Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

The Palestinians in Gaza are not going to leave. They've vowed to stick it out in Gaze just like the people in Florida vow to ride out the hurricanes the make land there year after year.
Not entirely true. Most want to leave and save themselves, but HAMAS wants them to remain to drive up the death count. The more of their people who die, the better HAMAS likes it.
Wars creates refugees...
A Hideout Is Not a Homeland

Fugitives from justice is a more realistic term. That's how these humanoids wound up in the desert thousands of years ago.

We are indoctrinated to never ask the obvious questions. Why would a prehistoric tribe choose to settle in the deserts, jungles, mountains, and the frozen North? Evolved humans drove them there because the savages were a threat to human advancement.
The difference was, that the Russians died fighting a war. They weren't systematically exterminated.
How stupid. 18 million Russian civilians died of starvation and other causes due to the Nazi invasion. How dumb can you be? Nine million Soviet soldiers were KIA, fighting the Nazis. So your attempt to diminish the suffering of 18 million Russian civilians who were Christians is disgusting.
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And Hebrews were there. Ottomans owned the whole dang area til they lost it WWI.

Every nation on earth was gotten in a War.

Palestinians should chose peace over War, but chose Hamas.

Fuck em
The people who lived there are of that land. They owned their homes, lands, businesses..etc. You don't have the right to move there with your fellow Jews from Poland and take more than half of the land for yourselves, then kick them out of their lands and take their homes. You're funding a racist Jewish apartheid state, that dehumanizes the Palestinians and is now committing genocide. You're a piece of shit and I hope WW3 comes soon, that way you can get yours good. You're going to be glowing in the dark like a mutant ninja turtle. That's what you asshole Americans deserve.
The people who lived there are of that land. They owned their homes, lands, businesses..etc. You don't have the right to move there with your fellow Jews from Poland and take more than half of the land for yourselves, then kick them out of their lands and take their homes. You're funding a racist Jewish apartheid state, that dehumanizes the Palestinians and is now committing genocide. You're a piece of shit and I hope WW3 comes soon, that way you can get yours good. You're going to be glowing in the dark like a mutant ninja turtle. That's what you asshole Americans deserve.
Screw you and the camel you rode in on. The IDF is coming for you Raghead.
I'm sure all you keyboard warriors are warm, fed & dry tonight ~S~
If WWIII happens the whole world goes.

In the meantime IDF is on the hunt.
IDF is getting its ass kicked, just like it did in 2006. It needs big daddy Uncle Sam with his two aircraft carrier groups. All of those aircraft carriers can easily be sunk with hypersonic missiles. We're living in the 21st century, not the 20th century. Aircraft carriers are just big targets, waiting to get sunk. The IDF are wimps compared to these Arabs. They're going to get their asses handed to them, just as it happened in 2006, when Hezbollah prevented them from invading Lebanon. They were stopped in their tracks, by Hezbollah anti-tank rockets.
IDF is getting its ass kicked, just like it did in 2006. It needs big daddy Uncle Sam with his two aircraft carrier groups. All of those aircraft carriers can easily be sunk with hypersonic missiles. We're living in the 21st century, not the 20th century. Aircraft carriers are just big targets, waiting to get sunk. The IDF are wimps compared to these Arabs. They're going to get their asses handed to them, just as it happened in 2006, when Hezbollah prevented them from invading Lebanon. They were stopped in their tracks, by Hezbollah anti-tank rockets.
House to house gets ugly. Why they should just flatten the place.

Since 48 you fucks been trying. Israel is still there.
Yup. This is a War of words here.

House to house gets ugly. Why they should just flatten the place.

Since 48 you fucks been trying. Israel is still there.

Still there thanks to the US. They would've lost in 73 if not for that massive weapon's airlift from the US, restocking their arsenal with tanks and ammo. They were out of weapons. The same thing happened in 2006. The US resupplied them with ammunition because they were running low. They wouldn't have been able to fight Hezbollah if not for those supplies. IDF is a paper tiger, especially today. Back in the day, they were tougher, now they're wet-bread.
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Still there thanks to the US. They would've lost in 73 if not for that massive weapon's airlift from the US, restocking their arsenal with tanks and ammo. They were out of weapons. The same thing happened in 2006. The US resupplied them with ammunition because they were running low. They wouldn't have been able to fight Hezbollah if not for those resupplies. IDF is a paper tiger, especially today. Back in the day, they were tougher, now they're wet-bread.
And yet the muzzie world never wins.

Personally I think we should have stomped iran into the ground under Peanut Head. Right now would be a great time to hurt them. But alas a drooler is ij office.

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