Professor who has predicted correct result of presidency for 30 years makes his prediction

And each side is positive their side will win! :lol:

I'm just sitting here like :popcorn:

Let's get real though.

I criticize both candidates, but believing that Trump will win the electoral college is nothing more than wishful thinking. There is no way without incredible last minute events.

Popular vote is one thing
American's have already learned from Nazi Germany. We're not gonna make the same mistake by electing Trump. There just aren't enough brain dead, white racist morons in this country to elect the Orange Orangutan.
Oh I can't wait for this whiners reaction on election night....assuming said troll is still here....
All I do know is this. It will take an unbelievable effort for Trump to overcome Pravda, to be able to overcome the mass voter fraud.

In order for Trump to win in my estimation, he will be needing to win an avalanche to overcome those two things.

Just remember this. It is not those who vote, it is who count the votes.


Read this about the electronic voting machines.

America’s Electronic Voting Machines Are Sitting Ducks

For me, it is rather clear that the fix is in. IMO, "they" do not need Trump getting all of this access to sensitive material that reveals ALL of the people who are dipping their beaks if you know what I mean.

Maybe I am too paranoid for my own good or too cynical. Just remember,


The bottom line for me is all of these speculations are a waste of my time. I usually do not care. What I do know is American socialists like SYTE loser are not worth the toilet paper I used to wipe my proud American button this morning.

I think there are many (basically every fucking democrat) are guilty of high treason. I believe they are all engaged in willful actions to overthrow over government, our constitution, our country that they hate and do not acknowledge as legitimate. They would gladly burn the constitution that was written by......SLAVE OWNERS. They cannot wait for the day they get burn every last American flag along with every Christian church with ALL of their crosses.

Every day we are given clear evidence that that is what they are all about.
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American's have already learned from Nazi Germany. We're not gonna make the same mistake by electing Trump. There just aren't enough brain dead, white racist morons in this country to elect the Orange Orangutan.
Sorry dude, but that is a huge straw man. The US isn't Germany, in this or any other century.

If Trump did win, I'd start making bets he'd resign after a year or two leaving President Pence in charge.
American's have already learned from Nazi Germany. We're not gonna make the same mistake by electing Trump. There just aren't enough brain dead, white racist morons in this country to elect the Orange Orangutan.
Oh I can't wait for this whiners reaction on election night....assuming said troll is still here....

Oh, I'll be here for embarrass you over, and over, and over....
Both sides are counting their chickens before they've hatched.

Somebody has to win.

And each side is positive their side will win! :lol:

I'm just sitting here like :popcorn:

Well one side of course will have a meltdown on Election Night, CK might have to increase the bandwidth to handle it.

Our double bambinos are due in the last week of October, but part of me hopes they hold on until the first week of November, then I can miss the carnage here and instead be at the hospital.
American's have already learned from Nazi Germany. We're not gonna make the same mistake by electing Trump. There just aren't enough brain dead, white racist morons in this country to elect the Orange Orangutan.
Oh I can't wait for this whiners reaction on election night....assuming said troll is still here....

Oh, I'll be here for embarrass you over, and over, and over....

No and no.
American's have already learned from Nazi Germany. We're not gonna make the same mistake by electing Trump. There just aren't enough brain dead, white racist morons in this country to elect the Orange Orangutan.
Sorry dude, but that is a huge straw man. The US isn't Germany, in this or any other century.

If Trump did win, I'd start making bets he'd resign after a year or two leaving President Pence in charge.

lol, logic isn't exactly your forte, is it? It doesn't matter that we're not Germany. That's irrelevant. The point is we've learned to spot fascist scumbags -- we can see them from a mile away, which is why there is no way in fucking hell Donald Trumpf will be elected. Period.
From the article:

"So very, very narrowly, the keys point to a Trump victory. But I would say, more to the point, they point to a generic Republican victory, because I believe that given the unprecedented nature of the Trump candidacy and Trump himself, he could defy all odds and lose even though the verdict of history is in his favor. So this would also suggest, you know, the possibility this election could go either way. Nobody should be complacent, no matter who you're for, you gotta get out and vote."

Not a very strong prediction there, Washington Post, ya fuckin' hacks.
and then the professor says this:

Do you think the fact that Trump is not a traditional Republican — certainly not an establishment Republican, from a rhetorical or policy perspective — contributes to that uncertainty over where he fits in with the standard methodology for evaluating the Keys?

I think the fact that he's a bit of a maverick, and nobody knows where he stands on policy, because he's constantly shifting. I defy anyone to say what his immigration policy is, what his policy is on banning Muslims, or whoever, from entering the United States, that's certainly a factor. But it's more his history in Trump University, the Trump Institute, his bankruptcies, the charitable foundation, of enriching himself at the expense of others, and all of the lies and dangerous things he's said in this campaign, that could make him a precedent-shattering candidate.

lol, logic isn't exactly your forte, is it? It doesn't matter that we're not Germany. That's irrelevant. The point is we've learned to spot fascist scumbags -- we can see them from a mile away, which is why there is no way in fucking hell Donald Trumpf will be elected. Period.
Project all you like, but this isn't the first time a LWL is shitting their pants screaming "Fascist!!!!" at the prospect of a Republican winning the White House.

FWIW, if Hillary won, it wouldn't be the first time some RWNJ was screaming "Marxist!!!!" at a Democrat winning the WH.

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