The Mainstream Media has worked tirelessly supporting the corrupt ⁦Democrat Party and now the party is repaying them. Like, literally. With actual cash. Unfuckingbelievable.
Worse, the tax credit is “refundable,” meaning that a money-losing organization would get a check from Uncle Sam, rather than simply not owing anything. That means it’s corporate welfare.
I thought Dumbocrats opposed “Corporate Welfare”? 🤔
One can always count on the "mainstream media" to lie to them.
Anyone who gets their “news” from the mainstream media is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. They are clearly just the propaganda arm of the Dumbocrat Party.
The New York Times still called our reporting “unsubstantiated”— though hours later, it quietly deleted that word from its story.
The New York Times knew that the story was 100% accurate. But they have an agenda (and it’s clearly not journalism). They work for the Dumbocrat Party, getting Dumbocrats elected and advancing the Dumbocrat agenda.
What hasn’t ⁦‪Ana Kasparian‬⁩ been wrong about? ⁦‪The Young Turks‬⁩ push bullshit propaganda 24x7.
"Initially I was under the assumption that Rittenhouse was the person who was chasing after Joseph Rosenbaum — that's how it had started," Kasparian said on camera. "But I was wrong about that."
Live and liberty are at stake, and irresponsible leftists with microphones were making assumptions and passing it along as “fact”.
Anyone who gets their “news” from the mainstream media is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. They are clearly just the propaganda arm of the Dumbocrat Party.

Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to that fact.
Just a quick reminder regarding the Mainstream Media:
  • They pushed the false narrative that the Biden laptop was "Russian Disinformation" (when in fact it was 100% truth)
  • They pushed the false narrative that Nicholas Sandman was a "racist" provoking people (when in fact he was the victim)
  • They pushed the false narrative that there was "0 evidence to the Wuhan Lab leak" (when in fact it was 100% truth)
  • They pushed the false narrative of the Trump Dossier (later proven 100% Russian disinformation)
And remember - that is who the Dumobcrats turn to for "information". By now, they know they are being lied to. However, they cannot reconcile fact with their ideology, and they prefer the ideology they were conditioned to believe, so they continue to consume the propaganda because it confirms their failed ideology.
Anyone getting their information from the so-called "Mainstream Media" is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. All of them are engaged in political propaganda for the Democrat Party.
When a white conservative does anything, the mainstream media immediately labels it “domestic terrorism” by a “white supremacist” (because that is an important narrative to further their fascist agenda).

However, when the left actually engages in domestic terrorism (as they have been doing for more than 5 years now), the mainstream media is dead-silent.
It just doesn’t take much to confound CNN :laugh:
Anyone who gets their “news” from the mainstream media is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. The only outlets actually engaging in true journalism are:

Breitbart News
The Blaze
The Epoch Times
The Bongino Report
The Drudge Report
We all knew this already. Anyone with the smallest ounce of common sense knew it. Unfortunately, the left lacks common sense and the mainstream media and the Democrat Party knows it, so they push pure propaganda to their mindless minions 24x7.
Anyone who gets their “news” from the mainstream media is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. They are clearly just the propaganda arm of the Dumbocrat Party. And this just further proves it.
Anyone who gets their “news” from the mainstream media is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. Brian Williams told almost as many absurd and sensational lies as Hitlery Clinton.
Anyone who gets their “news” from the mainstream media is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. The White House asks for more favorable coverage and CNN immediately acquiesces like they are North Korea state-run tv.
Anyone getting their information from the so-called "Mainstream Media" is intentionally seeking propaganda at this point. All of them are engaged in political propaganda for the Democrat Party.
Chris Cuomo asked in a text to a staffer in his brother's administration how he could go after “this Fox weather bitch……Any help painting her as a far right crazy?”
You get that? An anchor at CNN is asking how he can paint someone as a “far right crazy”. He’s not interested in actual journalism. He’s interested in leveraging the platform for his own personal agenda - which includes destroying someone’s reputation.
Anyone getting their information from the so-called "Mainstream Media" is just intentionally seeking disinformation at this point. All of them are engaged in political propaganda for the Democrat Party.

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