Professor suspended for refusing to give Black students easier final exams sues UCLA

Your OP is misleading and not accurate. The professor was never asked to give black students easier final exams by the school… and his suspension had nothing to do with final exams, it had to do with an email he sent to a student which many perceived as racist and a petition with tens of thousands of signatures circulated to have him fired. He was suspended while the school looked into the situation and then reinstated. Try and be more accurate with your posts please. There is too much fake news circulating, don’t be a part of that. Be better.
If you want credibility try posting something other than your opinion ...aka a link that supports what you claim.
There is another thread which sheds a bit more light on this situation. One of the things the student in question suggested was a “no-harm exam” (which could only help and not harm a final grade). My alma mater at my undergrad university employed this method - if you had an 'A' going into the final exam, you weren't required to take the final because its purpose was to give a student a final opportunity to raise their grade for the course.

What this student is asking for is a change of policy and you don't do that for only certain students, it should be implemented across the board and apply to all students, if it is considered and granted at all.

Furthermore you don't make the request right before one is required to take their final exam and expect to get a pass on the exam simply because the student failed to adequately prepare for their final.

I don't blame the instructor at all for taking the action he has.
Interesting concept… from what I read about this case, the request was made by a white student suggesting this exception be made for black students as it was the week of the George Floyd killing and stress/tensions were extremely high at the time, especially for his black friends.

I think the inspiration behind the request was more along the lines of exceptions made for student who experience a family death or loss of a classmate. I’m not supporting the idea or not, just trying to give context to the situation.
If you want credibility try posting something other than your opinion ...aka a link that supports what you claim.
I posted what I knew about this situation that your OP mischaracterized. I then posted a link in my next post to a better article. here it is again

I see it a bit differently: How can a black graduate have any scintilla of pride when he knows he got his degree because he wasn't as smart as the white guy?
Joy Reid is a so called Harvard graduate. And all she does is read a teleprompter while shaking her head up an down like a chicken hawk for a TV network. She is of the village. Where real living is two thousand years ago. Patton Oswalt is a child of a military family. Verbally a monster, but a child can kick his ass in.
How can any black graduate have any sort of legitimate academic status as a result of affirmative action being in force for decades now.

The universities might as well just print up a bunch of diplomas and give them to any black that wants one and save everyone a lot of time and trouble....because in a nutshell that is what they are doing.

And everyone says blacks are naturally as smart, talented, intelligent and ambitious as non blacks.

If anyone needs proof they aren't then grading them by lower standards is it.

Blacks aren't even smart enough to realize this kind of bullshit is really just saying "hey blacks. We don't think you're very smart so we're going to grade you by a lower standard than all other skin colors". If they were smart they would realize they are being treated as morons that can't pass a class like everyone else.

But of course they don't care because most of them want the easy way out and want excuses to be lazy and dumb.
And everyone says blacks are naturally as smart, talented, intelligent and ambitious as non blacks.

If anyone needs proof they aren't then grading them by lower standards is it.

Blacks aren't even smart enough to realize this kind of bullshit is really just saying "hey blacks. We don't think you're very smart so we're going to grade you by a lower standard than all other skin colors". If they were smart they would realize they are being treated as morons that can't pass a class like everyone else.

But of course they don't care because most of them want the easy way out and want excuses to be lazy and dumb.
After writing a post like that you really have no place to call anybody else stupid. This is just about the dumbest thing I’ve read today
After writing a post like that you really have no place to call anybody else stupid. This is just about the dumbest thing I’ve read today
All kinds of data regarding the low average i.q. of blacks.

Interesting concept… from what I read about this case, the request was made by a white student suggesting this exception be made for black students as it was the week of the George Floyd killing and stress/tensions were extremely high at the time, especially for his black friends.

I think the inspiration behind the request was more along the lines of exceptions made for student who experience a family death or loss of a classmate. I’m not supporting the idea or not, just trying to give context to the situation.
You know I was kind of wondering about that as well, but it still should be applied across to the board to anyone who wants it, but just singling out black students. That does nothing but cause resentment and gives racists more reason to claim that black people cannot achieve at the same level as others.

The fact remains that some students slack off until the last minute, I myself have been guilty of this on more than one occasion but it's not just black students who do this. Heck just like clockwork our university used to get bomb threats called in causing the campus to have to be evacuated. Of course there were never any bombs found but this only occurred during final week :rolleyes:
All kinds of data regarding the low average i.q. of blacks.

Ignorant to stereotype people that way. All it does is fuel hate and division. No need for that crap
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So how do you react when you encounter a black person who is more intelligent that you are?
hehheh Never has happened that I know of.

There are a few blacks of superior intelligence but their average i.q. is a huge problem for America.

Hopefully with the advance of genetics one day....that might be remedied.

Lots of black women seek out white partners knowing their children will thus benefit intellectually.

There is another thread which sheds a bit more light on this situation. One of the things the student in question suggested was a “no-harm exam” (which could only help and not harm a final grade). My alma mater at my undergrad university employed this method - if you had an 'A' going into the final exam, you weren't required to take the final because its purpose was to give a student a final opportunity to raise their grade for the course.

What this student is asking for is a change of policy and you don't do that for only certain students, it should be implemented across the board and apply to all students, if it is considered and granted at all.

Furthermore you don't make the request right before one is required to take their final exam and expect to get a pass on the exam simply because the student failed to adequately prepare for their final.

I don't blame the instructor at all for taking the action he has.
when i was in college blac athletes just turned in blank papers and passed just fine i enjoyed watching them dunk too
I have no reason to believe it was fake news.....The Washington Examiner is more credible than those sources you like.
Interesting so you still believe that the school suspended the teacher for not giving black students an easier final exam?
Interesting so you still believe that the school suspended the teacher for not giving black students an easier final exam?
From your link........'
A professor at the University of California Los Angeles said he filed suit against the school system for suspending him as he faced backlash for not grading black students more leniently in the wake of the murder of George Floyd.'

Professor suspended for refusing to give Black students easier final exams sues UCLA​

No problem.

If universities want to give easier tests for black graduates to get them out the door, then all we need to do is just give easier, lower paying jobs for those graduates who get degrees from UCLA!

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