Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

High school aged students are children. As children they are in need of authority. Authoritarian my Aunt Fanny. They are kids not being allowed to turn the school into a Lord of the Flies island.

The children from the progressive school are being taught that perversion is normal. The Christians are saying "we don't care if you are perverts. We won't be perverts."

The progressives say "Not good enough. You too must be perverts."

Leave them be.
High school aged students are children. As children they are in need of authority. Authoritarian my Aunt Fanny. They are kids not being allowed to turn the school into a Lord of the Flies island.

The children from the progressive school are being taught that perversion is normal. The Christians are saying "we don't care if you are perverts. We won't be perverts."

The progressives say "Not good enough. You too must be perverts."

Leave them be.

There is NOTHING progressive about these folks, or their ideas.
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Oh shut the fuck up....
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.
it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Oh shut the fuck up....


Isn't saying people who hold Christian beliefs are not worth associating with bigotry as well?
I would say that if my thoughts were completely binary, and I couldn't use my reasoning for context.

Christian Beliefs are, by their very scripture, bigoted against certain folks.

Disengaging them based on that - or what binary thinkers would call "anti bigotry bigotry" isn't hypocritical, it's morally consistent against Bigotry.
You can't be bigoted toward a sin, only the sinner. The Bible teaches us to love the sinner and hate the sin. That isn't bigotry as you define it. Unless you believe hatred of something like pedophillia is bigotry.

Is it?
When you use the Bible as justification to try to prohibit something like Civil Marriage, it is indeed bigotry. When you arbitrarily decide which behaviors are sin and not, it is bigotry.
. Homosexuals can get married, just not to each other. Once again, The Bible isn't being bigoted toward the homosexual.
Remember actions are the sin,. Is pedophillia a sin?
That's not an intellectually convincing argument. In fact, it's an argument in totally bad faith. Bad faith arguments, at their very base, are dishonest in intent.
. Such arrogance! Just because you disagree doesn't make the other argument intellectually Dishonest. In fact your Attitude demonstrates bigotry. You're not the arbitrator of Truth .
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.
it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.

That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
I would say that if my thoughts were completely binary, and I couldn't use my reasoning for context.

Christian Beliefs are, by their very scripture, bigoted against certain folks.

Disengaging them based on that - or what binary thinkers would call "anti bigotry bigotry" isn't hypocritical, it's morally consistent against Bigotry.
You can't be bigoted toward a sin, only the sinner. The Bible teaches us to love the sinner and hate the sin. That isn't bigotry as you define it. Unless you believe hatred of something like pedophillia is bigotry.

Is it?
When you use the Bible as justification to try to prohibit something like Civil Marriage, it is indeed bigotry. When you arbitrarily decide which behaviors are sin and not, it is bigotry.
. Homosexuals can get married, just not to each other. Once again, The Bible isn't being bigoted toward the homosexual.
Remember actions are the sin,. Is pedophillia a sin?
That's not an intellectually convincing argument. In fact, it's an argument in totally bad faith. Bad faith arguments, at their very base, are dishonest in intent.
. Such arrogance! Just because you disagree doesn't make the other argument intellectually Dishonest. In fact your Attitude demonstrates bigotry. You're not the arbitrator of Truth .
Dude - you tried to justify a Law against Gay marriage by saying they can marry straight just like everyone else.

That's so intellectually dishonest, it's downright just fucking stupid.

It's missing the point of the discussion before the discussion even starts.
it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

Oddly I can't think of a single Christian anywhere who teaches that homosexuals are monsters, but we both can think of many Muslims who teach that gays should be tossed off rooftops, and I don't you or any other leftist calling for bigotry against Muslims, in fact the opposite I see you morons DEFENDING Isam and screaming about people who are bigoted towards them.

IOW you people are absolute dishonest morons.
What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.
How long have these teams been playing each other? Any violence?
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.

That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
It's not logic if you can demonstrate that its premises do not follow.

Calling names and going raawr isn't how that's done. C'mon, you can do it - dont be such an emo snowflake.
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

Oddly I can't think of a single Christian anywhere who teaches that homosexuals are monsters, but we both can think of many Muslims who teach that gays should be tossed off rooftops, and I don't you or any other leftist calling for bigotry against Muslims, in fact the opposite I see you morons DEFENDING Isam and screaming about people who are bigoted towards them.

IOW you people are absolute dishonest morons.
conflating what you see "people" doing and using it as a crutch point against a singular "person" is so immature, and weak dude. I dont think you're up for defending any sort of views rationally, here. Don't be jealous that others are capable.
No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.

It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
leftist logic

"It's perfectly acceptable to be bigoted against Christians because they believe homosexuality is a sin"

Also leftist logic

"hey you can't be bigoted against Muslims because their beliefs are different than yours"

You people are STUPID, there is no other explanation.
And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
If you want to call it lying, and not hyperbole, then this logic wouldn't follow:

P1. X-school discriminates against homosexuals.
P2. Y-school has homosexuals on their team, or in their school as friends.
P3. X-school, morally speaking, is a hostile school towards Y-school.
P4. Hostility is a phenomena that may lead to violence.

That isn't logic, that is wishful justification, and flimsy justification at that.
It's not logic if you can demonstrate that its premises do not follow.

Calling names and going raawr isn't how that's done. C'mon, you can do it - dont be such an emo snowflake.

Trying to pretend your own bigoted opinions follow a logic chain isn't how its done either.

and you are the one misusing snowflake, as I am still here, still debating with you, and not doing anything to stop you from being an ass.
No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

Oddly I can't think of a single Christian anywhere who teaches that homosexuals are monsters, but we both can think of many Muslims who teach that gays should be tossed off rooftops, and I don't you or any other leftist calling for bigotry against Muslims, in fact the opposite I see you morons DEFENDING Isam and screaming about people who are bigoted towards them.

IOW you people are absolute dishonest morons.
conflating what you see "people" doing and using it as a crutch point against a singular "person" is so immature, and weak dude. I dont think you're up for defending any sort of views rationally, here. Don't be jealous that others are capable.

Bro, you can't even accept the premise that words have meanings and defend your position honestly, GTFO
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Not even allowing a homosexual to set foot in your school is being a snowflake. If we're using the fuckin middle-schooler view of things.

Neener neener there, is basically how your posts are reading to me.

Homosexual bigotry is only being shunned in society as of VERY recently, so of course these are new occurrences. And it's correct to do so, as well. It's a scummy thing to do to be teaching kids that someone is a monster because they happen to be attracted to the same sex. It's pretty disgusting, actually. Anyone who agrees should use their 1st amendment rights to say so.

No, it's being an organization in a free society that allows free exercise of religion.

It is being forced on society by morons like you who don't see it as force at all, because you agree with it.

I hope it backfires in your face some day, you fascist moron.
You just babbled incoherent meta bullshit.

Try and stay on topic -

I haven't tried to take away any of their free exercises.

I merely applaud an opposing school for dignifying it, using their OWN free speech.

It's you that seems SERIOUSLY authoritarian here. You have a HUGE issue with name calling, and free speech that you dont agree with.

It's the first step to getting them banned from the league, and having their policies changed.

I name call those who deserve it, and you deserve it.

Deal with it, twat.
MMMKAYYYYyy, slippery slope as a means to deny free speech.

Good luck, authoritarian.

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