Progressive Pay for their Crimes: Man awarded 50k against Free Speech Zones


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.
That someone should be cited for handing out the Constitution is absurd. It is Cali though.
And yes, I would feel the same if he were handing out Mao's Little Red Book.
Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.
50K huh? That's gonna buy a lot of pocket Constitutions.
That someone should be cited for handing out the Constitution is absurd. It is Cali though.
And yes, I would feel the same if he were handing out Mao's Little Red Book.

Shouldn't the liberals be cheering for joy over this decision?
Can't say about the money but the ACLU and I would have the same opinion on his Free Speech, let freedom ring.
Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.

What's your feeling about the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case in Alaska several years back. A kid was strong-armed by the State to remove a sign (just outside school property) because it didn't jive with Government's wishes. Personally, I'd love to see maximum freedom of expression.

Secondly, a fellow student of mine, many years ago in high school, refused to stand for the "Pledge of Allegiance". His family was deeply libertarian and didn't feel like the State had the right to mandate a loyalty oath, especially one that referenced God, which he and his family took to be a matter of personal freedom not bureaucratic imposition. (The family was Jewish, reformed hippies turned Libertarian) Anyway, the kid was suspended, and then he and his family elected to pursue home schooling. They also refused to fly because of 4th Amendment issues.

The Conservative Brownshirts called him a traitor and basically made he and his family live in shame until they moved out of South Carolina, to a more liberal state (where the problem stopped and he was allowed to pursue his beliefs without the moral interventionism of the Conservative Nanny State.) What say you?

'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' case limits student rights -
Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.
The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.

in front of the student center, in that little cement area”

I'm surprised it wasn't a fucking cage the way Statists work these days...
Can't say about the money but the ACLU and I would have the same opinion on his Free Speech, let freedom ring.

You mind if he hands out Bibles?

He can hand out Bibles, Korans, Mao's little red book, Mein Kampf, or the Book of Mormon for all I care. Doesn't mean I have to take one or listen to him.
Yeppers. But I'll bet there's something to learn if you did, especially if he has all of those, and actually, I do...
Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.

What's your feeling about the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case in Alaska several years back. A kid was strong-armed by the State to remove a sign (just outside school property) because it didn't jive with Government's wishes. Personally, I'd love to see maximum freedom of expression.

Secondly, a fellow student of mine, many years ago in high school, refused to stand for the "Pledge of Allegiance". His family was deeply libertarian and didn't feel like the State had the right to mandate a loyalty oath, especially one that referenced God, which he and his family took to be a matter of personal freedom not bureaucratic imposition. (The family was Jewish, reformed hippies turned Libertarian) Anyway, the kid was suspended, and then he and his family elected to pursue home schooling. They also refused to fly because of 4th Amendment issues.

The Conservative Brownshirts called him a traitor and basically made he and his family live in shame until they moved out of South Carolina, to a more liberal state (where the problem stopped and he was allowed to pursue his beliefs without the moral interventionism of the Conservative Nanny State.) What say you?

'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' case limits student rights -


I'm all for it.

The Ninth Amendment reserves the right of the people to imbibe and consume any substance they desire, including rat poison.

The Tenth Amendment makes it clear that the federal government cannot regulate the cultivation or exchange of any agricultural product within the Several States, unless the Constitution is amended to delegate those powers to the General Government.

Ninth Amendment, United States Constitution:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Tenth Amendment, United States Constitution:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
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Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.

Firearm policy with loaded guns
is different from free speech policy with handing out the Constitution.

Think of the school's liability if something goes wrong with firearms.
This would require additional requirements on training or screening and procedures
to follow. More legal complications and bureaucracy involved.

As for the campus restrictions on free speech,
I've seen this go both ways. Where some actions were considered
disruptive of academic activities and invoked standard disciplinary measures.
so it depends how it is done.

again, not abusing free speech to yell fire in a crowded theatre,
which can be considered a disruption of the "right of others to assemble peaceably"
which is EQUALLY included in the First Amendment. So if you enforce
the entire law consistently, and not take any part out of context,
you can avoid disruptions and conflicts considered overstepping the rights of others.

This concept of equal law enforcement also applies to when guns are considered a threat or not: if people are trained as police are to defend the law and respect security/due process then this is consistent with the Constitution and not a threat to public safety.
Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.

Firearm policy with loaded guns
is different from free speech policy with handing out the Constitution.


Man brings assault rifle into NM Capitol to prove point |

VIDEO: Rifle-toting man visits New Mexico Capitol to 'educate' people about gun rights - NY Daily News

Any law making another entity responsible for another entity's crime, is void.
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Calif. college student wins $50K settlement in free speech case - Washington Times

A California student, who was ordered by school officials to stop handing out copies of the Constitution on National Constitution Day, has won a $50,000 settlement against Modesto Junior College.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, also won an agreement to have his school revise its speech codes, which previously limited free speech to a small area students had to register to use, Fox News reported.

“They were maintaining an unconstitutional speech code, and now any of my fellow students can go out and exercise their right to free speech,” Mr. Van Tuinen, an Army veteran, told Fox.

Video shot in September showed Mr. Van Tuinen being confronted by a campus police officer within minutes of passing out pocket Constitutions. The officer then escorted the student to an administrative office, where a woman shows him documents that designate an area “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” where the First Amendment is allowed, Fox reported.

The Rule of Law prevailed.

Let's do the same for firearms.
50K huh? That's gonna buy a lot of pocket Constitutions.

No matter how small the reward was, it was worth the moral victory.

Must piss you and your ilk royally, judging by your "sour grapes" comment.

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