Progressives And Democrats Must Now Support Medicare For All Unabashedly

Government control is Socialist
Government controls the military, justice, pensions, infrastructure (mostly), etc. We just expanded it to health since we deem that critical to a prosperous society. So I don't see why you keep throwing the term "socialist" around like it's some kind of dirty word that makes you win an argument by invoking it. I replied because the view that people on the left have on European style health care is to simplistic. On the other hand the rights objections to socialized healthcare seems to be based on an irrational fear of anything that has the word "social" in it.

Goverment control...they start with oh say healthcare then move onto other areas next thing you know its Venzuela
Europe not to mention almost all major industrialized nations have had socialized healthcare for 50 plus years. Very few of those have experienced problems related to the ones in Venezuela. On the other hand the ENTIRE world went into a recession because American banks ( read Capitalism) were very lacks in the extension of credits causing a giant bubble to burst in 2008. By the way, here you are invoking another right wing straw man, invoking Venezuela as a failure of Socialism . I bet that you don't even know what went wrong in Venezuela.

Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?
Government control is Socialist
Government controls the military, justice, pensions, infrastructure (mostly), etc. We just expanded it to health since we deem that critical to a prosperous society. So I don't see why you keep throwing the term "socialist" around like it's some kind of dirty word that makes you win an argument by invoking it. I replied because the view that people on the left have on European style health care is to simplistic. On the other hand the rights objections to socialized healthcare seems to be based on an irrational fear of anything that has the word "social" in it.

Goverment control...they start with oh say healthcare then move onto other areas next thing you know its Venzuela
Europe not to mention almost all major industrialized nations have had socialized healthcare for 50 plus years. Very few of those have experienced problems related to the ones in Venezuela. On the other hand the ENTIRE world went into a recession because American banks ( read Capitalism) were very lacks in the extension of credits causing a giant bubble to burst in 2008. By the way, here you are invoking another right wing straw man, invoking Venezuela as a failure of Socialism . I bet that you don't even know what went wrong in Venezuela.

Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.

It’s not socialism . The private market would still exist . This would give access to those who can’t get into the private system .

Which is what happens now. But with all the middle man BS driving up costs.

\You just fell in the well again...government control is socialism
Government controls the military, justice, pensions, infrastructure (mostly), etc. We just expanded it to health since we deem that critical to a prosperous society. So I don't see why you keep throwing the term "socialist" around like it's some kind of dirty word that makes you win an argument by invoking it. I replied because the view that people on the left have on European style health care is to simplistic. On the other hand the rights objections to socialized healthcare seems to be based on an irrational fear of anything that has the word "social" in it.

Goverment control...they start with oh say healthcare then move onto other areas next thing you know its Venzuela
Europe not to mention almost all major industrialized nations have had socialized healthcare for 50 plus years. Very few of those have experienced problems related to the ones in Venezuela. On the other hand the ENTIRE world went into a recession because American banks ( read Capitalism) were very lacks in the extension of credits causing a giant bubble to burst in 2008. By the way, here you are invoking another right wing straw man, invoking Venezuela as a failure of Socialism . I bet that you don't even know what went wrong in Venezuela.

Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?
A few little stories. My brother in law about ten years ago was a victim of a hit and run. His shoulder was shattered. He didn't have insurance so the ER stabilized the shoulder but didn't deem the reconstruction of that shoulder as essential. He was left with about 40 percent mobility left in his arm. My mother in law a RN in NY went in for lower back surgery at age 55. She came out of the hospital addicted to Oxi and without decent post op care. She had a very good insurance and still ended up eventually without what used to be extensive savings on top of being bed ridden. Neither of those things happen here. My wife once, before we were married took a bad step of our landing. She ended up with a compound fracture in her ankle. No insurance of course since she wasn't a citizen then. Nevertheless she was x-rayed, had a pin put in, got a follow up that same day without EVER being asked if she could afford it. A few weeks later I payed the bill (about 500). You might be lucky enough to have a decent insurance that I presume is covered by your job, here EVERYBODY has that luxury and then some. Doctors, nurses and physical therapists that come to your house for example.
That's why you should screw it up, because the world isn't just your own personal circumstance, but that of everybody.
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Government controls the military, justice, pensions, infrastructure (mostly), etc. We just expanded it to health since we deem that critical to a prosperous society. So I don't see why you keep throwing the term "socialist" around like it's some kind of dirty word that makes you win an argument by invoking it. I replied because the view that people on the left have on European style health care is to simplistic. On the other hand the rights objections to socialized healthcare seems to be based on an irrational fear of anything that has the word "social" in it.

Goverment control...they start with oh say healthcare then move onto other areas next thing you know its Venzuela
Europe not to mention almost all major industrialized nations have had socialized healthcare for 50 plus years. Very few of those have experienced problems related to the ones in Venezuela. On the other hand the ENTIRE world went into a recession because American banks ( read Capitalism) were very lacks in the extension of credits causing a giant bubble to burst in 2008. By the way, here you are invoking another right wing straw man, invoking Venezuela as a failure of Socialism . I bet that you don't even know what went wrong in Venezuela.

Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?

You realize without gov regulation your insurance company would dump your ass in a hot minute .
Goverment control...they start with oh say healthcare then move onto other areas next thing you know its Venzuela
Europe not to mention almost all major industrialized nations have had socialized healthcare for 50 plus years. Very few of those have experienced problems related to the ones in Venezuela. On the other hand the ENTIRE world went into a recession because American banks ( read Capitalism) were very lacks in the extension of credits causing a giant bubble to burst in 2008. By the way, here you are invoking another right wing straw man, invoking Venezuela as a failure of Socialism . I bet that you don't even know what went wrong in Venezuela.

Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?

You realize without gov regulation your insurance company would dump your ass in a hot minute .

Go away Timmy, nobody takes your immature ramblings serious
Europe not to mention almost all major industrialized nations have had socialized healthcare for 50 plus years. Very few of those have experienced problems related to the ones in Venezuela. On the other hand the ENTIRE world went into a recession because American banks ( read Capitalism) were very lacks in the extension of credits causing a giant bubble to burst in 2008. By the way, here you are invoking another right wing straw man, invoking Venezuela as a failure of Socialism . I bet that you don't even know what went wrong in Venezuela.

Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?

You realize without gov regulation your insurance company would dump your ass in a hot minute .

Go away Timmy, nobody takes your immature ramblings serious

You Always have to resort to name calling when called out on your BS.

You tell me Sass. What would the “free market” do in your story ?
Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?

You realize without gov regulation your insurance company would dump your ass in a hot minute .

Go away Timmy, nobody takes your immature ramblings serious

You Always have to resort to name calling when called out on your BS.

You tell me Sass. What would the “free market” do in your story ?

Your name is Timmy isn't it? Good grief....go away
Well if you like Socialism so much head on over to Europe. I don't and won't. I've seen first hand government interventon in healthcare with Obunglescare.....fuck that shit

You're going to have an uphill battle convincing any conservative to embrace socialist healthcare ...or socialist anything. Save the "but the military is socialism" shit.
Lol I live in Europe already. I know it's an uphill battle to convince Americans that the world wouldn't end if they would take profit out of healthcare, that was after all my original response. I will just leave you with this tough. If Obamacare sucked so bad why, when offered the opportunity, wasn't congress capable of getting rid of it, or suggest anything better? It seems to me that you don't like something but are incapable of improving on it.

The shit stain that could have helped get that done just croaked...good riddance to bad rubbish

A little story, just recently one of our children suffered a head injury, got knocked in the noodle in gymnastics and spent five days in the hospital. She's fine now and had excellent care. Her bill was just under 33K with all the tests, ambulance, etc. Our part was a $500 deductible, that was it, nothing else. some of her medications were very expensive and we pay a 10 dollar deductible per prescription

Now why would I ever want to screw that up?

You realize without gov regulation your insurance company would dump your ass in a hot minute .

Go away Timmy, nobody takes your immature ramblings serious

You Always have to resort to name calling when called out on your BS.

You tell me Sass. What would the “free market” do in your story ?

This is what Fox News and AM talk radio does to your brain.

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