Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

Imagine if this had been a Christian school refusing to play a Muslim school.

Front page news, marches, boycotts, apology tours.

Cable "news" "panel discussions", one after the other. Starbucks taking a training day off, the whole thing.

Hypocrites teaching hate.
If these so called Christians actually followed the teachings of Christ they wouldn`t have this problem. When they start protesting wars and gun violence I may take their anti-abortion stance a little more seriously. Trump supporters have earned a one way ticket to hell.
Hypocrites teaching hate. Own it.
I`m not the one wearing a MAGA hat. You`re a bit confused.
Hate and bigotry comes from both ends. Yours is not pristine.

The ends can be very similar in their behaviors. But choose not to see it.
I`ll admit to hating racists, homophobes, neo-nazis, NRA members, etc. Which of those aren`t working to earn my hatred and what are their qualifications to call themselves Christians?
Hey, you folks are judge, jury and executioner.

That's up to you.
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Regressives want to cut taxes to reduce deficits. They`re going to push for an amendment to repeal arithmetic.
Perhaps following the teachings of Glenn Beck is not bringing you wisdom.
It's liberals that want to repeal arithmetic. It's racist. Why would you do something as racist and bigoted as arithmetic?

Math is Racist: University of Illinois Professor | National Review
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Oh, look, Stormy Mac is out defending homophobes, now.

You go, Stormy Mac. Tell us how liberal you are and other people are "regressive".
Mac wants a regressive school to teach our kids bigotry against Homosexuals.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Oh, look, Stormy Mac is out defending homophobes, now.

You go, Stormy Mac. Tell us how liberal you are and other people are "regressive".
Mac wants a regressive school to teach our kids bigotry against Homosexuals.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.
^ regressive.

You come here under the guise of having discussions.

You're proven illogical.....

You then call names and pout, declare victory.

Do you think you've won something? Because apparently, "regressives" have won a special place inside of ole mac's head, for free, and Mac cannot defend his own ideas.


next time, try reading a story before commenting on it and you won't step on your own dick
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Oh, look, Stormy Mac is out defending homophobes, now.

You go, Stormy Mac. Tell us how liberal you are and other people are "regressive".
Mac wants a regressive school to teach our kids bigotry against Homosexuals.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Regressives want to cut taxes to reduce deficits. They`re going to push for an amendment to repeal arithmetic.
Perhaps following the teachings of Glenn Beck is not bringing you wisdom.
It's liberals that want to repeal arithmetic. It's racist. Why would you do something as racist and bigoted as arithmetic?

Math is Racist: University of Illinois Professor | National Review
The MAGA people that can actually read turn to the National Review for their smarts. They were Breitbart before there was a Breitbart. Even FOX and Drudge said so.
The standard Regressive Left deflect/pivot/attack approach, illustrated beautifully, once again.

Attack the messenger, try to put them on the defensive, change the subject.

Bigots just gotta bigot, I guess.
Hate & bigotry are always justified when Regressives do it.

Well, at least they're consistent. And they teach it to kids.

Oh, look, Stormy Mac is out defending homophobes, now.

You go, Stormy Mac. Tell us how liberal you are and other people are "regressive".
Mac wants a regressive school to teach our kids bigotry against Homosexuals.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.

The flip side is who wants to play a progtard bigoted school?
Oh, look, Stormy Mac is out defending homophobes, now.

You go, Stormy Mac. Tell us how liberal you are and other people are "regressive".
Mac wants a regressive school to teach our kids bigotry against Homosexuals.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.

It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
Mac wants a regressive school to teach our kids bigotry against Homosexuals.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.

It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.
Perfect. Thanks for the lie.

Always a good sign.
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.

It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.
And imagine if this had been a Muslim school they refused to play. Same type of religious bigotry, wrong religion.

Holy shit, they'd be completely losing their shit and demanding resignations.

These are cowards, liars and hypocrites.
What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.
And imagine if this had been a Muslim school they refused to play. Same type of bigotry, wrong religion.

Holy shit, they'd be completely losing their shit and demanding resignations.

These are cowards, liars and hypocrites.

or what about a kid on the Christian team not wanting to play against a Lesbian player?

(considering this is women's basketball, that would basically mean not playing)
You said it in your own words.

You're against the school that protested AGAINST the bigotry.................

And somehow saying it's THAT school that's promoting Bigotry.

I know you didn't think that through and all, Mac - but don't try to take it out on others. It's regressive, and certainly a regressive thing to do.

What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.

It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.
What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.
And imagine if this had been a Muslim school they refused to play. Same type of bigotry, wrong religion.

Holy shit, they'd be completely losing their shit and demanding resignations.

These are cowards, liars and hypocrites.

or what about a kid on the Christian team not wanting to play against a Lesbian player?

(considering this is women's basketball, that would basically mean not playing)
Shhhh, we're not supposed to notice!

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.
And imagine if this had been a Muslim school they refused to play. Same type of bigotry, wrong religion.

Holy shit, they'd be completely losing their shit and demanding resignations.

These are cowards, liars and hypocrites.

or what about a kid on the Christian team not wanting to play against a Lesbian player?

(considering this is women's basketball, that would basically mean not playing)
Shhhh, we're not supposed to notice!

You pool in quite easily to being illogical just to act like an ass on a messageboard, Mac.

You defeated your own argument in the very first post you made. You said you didnt want school teaching bigotry...

The reason this school declined playing at the other school.....was because that school teaches bigotry.

With uber smarts like yours, it's no wonder you've got the emotions of a 6yr old.
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.
What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.
And imagine if this had been a Muslim school they refused to play. Same type of bigotry, wrong religion.

Holy shit, they'd be completely losing their shit and demanding resignations.

These are cowards, liars and hypocrites.

or what about a kid on the Christian team not wanting to play against a Lesbian player?

(considering this is women's basketball, that would basically mean not playing)
That isn't happening. It's the progtard school refusing to play Christians.

This is probably something whose time has come. Christians should turn away from the Godless.
What they are doing isn't protesting. It's throwing a hissy fit because the other school has a different moral code than they do.

Then it's them saying "you can come to our school and be abused by our fans for your beliefs"

It is also saying that some of their students are such delicate wibble snowflakes that they can't even set foot on the grounds of a place that may disagree with them or their lifestyle, and thus the entire team has to suffer for their weakness.
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.

It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.

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