Professors: “Merry Christmas” greeting is Nazism and White Supremacy

Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

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These are the kind of assholes poisoning our kid's minds. The only phrase that would cause panic, even among liberals, would be if a Muslim shouted "allah akbar" in a crowded public place. Sorry, but seems every time that is shouted, things get real bloody.
We barely got done with the national day of mourning. Now we're into racist Christmas. How would 1950 America have dealt with this nonsense? That's what we should do now.

If it was 1950, the first thing would be your man telling you to get the hell away from all that typing and make him a damn sammich. This house looks like shit. Clean it up.
My "man" is dead. Try again.

If it was the 50s you should be out trying to trap another.
I'd be part of the group giving a "warm" welcome to the ones complaining about the racist Merry Christmas.

Sometimes the old ways work the best.
Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476

These are the kind of assholes poisoning our kid's minds. The only phrase that would cause panic, even among liberals, would be if a Muslim shouted "allah akbar" in a crowded public place. Sorry, but seems every time that is shouted, things get real bloody.
Almost as scary as Robert Bowers blaming jews form migrant caravan.
I've been over this many times
the left is more like nazis/etc than the right is
Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476
There’s a reason why professors can’t make it in the real world… They’re fucking retards
they think too much
No one can be surprised by this stuff.

This will only continue and get worse. And with every story, a Regressive Leftist will downplay it, minimize it, pretend it's a one-off, and mock whomever brings it up, no matter how many times it happens.

They're very predictable at this point.
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Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476

These are the kind of assholes poisoning our kid's minds. The only phrase that would cause panic, even among liberals, would be if a Muslim shouted "allah akbar" in a crowded public place. Sorry, but seems every time that is shouted, things get real bloody.
Previous Christmas, Trump wished happy holidays.
That same pigfucker professor will still quote Jesus.

Jesus never said Merry Christmas.

How many people in your lifetime wish themselves a Happy Birthday to other people?

You're the one who brought Jesus quotes. I guarantee you he never said anything that would exclude Jews from defined holy days.

Saying Merry Christmas to everyone and anyone is exclusive? That is not exclusive. What you are trying to say is that you find ‘Merry Christmas’ to be ‘offensive’ if said to someone who happens to not celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a fabric of American culture... even secular Christmas which leaves out Jesus.
That same pigfucker professor will still quote Jesus.

Jesus never said Merry Christmas.

How many people in your lifetime wish themselves a Happy Birthday to other people?

You're the one who brought Jesus quotes. I guarantee you he never said anything that would exclude Jews from defined holy days.

Saying Merry Christmas to everyone and anyone is exclusive? That is not exclusive. What you are trying to say is that you find ‘Merry Christmas’ to be ‘offensive’ if said to someone who happens to not celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a fabric of American culture... even secular Christmas which leaves out Jesus.

I have never heard anyone say that Christmas is only for Christians.
Everyone gets to enjoy giving gifts to friends and family.
If anything Christmas joins people together regardless of their race or religion
So wishing people merry Christmas, a holiday celebrating the birth of the Jewish King and Messiah, is anti Semitic.

These people are losing all ability to think rationally
Some of these Lefties are really and truly bat-shit crazy...

Some? More like the vast majority

There are a lot of Left-leaning folk who mean well, who understand practicality and moderation, and who can compromise...

Trouble is, there are damned few of those in senior leadership positions on that side of the aisle nowadays who aren't jaded.

That's why the Dems need fresh blood and fresh ideas... and it doesn't look like they're gonna get them, this next Congress.

As to the Hyper-Lefties trotting-out this anti-Christmas $hit, well... time to swoop them up and drop 'em off in Venezuela.

A simple matter of culling the herd and takin' out the trash.
Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476
How about Screw you Lib Day. That would just sound right, and it could be set for every Jan 1. We could have there balls dropping into a meat grinder.
Merry Christmas works for me, attach nothing political to it. seems even a little crazy to me how a simple greeting has been turned into a political football.

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