Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

Another worthy note, here...

America has moved really far (but not 100%) away from the outward acceptance of Racism.

This "anti racism" example has had a much longer time to become ingrained into our society - but anti homophobia is relatively new and so many folks cannot see the wisdom in using your speech to invalidate irrational discrimination in society.

It would be easier to see the Wisdom in what this school has done, if you replace the policy against homosexuals with a policy against Black Students -

Would they be "snowflakes" for skipping the game, then?

That's rhetorical in light of how ridiculous it would be to consider that being a "snowflake."

race and sexuality are not the same, despite your side's attempts to equate them.

And Christianity has no real acceptance of racism, despite what some southerners thought and made up in the 1800's.

Homosexuality, on the other hand, or at least homosexual acts are taboo across almost all major religions, and the taboo is explicit.
I dont really care to hear how you rationalize the discrimination against folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to, sorry. That's as bad to me as racism, because I know for a fact that I didn't consciously choose to be attracted to women - it happened as a natural occurrence. I couldnt get a boner for a man no matter how hard I fuckin tried, much in the same way I couldn't change the race I was born into.

Dodging the question. typical.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.
I don't discriminate against folks who believe in fairy tales. They're even allowed into my home, I don't ban them from entry into my Organization like these Christian "snowflakes."
That is because you do not understand the reality of sin or the gravity of sin. A good parent instructs their children, and disciplines their children, for their own good. They may not understand it but sometime later they will be grateful.

Christian schools do not allow homosexual teachers because it gives off a very wrong message. I seriously doubt they would allow anyone to teach there bragged of their adultery or love of porn. You see, you and yours all too often have this feigned appearance of caring for others. Promoting premarital sex, gay sex, choose your gender talk, is all bad for the soul. And reading 1st and 2nd graders a book called “Johnny has two Dads” is an abomination. I guess, until you come to the realization God, heaven and hell are all very real you will rely on your ego and wits to form your conscience instead.

Ps --- your using discrimination against blacks analogy is totally lame.
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

You are not the center of the fucking universe, something most progressives find unfathomable.
I dont care who you think I am - if you can't handle a reasoned discussion without resorting to this meta blahblah bullshit, it's a function of your ineptitude.
race and sexuality are not the same, despite your side's attempts to equate them.

And Christianity has no real acceptance of racism, despite what some southerners thought and made up in the 1800's.

Homosexuality, on the other hand, or at least homosexual acts are taboo across almost all major religions, and the taboo is explicit.
I dont really care to hear how you rationalize the discrimination against folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to, sorry. That's as bad to me as racism, because I know for a fact that I didn't consciously choose to be attracted to women - it happened as a natural occurrence. I couldnt get a boner for a man no matter how hard I fuckin tried, much in the same way I couldn't change the race I was born into.

Dodging the question. typical.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
I don't discriminate against folks who believe in fairy tales. They're even allowed into my home, I don't ban them from entry into my Organization like these Christian "snowflakes."
That is because you do not understand the reality of sin or the gravity of sin. A good parent instructs their children, and disciplines their children, for their own good. They may not understand it but sometime later they will be grateful.

Christian schools do not allow homosexual teachers because it gives off a very wrong message. I seriously doubt they would allow anyone to teach there bragged of their adultery or love of porn. You see, you and yours all too often have this feigned appearance of caring for others. Promoting premarital sex, gay sex, choose your gender talk, is all bad for the soul. And reading 1st and 2nd graders a book called “Johnny has two Dads” is an abomination. I guess, until you come to the realization God, heaven and hell are all very real you will rely on your ego and wits to form your conscience instead.

Ps --- your using discrimination against blacks analogy is totally lame.
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

You are not the center of the fucking universe, something most progressives find unfathomable.
I dont care who you think I am - if you can't handle a reasoned discussion without resorting to this meta blahblah bullshit, it's a function of your ineptitude.

Or you took too much of your lithium this morning and can't fart out an emotion if you had a gun to your head.
I don't discriminate against folks who believe in fairy tales. They're even allowed into my home, I don't ban them from entry into my Organization like these Christian "snowflakes."
That is because you do not understand the reality of sin or the gravity of sin. A good parent instructs their children, and disciplines their children, for their own good. They may not understand it but sometime later they will be grateful.

Christian schools do not allow homosexual teachers because it gives off a very wrong message. I seriously doubt they would allow anyone to teach there bragged of their adultery or love of porn. You see, you and yours all too often have this feigned appearance of caring for others. Promoting premarital sex, gay sex, choose your gender talk, is all bad for the soul. And reading 1st and 2nd graders a book called “Johnny has two Dads” is an abomination. I guess, until you come to the realization God, heaven and hell are all very real you will rely on your ego and wits to form your conscience instead.

Ps --- your using discrimination against blacks analogy is totally lame.
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

So let me get this straight , YOUR moral code should come into play in a discussion but the moral code of anyone who disagrees with you should not?

Yep, that is EXACTLY what you are saying.
Rationality and the ability to reason is what matters in a discussion of ideas.

If x, y, z person cannot rationally defend their discrimination, I fully agree with any school-system that will not dignify said discrimination with a Visit.

Oh , I see. So tell me who decides what is rational discrimination and what is not?
I dont really care to hear how you rationalize the discrimination against folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to, sorry. That's as bad to me as racism, because I know for a fact that I didn't consciously choose to be attracted to women - it happened as a natural occurrence. I couldnt get a boner for a man no matter how hard I fuckin tried, much in the same way I couldn't change the race I was born into.

Dodging the question. typical.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?
race and sexuality are not the same, despite your side's attempts to equate them.

And Christianity has no real acceptance of racism, despite what some southerners thought and made up in the 1800's.

Homosexuality, on the other hand, or at least homosexual acts are taboo across almost all major religions, and the taboo is explicit.
I dont really care to hear how you rationalize the discrimination against folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to, sorry. That's as bad to me as racism, because I know for a fact that I didn't consciously choose to be attracted to women - it happened as a natural occurrence. I couldnt get a boner for a man no matter how hard I fuckin tried, much in the same way I couldn't change the race I was born into.

Dodging the question. typical.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
I don't discriminate against folks who believe in fairy tales. They're even allowed into my home, I don't ban them from entry into my Organization like these Christian "snowflakes."
That is because you do not understand the reality of sin or the gravity of sin. A good parent instructs their children, and disciplines their children, for their own good. They may not understand it but sometime later they will be grateful.

Christian schools do not allow homosexual teachers because it gives off a very wrong message. I seriously doubt they would allow anyone to teach there bragged of their adultery or love of porn. You see, you and yours all too often have this feigned appearance of caring for others. Promoting premarital sex, gay sex, choose your gender talk, is all bad for the soul. And reading 1st and 2nd graders a book called “Johnny has two Dads” is an abomination. I guess, until you come to the realization God, heaven and hell are all very real you will rely on your ego and wits to form your conscience instead.

Ps --- your using discrimination against blacks analogy is totally lame.
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

So let me get this straight , YOUR moral code should come into play in a discussion but the moral code of anyone who disagrees with you should not?

Yep, that is EXACTLY what you are saying.
Rationality and the ability to reason is what matters in a discussion of ideas.

If x, y, z person cannot rationally defend their discrimination, I fully agree with any school-system that will not dignify said discrimination with a Visit.

Oh , I see. So tell me who decides what is rational discrimination and what is not?
It depends on the setting - but the Laws of Logic and the scientific method are the strongest benchmarks we've got. Not sure what else anyone would appeal to in an argument.

A fairy tale?

I dont really care to hear how you rationalize the discrimination against folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to, sorry. That's as bad to me as racism, because I know for a fact that I didn't consciously choose to be attracted to women - it happened as a natural occurrence. I couldnt get a boner for a man no matter how hard I fuckin tried, much in the same way I couldn't change the race I was born into.

Dodging the question. typical.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?

That is because you do not understand the reality of sin or the gravity of sin. A good parent instructs their children, and disciplines their children, for their own good. They may not understand it but sometime later they will be grateful.

Christian schools do not allow homosexual teachers because it gives off a very wrong message. I seriously doubt they would allow anyone to teach there bragged of their adultery or love of porn. You see, you and yours all too often have this feigned appearance of caring for others. Promoting premarital sex, gay sex, choose your gender talk, is all bad for the soul. And reading 1st and 2nd graders a book called “Johnny has two Dads” is an abomination. I guess, until you come to the realization God, heaven and hell are all very real you will rely on your ego and wits to form your conscience instead.

Ps --- your using discrimination against blacks analogy is totally lame.
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

So let me get this straight , YOUR moral code should come into play in a discussion but the moral code of anyone who disagrees with you should not?

Yep, that is EXACTLY what you are saying.
Rationality and the ability to reason is what matters in a discussion of ideas.

If x, y, z person cannot rationally defend their discrimination, I fully agree with any school-system that will not dignify said discrimination with a Visit.

Oh , I see. So tell me who decides what is rational discrimination and what is not?
It depends on the setting - but the Laws of Logic and the scientific method are the strongest benchmarks we've got. Not sure what else anyone would appeal to in an argument.

A fairy tale?


OR, and I'm just spit balling here, you could stop being an asshole who is trying to claim that some discrimination is okay and some is not, and oh just coincidentally all the good discrimination just happens to be that you agree with and all the bad that which you don't agree with?????????
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

So let me get this straight , YOUR moral code should come into play in a discussion but the moral code of anyone who disagrees with you should not?

Yep, that is EXACTLY what you are saying.
Rationality and the ability to reason is what matters in a discussion of ideas.

If x, y, z person cannot rationally defend their discrimination, I fully agree with any school-system that will not dignify said discrimination with a Visit.

Oh , I see. So tell me who decides what is rational discrimination and what is not?
It depends on the setting - but the Laws of Logic and the scientific method are the strongest benchmarks we've got. Not sure what else anyone would appeal to in an argument.

A fairy tale?


OR, and I'm just spit balling here, you could stop being an asshole who is trying to claim that some discrimination is okay and some is not, and oh just coincidentally all the good discrimination just happens to be that you agree with and all the bad that which you don't agree with?????????
I dont care what you consider it - being an asshole or otherwise. I'll always be court-side routing for the team that's against being an irrational bigot. Homophobia is irrational bigotry - it cannot win any logical arguments as defensible.
Dodging the question. typical.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?


That's pretty judgemental of you, and if we take that to its logical conclusion we must conclude that YOU believe that there is something wrong with the brain of a homosexual and that's why they feel the need to fuck a person of the same gender even though we a humans are naturally predisposed to procreation which requires sex with the opposite gender.

You are really really really bad at this.
I don't discriminate against folks who believe in fairy tales. They're even allowed into my home, I don't ban them from entry into my Organization like these Christian "snowflakes."
That is because you do not understand the reality of sin or the gravity of sin. A good parent instructs their children, and disciplines their children, for their own good. They may not understand it but sometime later they will be grateful.

Christian schools do not allow homosexual teachers because it gives off a very wrong message. I seriously doubt they would allow anyone to teach there bragged of their adultery or love of porn. You see, you and yours all too often have this feigned appearance of caring for others. Promoting premarital sex, gay sex, choose your gender talk, is all bad for the soul. And reading 1st and 2nd graders a book called “Johnny has two Dads” is an abomination. I guess, until you come to the realization God, heaven and hell are all very real you will rely on your ego and wits to form your conscience instead.

Ps --- your using discrimination against blacks analogy is totally lame.
Sin is not an empirically established concept - it has no gravity in a rational discussion with me. "Belief" and "empiricism" are two different playing fields.

God has revealed all that is necessary to know He is. We know your kind will never acknowledge our empirical evidence as proof or truth, but you can be sure your contentions are even further away from established truth.




But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?


That's pretty judgemental of you, and if we take that to its logical conclusion we must conclude that YOU believe that there is something wrong with the brain of a homosexual and that's why they feel the need to fuck a person of the same gender even though we a humans are naturally predisposed to procreation which requires sex with the opposite gender.

You are really really really bad at this.
Correct - I think something is biologically incorrect about a pro-creational being that is attracted to a sex it cannot procreate with. That's not a moral argument, it's a biological predisposition.

What does that mean, in practice? It means nothing, there are no Victims as long as we don't discriminate against their biological predisposition based on irrational fairy tales.

What does a person who fucks animals mean, in practice? It means the animals are Victims, as they are unable to rationally Consent to sex.
So let me get this straight , YOUR moral code should come into play in a discussion but the moral code of anyone who disagrees with you should not?

Yep, that is EXACTLY what you are saying.
Rationality and the ability to reason is what matters in a discussion of ideas.

If x, y, z person cannot rationally defend their discrimination, I fully agree with any school-system that will not dignify said discrimination with a Visit.

Oh , I see. So tell me who decides what is rational discrimination and what is not?
It depends on the setting - but the Laws of Logic and the scientific method are the strongest benchmarks we've got. Not sure what else anyone would appeal to in an argument.

A fairy tale?


OR, and I'm just spit balling here, you could stop being an asshole who is trying to claim that some discrimination is okay and some is not, and oh just coincidentally all the good discrimination just happens to be that you agree with and all the bad that which you don't agree with?????????
I dont care what you consider it - being an asshole or otherwise. I'll always be court-side routing for the team that's against being an irrational bigot. Homophobia is irrational bigotry - it cannot win any logical arguments as defensible.

You need to make up your mind, In one post you state that anyone who wants weird sex is likely mentally ill, in the next you say it's not logical to be bigoted against the people you believe are mentally ill..

However, to your point. It is entirely illogical to discriminate against people who have different religious beliefs than you, and Ive no doubt that you would argue that point in a thread about Muslims. Meaning you are being irrational when you defend discriminating against Christian.

See this is what happens when you don't actually have any principles. Myself, I believe ALL discrimination should be okay. It's MY life if I don't want to associate with someone else, what business is that of yours? Etc etc.
Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?


That's pretty judgemental of you, and if we take that to its logical conclusion we must conclude that YOU believe that there is something wrong with the brain of a homosexual and that's why they feel the need to fuck a person of the same gender even though we a humans are naturally predisposed to procreation which requires sex with the opposite gender.

You are really really really bad at this.
Correct - I think something is biologically incorrect about a pro-creational being that is attracted to a sex it cannot procreate with. That's not a moral argument, it's a biological predisposition.

What does that mean, in practice? It means nothing, there are no Victims as long as we don't discriminate against their biological predisposition based on irrational fairy tales.

What does a person who fucks animals mean, in practice? It means the animals are Victims, as they are unable to rationally Consent to sex.

You see this mdk , this guy thinks you're mentally ill.
Rationality and the ability to reason is what matters in a discussion of ideas.

If x, y, z person cannot rationally defend their discrimination, I fully agree with any school-system that will not dignify said discrimination with a Visit.

Oh , I see. So tell me who decides what is rational discrimination and what is not?
It depends on the setting - but the Laws of Logic and the scientific method are the strongest benchmarks we've got. Not sure what else anyone would appeal to in an argument.

A fairy tale?


OR, and I'm just spit balling here, you could stop being an asshole who is trying to claim that some discrimination is okay and some is not, and oh just coincidentally all the good discrimination just happens to be that you agree with and all the bad that which you don't agree with?????????
I dont care what you consider it - being an asshole or otherwise. I'll always be court-side routing for the team that's against being an irrational bigot. Homophobia is irrational bigotry - it cannot win any logical arguments as defensible.

You need to make up your mind, In one post you state that anyone who wants weird sex is likely mentally ill, in the next you say it's not logical to be bigoted against the people you believe are mentally ill..

However, to your point. It is entirely illogical to discriminate against people who have different religious beliefs than you, and Ive no doubt that you would argue that point in a thread about Muslims. Meaning you are being irrational when you defend discriminating against Christian.

See this is what happens when you don't actually have any principles. Myself, I believe ALL discrimination should be okay. It's MY life if I don't want to associate with someone else, what business is that of yours? Etc etc.
False - you extrapolated what wasnt there from my post and so it's your mind that needed correction. I do so for you already in my previous post.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?


That's pretty judgemental of you, and if we take that to its logical conclusion we must conclude that YOU believe that there is something wrong with the brain of a homosexual and that's why they feel the need to fuck a person of the same gender even though we a humans are naturally predisposed to procreation which requires sex with the opposite gender.

You are really really really bad at this.
Correct - I think something is biologically incorrect about a pro-creational being that is attracted to a sex it cannot procreate with. That's not a moral argument, it's a biological predisposition.

What does that mean, in practice? It means nothing, there are no Victims as long as we don't discriminate against their biological predisposition based on irrational fairy tales.

What does a person who fucks animals mean, in practice? It means the animals are Victims, as they are unable to rationally Consent to sex.

You see this mdk , this guy thinks you're mentally ill.
MDK and I are friends you bumbling fucking retard.
Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control. Race and sexual attraction.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?


That's pretty judgemental of you, and if we take that to its logical conclusion we must conclude that YOU believe that there is something wrong with the brain of a homosexual and that's why they feel the need to fuck a person of the same gender even though we a humans are naturally predisposed to procreation which requires sex with the opposite gender.

You are really really really bad at this.
Correct - I think something is biologically incorrect about a pro-creational being that is attracted to a sex it cannot procreate with. That's not a moral argument, it's a biological predisposition.

What does that mean, in practice? It means nothing, there are no Victims as long as we don't discriminate against their biological predisposition based on irrational fairy tales.

What does a person who fucks animals mean, in practice? It means the animals are Victims, as they are unable to rationally Consent to sex.

Do you enjoy oral sex or anal sex with a woman?? You must be mentally ill, neither of those leads to procreation.

Do you make any points that are not laughable?
Sir, there are people who have sex with livestock. Are you telling me that they are born that way and there was no conscious effort on their part to get the required erection to have sex with a farm animal?
Yes, I'm telling you that there's likely a malfunction in their brain or hormones and that their "boner" for Cows is not voluntary -

Can you voluntarily get turned on by a cow?


That's pretty judgemental of you, and if we take that to its logical conclusion we must conclude that YOU believe that there is something wrong with the brain of a homosexual and that's why they feel the need to fuck a person of the same gender even though we a humans are naturally predisposed to procreation which requires sex with the opposite gender.

You are really really really bad at this.
Correct - I think something is biologically incorrect about a pro-creational being that is attracted to a sex it cannot procreate with. That's not a moral argument, it's a biological predisposition.

What does that mean, in practice? It means nothing, there are no Victims as long as we don't discriminate against their biological predisposition based on irrational fairy tales.

What does a person who fucks animals mean, in practice? It means the animals are Victims, as they are unable to rationally Consent to sex.

You see this mdk , this guy thinks you're mentally ill.
MDK and I are friends you bumbling fucking retard.

Mighty white of you to be friends with a person you believe is mentally ill.

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