Progressive Propaganda: The Socialism Edition

So, never.
So you’re acknowledging that

I acknowledge your admission that although you brought it up yourself you have no experience living under a socialist system. I also acknowledge that your only experience possibly studying the subject was during an aborted history program during which we have no indication that you ever studied the subject at all before you failed out.
If I walk out of my house (which I bought and own) into the street, I've gone from capitalism to socialism (the gov't owns my street).
That’s not “socialism” :eusa_doh:

Public doesn’t = socialism :eusa_doh:

Socialism, in a general sense, is the transfer of wealth from producers to parasites. In a specific sense, it is government controlling the means of production. A public street is neither of those things.

For fuck’s sake, our education system is failing this country. I’m astounded by the ignorance I encounter on social media. We don’t even understand basic terms. We’re fucked. No Republic can withstand this level of ignorance.
I heartily agree on the state of our education system. People seem to be too ignorant or lazy to do their own homework so they just repeat whatever they are told or just make stuff up.

so·cial·ism noun
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

If roads are not privately owned they seem to fit this definition
I acknowledge your admission that although you brought it up yourself you have no experience living under a socialist system.
Well, I’m glad to see you admit your comment was really stupid - even if your fragile ego lacked the humility to just come out and admit it.
so·cial·ism noun
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

If roads are not privately owned they seem to fit this definition
That’s the keyword: “seem”. It only seems that way to those desperate for it to seem that way.

Public doesn’t = socialism

Roads are not “produced”, “distributed”, or “exchanged”. In almost all cases, they are put in by private companies, paid for by tax dollars.
so·cial·ism noun
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

If roads are not privately owned they seem to fit this definition
That’s the keyword: “seem”. It only seems that way to those desperate for it to seem that way.

Public doesn’t = socialism

Roads are not “produced”, “distributed”, or “exchanged”. In almost all cases, they are put in by private companies, paid for by tax dollars.
How do goods get distributed if not over publicly-owned roads? Careful you're starting to flail.
I bet the OP is the kind of person that thinks universal healthcare is socialism and then conflates it with the governments of murderous dictators in a completely dishonest and delusional attempt to argue against Americans going to the doctor at taxpayer expense.
We already have universal healthcare. You can walk into any healthcare provider, get treatment then pay your own damn healthcare bill instead of trying to mooch off others.
Let a leftist talk long enough and they will inevitably accidentally admit the truth. That’s because lying requires keeping track of all lies in real-time and that is very difficult to do.
He wrote in Time magazine in October 2020, “Free markets, trade and competition create so much wealth that in theory they could make everyone better off if there was the will to do so.”
It’s just a simple, indisputable fact. Mankind toiled in limited advancement for thousand of years. And then, with the creation of the free market, the advancement of mankind skyrocketed in less than 100 years.
As Schwab himself acknowledges, free markets have generated more prosperity than any system in human history.
Even those in “poverty” in America live better today than any king of the 1800’s.
"Let them eat cake!"
"Nothing shows how out-of-touch Democrats are like saying people should just buy an expensive electric car they can't afford in the middle of record high inflation," replied commentator Dan Eberhart.
Bottom line - Democrats are unfit to govern.
The left’s failed policies continues to harm Americans and America…
Thousands of Californians have already lost jobs because some restaurants closed. Others lost income because their employer cut worker hours. The chain El Pollo Loco cut employees' hours by 10 percent.
If only the left understood basic economics.

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