Problem solved


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.
Where do you draw the line with manufacturer's liability? Should someone that is hurt by a drunk driver be able to sue the car maker and the booze company?
What about people killed with knives, should the company that made the knives be held responsible?

Not sure what the ATF and the CDC need to share, maybe you could expand on that one.

I cannot support lowering illness standards, it is too easy to call someone crazy already.

As for the gun grab, are you talking about police going house to house checking to make sure those people do not have guns?

I cannot support the Facebook thing, way too easy for the algorithm to make a mistake and have the police crashing down the door of someone. I really do not want Facebook directing who the police go after.
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------not a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.
You statists are so goddamn retarded
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibilityfor a product doing what it was designed to do.Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons. Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.
The US can't stop Russian hackers. What makes you think we could pull something like this off?
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Yes. Imagine a fork manufacturer being held responsible because Jimmy stuck a fork in Johnny's eye.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

It's not a hobby. Having the power of life and death is not a "hobby".

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

He was flagged by a human. Nothing happened.

The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September
And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.
An assault rifle is a select-fire weapon with single shot, automatic and/or 3-round burst modes. It is a real military weapon. Nazis created the first one in 1944 followed by Russians in 1947 (AK).

An assault WEAPON is a bullshit, made-up term for a civilian, semi-auto version of an assault rifle. Gun grabbers try to convince the idiot masses that the are the same thing.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

Get it repealed (if you can) if you want to end private gun ownership, which is what you would need to do to prevent things like this from happening. (even then it probably wouldn't work)
put the parents in jail--------crazy kid went out and managed to buy -------no a BB gun-----AN ASSAULT
RIFLE-----and they did nothing

The "crazy kid" is 19. How is that the parent's fault?

And for the record, there is really no such thing as an assault rifle, that is just a made up term.

oh-----no assault rifle------I did not know------My kid was once 19-----Mothers have lots of influence ---
ESPECIALLY on boys. The parents could have alerted the cops I am all for tighter gun control---
out of the hands of nutty kids
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Ambulance chasers are the worse

We should NEVER hear this:

Fla. students hide as shots ring out in horrifying video

A barrage of gunfire from one weapon and hear ZERO return fire.


We should hear SOMEONE shooting back!!! WHAT THE FUCK???

While I do not disagree, part of me is very sad that we live in a society where that is the only answer.

Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?
Is this where we are in American society, open shootouts in the streets and schools between citizens?
It is BECAUSE it is nearly impossible to have open shootouts that we live in this type of society. No one fears a shootout. No one is afraid to do something violent and face any consequences. Everyone KNOWS nobody is armed.

It only takes a few shootouts for would-be mass shooters to be deterred.

Do you ever wonder what makes us such a violent society?
I do. I cannot figure it out. It MUST be a new cultural thing. It must be the gangster-rap movement. We were not like this 40 years ago.
His parents were died just recently. What's your Plan B?
Yes. There is no way to stop people like this kid from slipping through the cracks. His mother was likely the one thing keeping him from losing his shit and going postal.

It is too hard to patrol and take preemptive measures on things like this. Anyone could snap.

That's why #ShootBack is the only real solution short of infringing on rights and disarming the people. We will NEVER stand for disarming, so shoot back.
well , when was it . About 1960 i was taking my UNCASED 15 shot .22 semi auto rifle and ammo to school on the school bus and giving it to the Principle to keep in his office till school let out at 3 or 3:30 . Then hitch hike to the woods and all this through town till i got to the woods and then walk home . -------- just an example of how things used to be in America .

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