Progressive Democrat congressman proposes bill that establishes life begins at conception

e we're talking about your fellow DemoKKKrat accepting the scientific fact that life, and parental responsibility for that life, begins at conception,
These clowns are certainly doing their best to divert.
"Viability", "personhood", "death penalty", "10 fetuses in a burning building". Waaaaahhhhhh!!!1!1
I say this not from a political or religious aspect, but life does start at conception. I say that from purely a scientific stance.

Soon as sperm impregnates the egg it is a human life if you leave it alone to grow. It doesn't magically turn into a child at a later time, it's always a child, just at a different stage is all and if you abort it you're intentionally killing a child.

There is no black and white here. If the egg is fertilized it's a child, if you abort it you're killing it.
I say this not from a political or religious aspect, but life does start at conception. I say that from purely a scientific stance.

Soon as sperm impregnates the egg it is a human life if you leave it alone to grow. It doesn't magically turn into a child at a later time, it's always a child, just at a different stage is all and if you abort it you're intentionally killing a child.

There is no black and white here. If the egg is fertilized it's a child, if you abort it you're killing it.

Well said. That scientific fact is why pro-aborts have to rely on believing in some sort of magic that arbitrarily turns what they refer to as a "clump of cells" into a human being at whatever time they decide is most advantageous. It's a very strange, quasi-religious argument that has thankfully been rendered null by modern science.
You only say that to avoid the fact that it is a human being in the first stages of development. "Personhood" means nothing, because there is no scientific definition of that silly, amorphous term.
Oh? Because I thought first stanges of development was to produce a sperm and egg and just because they may get to dance at some point does not make them, or the resulting cells more worthy of personal right guarantees by our laws.
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Soon as sperm impregnates the egg it is a human life if you leave it alone to grow.
Nah, if left alone that zygote dies. Many zygote do. They must attach to the womb of the mother to grow into a viable baby. Many simply don't do that and get flush out with the next cycle. Still it is the unique DNA of a human and the mothers baby factory is sort of made to accept the little sucker.......
Oh? Because I thought first stanges of developement was to produce a sperm and egg and just because they may get to dance at some point does not make them, or the resulting cells more worthy of personal rights guarantees by our laws.

The level of scientific ignorance on the left is shocking.
Nah, if left alone that zygote dies. Many zygote do. They must attach to the womb of the mother to grow into a viable baby. Many simply don't do that and get flush out with the next cycle. Still it is the unique DNA of a human and the mothers baby factory is sort of made to accept the little sucker.......
How does it grow then?
No, if you hire a hitman -- just because the hit man did the murder -- doesn't mean the person that hired that hitman gets off scot-free

So....the woman who goes to a doctor to solicit an abortion is just as guilty as the doctor...

Now...shouldn't she be put to death???

And Scot Peterson didn't check with his wife to see if she wanted her child aborted before he murdered both of them.....

Again, whenever I ask you fake morality morons this question -- you always hem and haw instead of answering the question
Interesting. They're a "fetus", then they're a "child" when it's convenient. Why keep changing?

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