Profs say when White Students are nice to black students, its upholding “white racial power"


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

If you debate are acting "WHITE" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Don't be NICE to people of color if you are's racist!!!

Profs say classroom 'civility' promotes 'white racial power'

Holy Shit...

Two University of Northern Iowa professors recently argued that practicing “civility” in college classrooms can “reproduce white racial power.”

C. Kyle Rudick and Kathryn B. Golsan assert in a recent academic article that civility, particularly “whiteness-informed civility,” allegedly “functions to assert control of space” and “create a good white identity.”

"Civility within higher education is a racialized, rather than universal, norm." Tweet This

This civility can reinforce white privilege, Rudick and Goslan argue, because “civility within higher education is a racialized, rather than universal, norm,” according to the field of “critical whiteness studies.”

[RELATED: Prof pledges to ‘deconstruct whiteness’ in all her courses]

To study this phenomenon, Rudick and Goslan interviewed 10 white college students and asked them questions such as “What do you consider to be civil behaviour?” and “How do you think your racial identity may affect your understandings of civility when talking with students of color?”

Students who indicated that they “treat everyone the same way” were accused of trying to create a “good White identity,” according to Rudick and Goslan’s analysis.

“First, participants stated that they tried to avoid talking about race or racism with students of color to minimize the chance that they would say something ‘wrong’ and be labeled a racist,” the professors report. “Another way that participants described how they tried to be civil when interacting with students of color was to be overly nice or polite.”

White students who make an extra effort to be nice to students of color, Rudick and Goslan claim, are merely upholding “white privilege” and “white racial power.”
In other words, black students don't behave. What a shocker.
What do they want the white students to do? Talk about their passion for fried chicken and drink more grape soda to show blacks that...hey !! See!!! We are not racists..we like fried chicken too.
So then despite all the "Kumbaya", white liberals are racist too?

Oh the irony. :lmao:
I'm just glad I don't take the stupid class.

My eyes would roll so hard, I might never see straight again.
I hate some of this shit as much as you.

No professor it is acting like a civilized adult to be nice to people and to expect the same kind of from others.

It has nothing to do with white or black power. Some of our professors are fucking idiots.
In other words, black students don't behave. What a shocker.

Everyone should be expected to live by the same civilized standard no matter the color of their skin. This professor sounds like an idiot that would fuck up the learning environment.

White students who make an extra effort to be nice to students of color, Rudick and Goslan claim, are merely upholding “white privilege” and “white racial power.”
Acting nice, thinking critically before acting/speaking, and voicing one's thought-out opinion calmly are all components of the white privilege associated with white racial superiority/power. I guess he's saying it's unfair and whites should just do what blacks do: yell bullshit without thinking, with the loudest ape winning. I've worked with blacks before. When they get together, they yell at each other. None of that taking turns to speak bullshit. If one wants to talk, he just yells over the other.
...participants stated that they tried to avoid talking about race or racism with students of color to minimize the chance that they would say something ‘wrong’ and be labeled a racist...
  • If one truly and fully understands what racism is and isn't a racist, why would one have such a concern?
  • If one doesn't truly and fully understand what racism is and isn't, why is one talking rather than listening or, at most, asking intelligent neutrally phrased questions, the answers to which will advance one's understanding?

Another way that participants described how they tried to be civil when interacting with students of color was to be overly nice or polite.

Obsequiousness is not appreciated by anyone, is it? Indeed, as a white guy, I would construe someone doing so as their "talking down to me or "dumbing down" the nature of their remarks and that would cause me to be offended. Respectful people simply do not treat their audience as anything other than peers and part of treating people that way entails being neither excessively polite nor excessively rude. As with so many things, "getting it right" is all about balance.
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Whites are not supposed to be civil but servile. On your knees begging forgiveness and give up your wallet, watch and car keys.
White students who make an extra effort to be nice to students of color, Rudick and Goslan claim, are merely upholding “white privilege” and “white racial power.”

Looks like it could be rather difficult to get an A in those classes, if one is white. Black, no problem. I note all the profs are rather confused young white people, mostly women. They don't know who they are or what to do, apparently.

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