Profit over human decency again:Vietnam vet freezes to death after gas turned off

Racism and Communism can't mix you halfwit. I am a Racial Socialist. Its amazing you republican fucks have no problem with people going to war for your wars yet don't give a shit about them once they are done killing people in foreign countries.
Let's not confuse terms...I will make it easy. You are a fucking idiot.

Amazingly he's not the dumbest motherfucker on this board. Did you see the thread where the guy said no American should be allowed to own 2 homes until every American owns at least 1, as an example? LOL
I agree with that poster. Why should anyone own 2 homes when not every American has 1?

How about it is none of your damn business. Why you should be allowed to post on the internet when not every American can?
Internet like Cable/Satellite is a luxury is not a necessity
Racism and Communism can't mix you halfwit. I am a Racial Socialist. Its amazing you republican fucks have no problem with people going to war for your wars yet don't give a shit about them once they are done killing people in foreign countries.
Let's not confuse terms...I will make it easy. You are a fucking idiot.

Amazingly he's not the dumbest motherfucker on this board. Did you see the thread where the guy said no American should be allowed to own 2 homes until every American owns at least 1, as an example? LOL
I agree with that poster. Why should anyone own 2 homes when not every American has 1?

It doesn't surprise me in the least that you agree with an idiot.
Still waiting on why that's not a good idea....why should people who are rich deserve to own 2 homes when someone that's homeless can't get one?
A president that is worth ANYTHING will make it to where these things DON'T happen. Hell Gas as in Natural Gas,Electricity,Propane,Water etc should NOT BE commodities to be bought,sold and cut off from ANYONE.
So no President has ever been worth anything, and it is Obama's fault that he didn't nationalize all utilities so we're Venezuela.
They shouldn't be allowed to charge for something people need to live.

So food, clothing, water, housing, electricity, and gas should all be free? Is that what you're suggesting?

If he wasn't, I will.

Basic life sustaining necessities should be paid for by the government. If not for everyone, at least veterans. If we're gonna keep saying how veterans fought for our freedom we outta be willing to pick up the tab to sustain their lives.

Freedom isn't free they say. Fine, accept a small tax to ensure those who fought for that freedom to have lengthy pleasuable retirements where they're not stressing themselves into early graves weorrying about the gas or lights going out.
No one knew he was there. The gas company is not at fault for turning off the gas in an empty and abandoned house.

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