Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.

That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
It's not logic if you can demonstrate that its premises do not follow.

Calling names and going raawr isn't how that's done. C'mon, you can do it - dont be such an emo snowflake.

Trying to pretend your own bigoted opinions follow a logic chain isn't how its done either.

and you are the one misusing snowflake, as I am still here, still debating with you, and not doing anything to stop you from being an ass.
You're getting emotional and having a temper tantrum of name calling and irrationality.

I* can defend my views, reasonably.

It's not bigoted to be against arbitrary discrimination based on a fairy tale.
This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.

It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
MMMKAYYYYyy, slippery slope as a means to deny free speech.

Good luck, authoritarian.

Who's trying to deny them anything? Calling them out is not denying them anything, just as calling you out isn't denying you anything.

It's progressives that run to government to get their way, or try to ruin someone over their beliefs. The right learned their lesson on that with the Moral Majority Morons back in the 80's and 90's.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

Oddly I can't think of a single Christian anywhere who teaches that homosexuals are monsters, but we both can think of many Muslims who teach that gays should be tossed off rooftops, and I don't you or any other leftist calling for bigotry against Muslims, in fact the opposite I see you morons DEFENDING Isam and screaming about people who are bigoted towards them.

IOW you people are absolute dishonest morons.
conflating what you see "people" doing and using it as a crutch point against a singular "person" is so immature, and weak dude. I dont think you're up for defending any sort of views rationally, here. Don't be jealous that others are capable.

Bro, you can't even accept the premise that words have meanings and defend your position honestly, GTFO
You're melting down - all I saw was something something Muslims RaaaAAaAAwrrrr...

Little kids table, for you.
No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.

That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
It's not logic if you can demonstrate that its premises do not follow.

Calling names and going raawr isn't how that's done. C'mon, you can do it - dont be such an emo snowflake.

Trying to pretend your own bigoted opinions follow a logic chain isn't how its done either.

and you are the one misusing snowflake, as I am still here, still debating with you, and not doing anything to stop you from being an ass.
You're getting emotional and having a temper tantrum of name calling and irrationality.

I* can defend my views, reasonably.

It's not bigoted to be against arbitrary discrimination based on a fairy tale.

Passion in the face of injustice is no sin, civility in the face of oppression is no virtue.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.

It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
MMMKAYYYYyy, slippery slope as a means to deny free speech.

Good luck, authoritarian.

Who's trying to deny them anything? Calling them out is not denying them anything, just as calling you out isn't denying you anything.

It's progressives that run to government to get their way, or try to ruin someone over their beliefs. The right learned their lesson on that with the Moral Majority Morons back in the 80's and 90's.
You are lashing out at them for using their speech in order to refuse the dignifying of discrimination. Further, you're doing so by calling all these middle schooler names based on tough-guy isms like "snowflake" and shit - which is an attempt at intimidation through name calling as opposed to rationally hashing out your disagreements.

Weak-minded trolling - on your part. But hey, I don't mind wasting a little bit of time exposing your petulant toddler-brained thought processes when it seems necessary.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.

That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
It's not logic if you can demonstrate that its premises do not follow.

Calling names and going raawr isn't how that's done. C'mon, you can do it - dont be such an emo snowflake.

Trying to pretend your own bigoted opinions follow a logic chain isn't how its done either.

and you are the one misusing snowflake, as I am still here, still debating with you, and not doing anything to stop you from being an ass.
You're getting emotional and having a temper tantrum of name calling and irrationality.

I* can defend my views, reasonably.

It's not bigoted to be against arbitrary discrimination based on a fairy tale.

Passion in the face of injustice is no sin, civility in the face of oppression is no virtue.
Passion is putting your foot down and finally acting in accordance with your beliefs - and I commend the school for doing so in the face of attempted intimidation by tough guys that try and enforce discrimination by hiding behind a fairy tale.
Does calling gay people ‘demon possessed’ count as calling them monsters?

The Raw, Naked Truth About Homosexuality

Homosexuality: Christian Approaches


What some weirdos LOL but hey that's the downside of religious freedom. Now here's the kicker, just as those people have a right to their bigoted thoughts, bigots have a right to not associate with them. The only problem comes when you try to pretend like you're not bigoted because "they deserve it" and really the ONLY reason anyone even tries to make this argument is because they want to paint a picture that all bigotry is bad, but what they do isn't bigotry, so.........
Another worthy note, here...

America has moved really far (but not 100%) away from the outward acceptance of Racism.

This "anti racism" example has had a much longer time to become ingrained into our society - but anti homophobia is relatively new and so many folks cannot see the wisdom in using your speech to invalidate irrational discrimination in society.

It would be easier to see the Wisdom in what this school has done, if you replace the policy against homosexuals with a policy against Black Students -

Would they be "snowflakes" for skipping the game, then?

That's rhetorical in light of how ridiculous it would be to consider that being a "snowflake."
Does calling gay people demon possessed count as calling them monsters?

The Raw, Naked Truth About Homosexuality

Homosexuality: Christian Approaches

what up my homosexual yet incredibly more normal than these odd-asses buddy :lol:

Any chance you can hook me up with a "bigot" tattoo for those weird times when I speak against irrational discrimination? It's tax season, don't smite me!

I’ll give you a mushroom stamp on your forehead. lol
I'll take a Taco stamp and promise you that maybe she'd allow a pinky in her booty
No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.

It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
MMMKAYYYYyy, slippery slope as a means to deny free speech.

Good luck, authoritarian.

Who's trying to deny them anything? Calling them out is not denying them anything, just as calling you out isn't denying you anything.

It's progressives that run to government to get their way, or try to ruin someone over their beliefs. The right learned their lesson on that with the Moral Majority Morons back in the 80's and 90's.
You are lashing out at them for using their speech in order to refuse the dignifying of discrimination. Further, you're doing so by calling all these middle schooler names based on tough-guy isms like "snowflake" and shit - which is an attempt at intimidation through name calling as opposed to rationally hashing out your disagreements.

Weak-minded trolling - on your part. But hey, I don't mind wasting a little bit of time exposing your petulant toddler-brained thought processes when it seems necessary.

I am criticizing them, I am lashing at YOU. big difference.

you are justifying your want of discrimination based on your own beliefs, making you no better than people like JoeB, only slighting not as much as an asshat.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.

It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
MMMKAYYYYyy, slippery slope as a means to deny free speech.

Good luck, authoritarian.

Who's trying to deny them anything? Calling them out is not denying them anything, just as calling you out isn't denying you anything.

It's progressives that run to government to get their way, or try to ruin someone over their beliefs. The right learned their lesson on that with the Moral Majority Morons back in the 80's and 90's.
You are lashing out at them for using their speech in order to refuse the dignifying of discrimination. Further, you're doing so by calling all these middle schooler names based on tough-guy isms like "snowflake" and shit - which is an attempt at intimidation through name calling as opposed to rationally hashing out your disagreements.

Weak-minded trolling - on your part. But hey, I don't mind wasting a little bit of time exposing your petulant toddler-brained thought processes when it seems necessary.

I am criticizing them, I am lashing at YOU. big difference.

you are justifying your want of discrimination based on your own beliefs, making you no better than people like JoeB, only slighting not as much as an asshat.
Not dignifying bigotry with a Visit is something I'm completely fine with.

If they refused to Visit a school that didn't allow Blacks, I'd consider it the same situation. I'm 100% for revoking the Visit. Free Speech.
That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
It's not logic if you can demonstrate that its premises do not follow.

Calling names and going raawr isn't how that's done. C'mon, you can do it - dont be such an emo snowflake.

Trying to pretend your own bigoted opinions follow a logic chain isn't how its done either.

and you are the one misusing snowflake, as I am still here, still debating with you, and not doing anything to stop you from being an ass.
You're getting emotional and having a temper tantrum of name calling and irrationality.

I* can defend my views, reasonably.

It's not bigoted to be against arbitrary discrimination based on a fairy tale.

Passion in the face of injustice is no sin, civility in the face of oppression is no virtue.
Passion is putting your foot down and finally acting in accordance with your beliefs - and I commend the school for doing so in the face of attempted intimidation by tough guys that try and enforce discrimination by hiding behind a fairy tale.

They are being snowflakes, they are pouting over not wanting to play over something that does not impact them at all physically.

And your anti-religious bigotry shows with your last line.

It almost makes me wish there is a hell, and that I can be there for the surprised look on your face.
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Most of the time you play the 'I am above you all' game.

But, every once in a while you cannot help yourself and show (what I must assume) is your REAL face.

And it ain't pretty.

There is NOTHING 'hate and bigotry' to do with refusing to play sports with homophobics...especially on the grounds that they felt 'unsafe'.

And there is nothing wrong with publicly expressing their support for the LGBT community.

Clearly, you are not broad-minded. You seem a closet conservative. Maybe even a closet Trumpbot.

Have a nice day.
It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
MMMKAYYYYyy, slippery slope as a means to deny free speech.

Good luck, authoritarian.

Who's trying to deny them anything? Calling them out is not denying them anything, just as calling you out isn't denying you anything.

It's progressives that run to government to get their way, or try to ruin someone over their beliefs. The right learned their lesson on that with the Moral Majority Morons back in the 80's and 90's.
You are lashing out at them for using their speech in order to refuse the dignifying of discrimination. Further, you're doing so by calling all these middle schooler names based on tough-guy isms like "snowflake" and shit - which is an attempt at intimidation through name calling as opposed to rationally hashing out your disagreements.

Weak-minded trolling - on your part. But hey, I don't mind wasting a little bit of time exposing your petulant toddler-brained thought processes when it seems necessary.

I am criticizing them, I am lashing at YOU. big difference.

you are justifying your want of discrimination based on your own beliefs, making you no better than people like JoeB, only slighting not as much as an asshat.
Not dignifying bigotry with a Visit is something I'm completely fine with.

If they refused to Visit a school that didn't allow Blacks, I'd consider it the same situation. I'm 100% for revoking the Visit. Free Speech.

But they still are willing to play them at home? where they can taunt and jeer at them?

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