Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
Protesting is a hissy fit - that's right.

I commend this school's hissy-fit, because it's toward the betterment of humanity. We're a communal species, and it's a really shitty/regressive attitude to shun folks simply because of the sex they're attracted to. That's unga bunga caveman thinking.

It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.
It isn't protesting, it's not even wanting to set foot on the grounds. It's poor sportsmanship and poor humanism.

What you want is everyone to think like you, act like you and be like you, OR ELSE. That is authoritarianism, and the viewpoint of shitty human being.

You and JoeB should be finger-bang buddies.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
No, that's more irrational thinking in light of how binary it is. It's opposite of authoritarianism - authoritarianism is the view that we'd allow a Biblical meme to become a Law in-spite of it being bigoted.

It's not authoritarian to show a grievance towards folks who use sexual orientation as a means to discriminate. Comparing the two is actually how authoritarianism takes root in a society.

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

This example also shows cowardice by wanting to bring those kids to their own school to berate them for their beliefs.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

A progtard school is being intolerant of a Constitutional right....freedom of religion

Stick that in your ass you bigoted toad

Furthermore if they refused to play a Muslim school your stupid ass wouldn't be near this thread.

Say otherwise and my next comment will be you're a damn liar
Using GT's "logic" Christians can simply say "hey homosexuals hate people of the opposite gender, therefor it's my duty to refrain from doing business with them and not bigoted at all"

Of course we all know that sort of "logic" only applies if you're a leftist moron.

"It's okay to be bigoted against bigots" is right along the same lines as "it's okay to hit nazis and everyone who disagrees with us is a nazi, so you can obviously hit them with bicycle locks and such"
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.
"We don't allow this orientation of sexual attraction at this school!" = Authoritarian. A Rule. An enforced Policy of discrimination.

"We'd like to not dignify that Authoritarian school over there, by not paying them a visit." = Practicing Free Speech. Liberty.

it's a private school, that has rules based on the morality of its beliefs structure. Authoritarian would be forcing the other school to leave it's lesbian players behind for the game, or not taking the court if there were lesbian players on it. (Hell this is Women's basketball, I would almost bet on one of the players on the Christian team being closeted)
It's a Private school with an ethos, and if other schools find that ethos reprehensible then it's a sensible thing to do to not dignify it.

That's not authoritarianism - it's free speech.

No that is being petty little snowflakes.

Now we all know the next step will be for the progressive schools to try to kick this school out of whatever league it is in.
The whole snowflakes meme is lame to me, it's an intellectual crutch. Let's try and stay on topic and be rational here - - -

A school doesn't agree with an ethos of bigotry against homosexuality.

They simply lived consistently with that View.

You call that crying - but in order to be consistent, you'd have to call it crying for the Religious School not to allow gays simply because they disagree with their lifestyle. That's the rational conclusion of you calling this "crying."

This is a prime example of the snowflake phenomenon. It's that they are so butt hurt over the schools view's that they can't even set foot on the property.

next they will try to get the school removed from the conference.

They have played this school for years, knowing it is an orthodox Christian school, they only care now because they think their fellow progressives will lambaste them if they play there.

Not even setting foot on a basketball court is not related to the entry and employment requirements for the school.

It's almost as if you WANT a civil war between the sides of this country.
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

A progtard school is being intolerant of a Constitutional right....freedom of religion

Stick that in your ass you bigoted toad

Furthermore if they refused to play a Muslim school your stupid ass wouldn't be near this thread.

Say otherwise and my next comment will be you're a damn liar

I don't even care, they have a right to not play a game. Take the forfeit and move on. But to claim that it isn't bigoted to do so. Imagine if the Christian school said "we won't play at this pagan school because they are bigoted against Christians" LOL
Sorry - but discriminating based on sexual orientation is not a virtue, but is the actual control-freak type of authoritarianism "think like us or else" that is worthy of protest.

You're unable to connect the dots here, but you're pro authoritarian and attempting to rationalize discrimination so that it remains an authority.

That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

A progtard school is being intolerant of a Constitutional right....freedom of religion

Stick that in your ass you bigoted toad

Furthermore if they refused to play a Muslim school your stupid ass wouldn't be near this thread.

Say otherwise and my next comment will be you're a damn liar
I'm a liar then.

I dont give any special preferential treatment to any Religious Dogma - I think they're all pretty much retarded.
That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

And yet if you read the statement, they use the bullshit reason of "not feeling safe" for the reason to not go to the school.
Right - hyperbole.

No, it's lying. by the progressive school.
Using GT's "logic" Christians can simply say "hey homosexuals hate people of the opposite gender, therefor it's my duty to refrain from doing business with them and not bigoted at all"

Of course we all know that sort of "logic" only applies if you're a leftist moron.

"It's okay to be bigoted against bigots" is right along the same lines as "it's okay to hit nazis and everyone who disagrees with us is a nazi, so you can obviously hit them with bicycle locks and such"
That was terrible. Seriously. GTs logic would never be that retarded. Take some Philosophy courses.
Our divisions just keep getting worse and more bizarre. Now it's freakin' high school basketball.

Those who want to be a part of the problem are winning, and they have people running interference for them.

Yep, people like GT who claim that obvious bigotry isn't bigotry. This shouldn't even be a news story except that it is yet another example of some bigotry being okay in this country and other bigotry not being okay
That is your opinion. Most religions find homosexual acts sinful. So do we have to get rid of Religion now?

Or are you such a narcissistic twat that you only want Religions that follow your moral viewpoint?

The only authoritarian is you. Unlike you I am not such a narcissistic asshole that I have to force others to follow my viewpoints.
I think it's irrational, as well as immoral to discriminate against a human being due to the sex they're attracted to.

Folks should feel free, were I in power, to hold that belief - - - but folks should not feel free to enforce that belief by Law.

Other folks should feel free to point out and protest against irrational, immoral discrimination as they see fit, within the confines of the Law.

What laws are at play here? What we are discussing is intolerance by the left, which is on fine display here.
You asked me if we should get rid of Religion.

My answer, in shorter, more understandable form, was NO

Free Speech is on full display - a school is using it to deny the dignification of intolerance.

A progtard school is being intolerant of a Constitutional right....freedom of religion

Stick that in your ass you bigoted toad

Furthermore if they refused to play a Muslim school your stupid ass wouldn't be near this thread.

Say otherwise and my next comment will be you're a damn liar

I don't even care, they have a right to not play a game. Take the forfeit and move on. But to claim that it isn't bigoted to do so. Imagine if the Christian school said "we won't play at this pagan school because they are bigoted against Christians" LOL

Fckn left loons are such hypocrites
Using GT's "logic" Christians can simply say "hey homosexuals hate people of the opposite gender, therefor it's my duty to refrain from doing business with them and not bigoted at all"

Of course we all know that sort of "logic" only applies if you're a leftist moron.

"It's okay to be bigoted against bigots" is right along the same lines as "it's okay to hit nazis and everyone who disagrees with us is a nazi, so you can obviously hit them with bicycle locks and such"
That was terrible. Seriously. GTs logic would never be that retarded. Take some Philosophy courses.

That's exactly your logic . You are arguing that bigotry against bigots isn't bigotry at all.

You're an idiot. I doubt you even graduated from a junior college don't even be lecturing me about getting an education.

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