Professor who has predicted correct result of presidency for 30 years makes his prediction

This is what the result will be I think, although Hillary might get Iowa and Nevada, but The Donald still wins.

There was never going to be a landslide for either Hillary or The Donald, both of them being flawed candidates.

I have Trump taking all those plus Wisconsin,Michigan and Pennsylvania and Maine District 1.

Well on my readings The Donald could get Pennsylvania, but I don't think Wisconsin and Michigan, although as Bernie won Michigan it depends, are his supporters going to vote for Hillary when they hate her so much?
From the article:

"So very, very narrowly, the keys point to a Trump victory. But I would say, more to the point, they point to a generic Republican victory, because I believe that given the unprecedented nature of the Trump candidacy and Trump himself, he could defy all odds and lose even though the verdict of history is in his favor. So this would also suggest, you know, the possibility this election could go either way. Nobody should be complacent, no matter who you're for, you gotta get out and vote."

Not a very strong prediction there, Washington Post, ya fuckin' hacks.
It is wishful thinking if you believe Donald will win the electoral college.

You should be staking behind popular vote, so you can launch vein protests following his defeat.
It is wishful thinking if you believe Donald will win the electoral college.

You should be staking behind popular vote, so you can launch vein protests following his defeat.

What you mean like Al Gore did and the Sore Losers?



I am so going to enjoy the leftard meltdown on election night. I wonder how many are going to be calling the real estate agents on the 2 signs I saw today asking moving to Canada eh!? LOL....
What you mean like Al Gore did and the Sore Losers?

Don't be so quick to judge.

You guys would be in the same boat if hypothetically Trump won the popular vote, but got his ass handed to him in the electoral college.

2016 New Mexico Presidential Election

New Mexico has been regarded as a safe Democrat state for a long time.

Use something other than Breitbart. They do not even direct you to their information, and I looked it up myself and Reuters has nothing on what they are claiming they reported.
They report it from legit sources...whether you believe it or not is not relevant to me or anyone else.

2016 New Mexico Presidential Election

New Mexico has been regarded as a safe Democrat state for a long time.

Use something other than Breitbart. They do not even direct you to their information, and I looked it up myself and Reuters has nothing on what they are claiming they reported.
They report it from legit sources...whether you believe it or not is not relevant to me or anyone else.

The Leftists peabrains don't understand that Breitbart gives links to all it's sourced material that it publishes.

The only thing the Leftist peabrain can register is Hillary 400 EVs, The Donald winning 1 State, it's the Kool-Aid it rots the brain.

If Hillary is still the nominee on election day, I think all 57 states might be up for grabs
American's have already learned from Nazi Germany. We're not gonna make the same mistake by electing Trump. There just aren't enough brain dead, white racist morons in this country to elect the Orange Orangutan.

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