initially condemned the boys’ actions. The students maintained that they were being respectful, and additional video footage and accounts emerged in the days that followed that showed Phillips had walked toward the student group amid broader tensions near the Lincoln Memorial.

Investigators found that, based on interviews with 43 students and 16 adult chaperones and hours of video and social media content, "none of the students felt threatened by Mr. Phillips and many stated they were 'confused.’"

The investigation found that some students performed a “tomahawk chop” to the beat of Phillips’ drum, and that the group did “school cheers” directed at the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Investigators attempted to interview Sandmann and Phillips, but were unsuccessful. Sandmann referred to a previously issued written statement on the matter, which investigators said "appears to accurately reflect the facts surrounding the interaction between the students and the Black Hebrew Israelites."

The report makes no recommendations to the school about future events or policies in the wake of the incident.

The Bishop of the Covington Diocese, Roger Foys, welcomed the report as vindication of the students' behavior, despite the diocese's initial condemnation of the events.

"In truth, taking everything into account, our students were placed in a situation that was at once bizarre and even threatening," Foys said in a statement. "Their reaction to the situation was, given the circumstances, expected and one might even say laudatory."
My question is why the time and money wasted on a study?

The same conclusions were reached by anyone who watched the videos and the videos proved those conclusions true beyond any question.

Of course there are still stupid fools like bwk and others lying about those kids because they are too childish to admit when they are wrong. But the facts prove they are liars.

You are correct that it's a waste of time and money to deploy a classic strawman. WHO claimed "Covington Catholic students are racists" in the first place?

Been posing that query for -- whatever it is, a month now. Have yet to get a single answer.

Always easy to find in the negative when there's nothing to disprove.

I love this desperate stretch of the OP though:

Nick Sandmann is a modern-day Gandhi. He remained poised and dignified like blacks at a lunch counter while surrounded by obnoxious creeps hurling insults.


Yyyyyeah I don't think you'll find Ghandi standing in front of the British army smirking. Or anything "dignified" about a smirk. The OP insults the memory of both Ghandi and the Greesnboro Four. None of them copped an attitude.
He did not smirk he smiled you idiotic sack of shit.

And many on this forum lied and called him a racist.

He was more respectful than anyone there including the dishonest Indian punk

And that is what you really hate.

No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
… Except for that drunk Indian activist was the one behaving badly
He did not smirk he smiled you idiotic sack of shit.

And many on this forum lied and called him a racist.

He was more respectful than anyone there including the dishonest Indian punk

And that is what you really hate.

No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
^ Someone clearly hasnt watched the actual footage.

You should do that then.
Oh i have. Im very well versed on this incident. Do you have any questions about it? If so, ask away.

Did you watch the full video, or the edited version put out by boy's PR firm? They are two quite different things.
Ya, That fucking drunk Indian activist is the one who approached that kid.
No wonder no one respects fuckers like that
No, what we really hate is seeing the smart ass children of the white elite showing disrespect and bad behaviour and putting themselves in dangers, and then having their parents tell them they behaved like fine young gentlemen, because they didn't. The whole encounter is tribalism run amok.

It's always the kids whose behaviour is the WORST that have the parents who stand there saying "My son would never behave like that". These people hired a public relations agency to come up with a plausible denial that their son was some kind of modern day Ghandi standing up to tryany, when he was, in reality, a rude little shit, being disrespect to a tribal elder.

When you're buying your kid's way out of trouble at this age, by age 40, you have a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of anything.
Ooooh...really upset because you can't burn these white kids at the stake, aren't you.

They had the gall to stand there while being harassed by some black nut jobs and then some fake Viet Nam vet activist/Native American who was banging a drum in their faces and take it with calm detachment. How that must make your putrid blood boil!

Yes, they were so white and Christian and they failed to react to the provocations of racist lunatics and catfish mouthed liars like Nathan Phillips. I can see how that would make you seethe with rage and lose all contact with reality.

Maybe you should organize a drum circle in your living room, if you have one, and ask your Great Spirit (a bottle of Jim Beam, probably) to give you counsel and peace of mind.

Aren't you just the fine Christian asshole spreading lies and hate. I am a white Christian woman, a Presbyterian, an elder in my congregation, and a Sunday School teacher. If any of my children had ever shown such disrespect an elder and a community leader, he'd be making public apology and doing volunteer work with the local native community until he learned his manners.

Jim Beam isn't fit for pigs. Only a heathen would drink that stuff.
You fucking moron, that drunk Indian activist Phillips is the one that approached the kid you fucking blind bat.
Your political correctness has made you fucking delusional

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