Profiteers from pollution like to distort data which makes them frauds not experts


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
If humans would respond to Global Warming and air pollution accordingly there would be no need for this approach. The concern of Global Warming is not new information which is to say the concern for Global Warming has likely been around longer than any of us have been on the planet.

The problem with too many humans is until a problem becomes a severe crisis and/or begins to cost additional dollars they don't give a damn especially in America.

Profiteers from pollution like to distort information which makes them frauds not experts. Profiteers tend to make Americans look very stupid in the eyes of the world.

The USA is 5% of the world population burning 25% of the world's energy that which is a huge contribution to Global Warming and Ozone damage. Let's not allow profiteers to make fools of us.
Humans began altering the climate 8,000 years ago, a leading climate scientist has claimed. Massive clearance and irrigation for agriculture released huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, says William Ruddiman of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

By the time the industrial revolution got under way, we had already raised the global temperature by an average of 0.8C and by as much as 2C at high latitudes, he proposes - enough to deflect an impending ice age. Today's winters would be as much as seven degrees cooler at high latitudes if it were not for the pre-industrial input of greenhouse gases, he says.

Instead, carbon dioxide has been rising for 8,000 years and methane for 5,000. "It's a near dead certainty that these changes aren't natural," Ruddiman told the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Is global warming 8,000 years old? | Science | The Guardian
1. The Environmental Protection Agency, in response to petitions against action to curb heat-trapping emissions, dismissed attacks on the science rooted in the stolen emails.

Myth: The University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) emails prove that temperature data and trends were manipulated.
* Myths vs. Facts: Denial of Petitions for Reconsideration of the Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act | Regulatory Initiatives | Climate Change | U.S. EPA

2. debunked claims that the emails put the conclusions of climate science into question.

In late November 2009, more than 1,000 e-mails between scientists at the Climate Research Unit of the U.K.’s University of East Anglia were stolen and made public by an as-yet-unnamed hacker. Climate skeptics are claiming that they show scientific misconduct that amounts to the complete fabrication of man-made global warming. We find that to be unfounded:
* : “Climategate”

3. rated claims that the emails falsify climate science as "false."

We also know this: The e-mails do not prove that climate change is a hoax.

Here's why:
* PolitiFact | Inhofe claims that e-mails 'debunk' science behind climate change

4. An Associated Press review of the emails found that they "don't undercut the vast body of evidence showing the world is warming because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions."

LONDON — E-mails stolen from climate scientists show they stonewalled skeptics and discussed hiding data — but the messages don't support claims that the science of global warming was faked, according to an exhaustive review by The Associated Press.
* Review: Climate e-mails petty, not fraudulent - US news - Environment - Climate Change -

5. More data confirming Global Warming Science from the Union of Concerned Scientists

* Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails in the "Climategate" Manufactured Controversy | Union of Concerned Scientists
It begs the question: What can we do to stop it?

Part of the answer is right here in Oregon's towering old-growth forests. Scientists have found that the Northwest's giant trees are also giant carbon sinks, catching the pollution that causes the planet to warm.

What can we do to stop global warming is:

Protect our old-growth forests that are the natural warriors, quietly fighting the global warming battle for us.

The Impacts
Oregon Wild is also keenly aware of the adverse impacts climate change could have on our natural treasures. From reduced snowpack, to changing habitat, global warming presents a threat to the special places we cherish in Oregon.

That's why we teamed up with multiple conservation groups and the Western Environmental Law Center to sue the federal government to allow for more stringent auto emissions standards.

This is new territory for us, but global warming could impact so much of Oregon's wildlands, wildlife and wild rivers that we felt compelled to act.

Click here for the most recent news on global warming.

Global Warming and Northwest Forests — Oregon Wild
Please please tell your therapist to up the voltage at your next session.
....And, that would absolve you of your (typical) Teabagger-style laziness/ignorance, how?


[ame=]Global Warming and George Bush - YouTube[/ame]​
You know what’s great about America? Politicians can shit on other people’s lives without fear of any repercussion.

They can pimp themselves out to special interest groups and big money in order to keep their campaign coffers full, while posturing about how well they serve their constituents.

Now that’s freedom.

So in honor of those other freedoms which make America great, let’s go ahead and name some names:

People Who Think Toxic Air Pollution is Awesome: Cynthia Lummis, Fred Upton, Ed Whitfield, and Mike Ross
While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans clearing the rainforest for meat products and not knowing the long term impact of massive tree removal.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the the hell the impact might be

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.
If humans would respond to Global Warming and air pollution accordingly there would be no need for this approach. The concern of Global Warming is not new information which is to say the concern for Global Warming has likely been around longer than any of us have been on the planet.

OK before any of us were on the planet, who was exactly worrying about global warming, the dinosaurs?

The problem with too many humans is until a problem becomes a severe crisis and/or begins to cost additional dollars they don't give a damn especially in America.

It isn't going to be a crisis. It's merely going to be a little warmer than it is now. Longer growing season, milder winters and less need for home heating oil.
Profiteers from pollution like to distort information which makes them frauds not experts. Profiteers tend to make Americans look very stupid in the eyes of the world.

You seem not to realize that when fuel costs are low that you too profit in every sense because you get to keep more of your own money

The USA is 5% of the world population burning 25% of the world's energy that which is a huge contribution to Global Warming and Ozone damage. Let's not allow profiteers to make fools of us.

So what if we use energy? You'd rather we were more like North Korea?
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The federal government profiteers from pollution and distorts data on a regular basis. Your point here is absolutely moot.
No one knows the future. For all you know yellow stone will boil over and we'll all die off anyway. To think this planet isn't in more control than we are, is a serious "progressive" mistake. When mother earth has had her fill of our ways, she will respond accordingly.

let me make it clear for you control freak socialists. YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THE PLANET OR ITS INHABITANTS. You have to except you are not in the driver seat. I know, I know. It drives you mad. But it is true.
If humans would respond to Global Warming and air pollution accordingly there would be no need for this approach. The concern of Global Warming is not new information which is to say the concern for Global Warming has likely been around longer than any of us have been on the planet.

The problem with too many humans is until a problem becomes a severe crisis and/or begins to cost additional dollars they don't give a damn especially in America.

Profiteers from pollution like to distort information which makes them frauds not experts. Profiteers tend to make Americans look very stupid in the eyes of the world.

The USA is 5% of the world population burning 25% of the world's energy that which is a huge contribution to Global Warming and Ozone damage. Let's not allow profiteers to make fools of us.

FUk.... LIE!!!

"The U.S. landscape acts as a net carbon sink—
it sequesters more carbon than it emits.
Two types of analyses confirm this:
1) atmospheric, or top-down, methods that look at changes in CO2 concentrations; and
2) land-based, or bottom-up, methods that incorporate on-the-ground inventories or plot measurements.
Net sequestration (i.e., the difference between carbon gains and losses) in U.S. forests, urban trees and agricultural soils totaled almost 840 teragrams (Tg) of CO2 equivalent (or about 230 Tg or million metric tons of carbon equivalent) in 2001 (Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks).
This offsets approximately 15% of total U.S. CO2 emissions from the energy, transportation and other sectors.
More information on U.S. carbon sequestration estimates and historical trends can be found under the National Analysis section of this Web site.
Frequent Questions | Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry | Climate Change | U.S. EPA

YOU obviously have NO IDEA what this means so in very simple terms:
ALL the TREES/soil in the USA absorb ALL the CO2 emission and there are enought left over to absorb 15% more then is emitted!

AGAIN for simpletons like you:
Let's pretend there are 1,000 tons of CO2 emitted in the U.S.
There are enough trees to absorb 1,150 tons or 15% more capacity to absorb...

SO WHAT THE F... k are you once again stupidly BLAMING THE USA???
HOW such ignorance exists amazes me!
No one knows the future. For all you know yellow stone will boil over and we'll all die off anyway. To think this planet isn't in more control than we are, is a serious "progressive" mistake. When mother earth has had her fill of our ways, she will respond accordingly.

let me make it clear for you control freak socialists. YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THE PLANET OR ITS INHABITANTS. You have to except you are not in the driver seat. I know, I know. It drives you mad. But it is true.

Hehehehe. I'd be happy with an accurate freaking 5 day forecast. With all the technology they still can't get a 5 day right.

And I'm supposed to believe a 50 year freaking forecast?

No one knows the future. For all you know yellow stone will boil over and we'll all die off anyway. To think this planet isn't in more control than we are, is a serious "progressive" mistake. When mother earth has had her fill of our ways, she will respond accordingly.

let me make it clear for you control freak socialists. YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THE PLANET OR ITS INHABITANTS. You have to except you are not in the driver seat. I know, I know. It drives you mad. But it is true.

No reason to NOT cut wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back on pollution now is there....... now that we know that Global Warming is real.

We'll never be in control of the planet but we can take control of our reckless actions.
Sure. We can get everyone in line unwillingly, and turn around and face nature and the universe regardless. There are no promises. i agree with you on the issue of taking care of the planet. I think it is good stewardship to do so. However, this is not a movie. This is not a wishful thinking campaign. So much can happen in a blink and quit our existence without our knowledge, foresight or ability to change it. Telling people, commanding them, is not going to end in a favorable way. That's all. We're fucked. Get used to it.
Informing the uneducated is a must...

Offering suggestions is also a must...

Believing misinformation campaigns paid for by the fossil fuel industries is not a must but a little bit reckless
Food for thought is a must:

While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans clearing the rainforest for meat products and not knowing the long term impact of massive tree removal.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the the hell the impact might be

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.

9. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans applying millions of gallons and or pounds of toxic chemicals to the landscapes.

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