There was NO indication that gunman was using the gun for anything other than the shock value.
Being a thug and an anti-American, you don't realize that that is not how the law works. A man brandishes a gun or a knife in a menacing manner, the law permits a person to respond in self-defense with lethal force. Deal with it, Duh-ryl. Stop being a thug and you won't have to worry about it.
And if the gun was pointed at the innocents head, shooting the gunman could have caused the gunmans gun to go off.
LMAO!!! This isn't Hollywood, internet Rambo. This is why people completely and totally ignorant about firearms shouldn't speak about firearms. :eusa_doh:
There was NO indication that gunman was using the gun for anything other than the shock value.
If you're dumb enough to use a firearm in an armed robbery for "shock value", you absolutely deserve to die. And that's exactly why you're so upset. You're worried you won't be able to prey on people anymore. You're worried you might get your dumb head blown off. You should be worried. Stop being a thug, you piece of shit.

Other people's lives are so cheap to you. No wonder you live alone and have never done anything worth anything furthering the betterment of humanity. Your opinion means absolutely nothing since it's never been backed up by action. So go ahead and live in your little world you have created. Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to contribute to the real world.
And if the gun was pointed at the innocents head, shooting the gunman could have caused the gunmans gun to go off.
LMAO!!! This isn't Hollywood, internet Rambo. This is why people completely and totally ignorant about firearms shouldn't speak about firearms. :eusa_doh:

LOL, It appears that you get your rexall ranger directly from a Rambo I movie. No wonder you live alone inside that cave way out in the middle of nowhere. It sucks to be you.
militia means, callable to Arms.
And liberty means “the freedom not to answer the call”. Nobody in the militia (organized or unorganized) can be coerced into service. Never have been. Never will be.

Since you have never been called (and if you ever were, you didn't respond to it) then you have never paid those dues. You are a Rexall Ranger Wannabe Neverwas. I can live with being a has been.
natural rights are in State Constitutions and available via Due Process; not our Second Article of Amendment.
No they are not, you imbecile. We have been over this many times. Why you insist on repeating your lies is beyond me.
  1. We have 50 “state constitutions” you imbecile. That would mean we would all have separate and different “natural rights”.
  2. The U.S. Constitution and federal law trump state laws. That means we would have no natural rights as the federal government could override them.
God damn, you are the dumbest little monkey in America. Peddle your nonsense somewhere else.
why should Anyone take right wingers seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise?

He's not really a right winger. HE's a fruitcake cupcake. He is afraid we are going to take one of his little toys away from him. But he won't lift a finger to stand up for anyone elses rights other than come onto this message base and rag on and on. He only cares about himself and no other people. I don't worry about him EVER don't anything violent. He would have to have a backbone to do that and he has none. Besides, there has been enough holes in his story that suggest his background is false anyway.
I don't worry about him EVER don't anything violent. He would have to have a backbone to do that and he has none.
Did you get that, folks? Duh-ryl believes it takes a “backbone” to commit “violence”. Only thugs think like that. Rational people understand that only cowards engage in violence.

There’s a reason Duh-ryl desperately wants everyone disarmed. That reason is painfully obvious.
Other people's lives are so cheap to you.’s ok ‘lil buddy. :itsok:

You want the good people to die. And you get your cross-dressing thong in a bunch of every time one of your fellow thugs die.
I don't worry about him EVER don't anything violent.
That’s the only intelligent thing you’ve ever said. You don’t have to worry about me doing anything violent because I’m a law abiding citizen (unlike you) and I’m sane (u like you).
I don't worry about him EVER don't anything violent. He would have to have a backbone to do that and he has none.
Did you get that, folks? Duh-ryl believes it takes a “backbone” to commit “violence”. Only thugs think like that. Rational people understand that only cowards engage in violence.

There’s a reason Duh-ryl desperately wants everyone disarmed. That reason is painfully obvious.

Not everyone should be disarmed. Just you, the clinically insane.
Three more thugs like Duh-ryl eliminated by a peaceful and law abiding citizen.
Police said one of the suspects was found dead in front of the house, one fled on foot and the others fled in a car, KPRC-TV reported. The car crashed into a pole near Harrisburg Boulevard and a man was found dead inside. Another man ran out of the car, fell in the street and later died.
Bye-bye thugs! Bye-bye! Thank God for this homeowners right to keep and bear arms.

Houston homeowner shoots burglars attempting to break in, kills three
We should have no illegal problem because we have a naturalization clause not any form of immigration clause; all foreign nationals in the US should be federally identified.
why do we need alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?
Because you claim the “General Welfare” clause grants the federal government the power and our elected representatives on the left have deemed it is in the “general welfare” of the people to wage wars on crime, drugs, and terror. created the problem. You can’t have it both ways son.
why do we need alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?
Because you claim the “General Welfare” clause grants the federal government the power and our elected representatives on the left have deemed it is in the “general welfare” of the people to wage wars on crime, drugs, and terror. created the problem. You can’t have it both ways son.
there are no express powers for those policies.

Providing for the general welfare is the actual power not the general warfare.

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