Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

The answer is simple: because Democrats don’t want skilled white people.
They are Narcisist obsessed with power. Shallow people and get violently mad when people disagree.

They will Lie Cheat and Steal to get that power. Ignore laws that they feel unworthy of their image.

They dont care our nation is being overrun with illegals and that it violates our laws.

They dont care about bringing in Palestinians who will cause violence and chaos because that is how they roll.

They are LOCUSTS
They are Narcisist obsessed with power. Shallow people and get violently mad when people disagree.

They will Lie Cheat and Steal to get that power. Ignore laws that they feel unworthy of their image.

They dont care our nation is being overrun with illegals and that it violates our laws.

They dont care about bringing in Palestinians who will cause violence and chaos because that is how they roll.

They are LOCUSTS
And they also hate America, and want it brought down to a 3rd world country.
In one word:
You obviously don't know the history of Zionism in Palestine. You get all of your information from Zionist Jews or your Zionist Evangelical pastor. The Zionists were explicit as to what their intentions were and they acted accordingly to purge the land of non-Jews. Before 1948 the Zionist Irgun and Hagana were committing acts of terrorism:

That was just one of their bombings and acts of terrorism. They killed both the British and Palestinians, to terrorize them. To get them off the land. This is what led to the Nakba when 750 thousand Palestinians were driven out of their villages in the territories given to the Jews by the UN. Why should six hundred thousand European Jews be allowed to take 56% of Palestine for themselves, when there were 1.2 million Palestinians in Palestine, who were the indigenous population? If I appear on your doorstep and tell you that your house and ranch are mine because I had an ancestor who supposedly lived there 2000 years ago, would you give me the keys to your home? That's essentially what you're demanding the Palestinians to do.

Ironically in the case of the Palestinians and the Jews, the Palestinians can also claim that they were there 2000 years ago. These Palestinians have been proven, by science to be the natives of the Levant (Holy Land, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan). They are the natives of that region of the Middle East. They have a unique genetic history due to the Levant being in the crossroads of three continents. The Palestinians according to Israeli scientists themselves, are the native population of the Holy Land.

It doesn't matter that they're not practicing rabbinic Judaism. They're mostly Muslims and Christians. They converted to these religions, and are no longer religiously Jewish. That doesn't mean they're not indigenous to the Holy Land. The Jews from Poland don't have more of a right to live in the Holy Land than the people who stayed there and didn't leave. The Palestinians have at the very least, the same right to live there as any Jew from Germany, Ukraine or Russia.
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They only started winning against the Afghan army after we started pulling out. They never defeated the US in battle.
They defeated American troops in several battles, but that's irrelevant. They won the war and that's what matters. The Taliban are now back in power. America jumps into wars for the wrong reasons hence they lose. You fight wars you can't win. Wars to fill the coffers of the military-industrial complex. What was the end game for Afghanistan? There was none. You lost the war from the very beginning and now the Taliban are back in power.

I can beat you in a fight, by simply standing there and taking the hits. I don't strike you, I just absorb your strikes, until you get bored and leave. Another tactic is that I move around the ring, and I let you follow me and punch the air, missing me, until you get tired. In Vietnam the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army applied a strategy of gradually wearing down its more powerful enemy. Guerilla warfare involves wearing out (physically, psychologically, politically..etc), a better-equipped enemy until they collapse or quit. If you manage to accomplish that, you have won the war, it doesn't matter if you took in more casualties.

Soviet Russia in WW2 applied a "scorched earth" tactic, of destroying everything, to leave their enemy with nothing to operate from. No structures, no water, no electricity, just rubble. Then they were shelled to oblivion. After that, the red army would come in and fight the nazis who were left, in close urban combat. It was brutal. The Soviets won the war, despite their heavier casualties and destroying like 70% of their infrastructure.

America is going to fall apart soon, due to people like you. You right-wingers are destroying America, along with the liberals. You're ensuring the balkanization of the US sooner than later, due to both your foreign and domestic government policies. Americans are destroying their country, due to their lack of common sense and solidarity with the rest of humanity. This country has at the very most maybe 20 years, before it completely collapses economically, socially..etc. At best 20 years.
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Actually no. They don't. Christian Man has all the stink of a hard core Satan worshipper who studies the Bible endlessly only to pervert its teachings.

Isn't your strawman criticism fun? You're just strengthening what I said. Palestinians, are Jews, Muslims, and Christians, of the Holy Land. Whether they speak Arabic or not is irrelevant. These people who are sometimes dismissed as Arabs by Zionist Jews who have no genuine, deep roots in the Holy Land are wrong. These Arabic-speaking Palestinian Muslims and Christians are just as likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as any Jew from Poland.
wrong again----the interesting feature of the household of Abraham was LITERACY----his kids and
grandkids were literate---including Ishmael. In order
to link a people to Abraham's crowd---one would have
to decide that previously LITERATE people forgot that
literacy exists. WHOLE previously literate communities
suddenly became "illiterate" arabs
wrong again----the interesting feature of the household of Abraham was LITERACY----his kids and
grandkids were literate---including Ishmael. In order
to link a people to Abraham's crowd---one would have
to decide that previously LITERATE people forgot that
literacy exists. WHOLE previously literate communities
suddenly became "illiterate" arabs

The Palestinians weren't illiterate and anyway, your Jewish religious superstitions amount to a heap of worthless excrement. The world is fucking tired of your primitive bronze age shit religion, with its genocidal god. You've chosen yourselves to be at the brunt of abuse, due to your stupid presumptuous xenophobia and narcissism (you're the best propagators of anti-Semiticism). Israhell is essentially committing suicide with this genocidal bombing campaign. Israelis are dumb, jumping into the trap.
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The Palestinians weren't illiterate and anyway, your Jewish religious superstitions amount to a heap of worthless excrement. The world is fucking tired of your primitive bronze age shit religion, with its genocidal god. You've chosen yourselves to be at the brunt of abuse, due to your stupid presumptuous xenophobia and narcissism. Israhell is essentially committing suicide with this genocidal bombing campaign. Israelis are dumb, falling into the trap.
Your ignorance is astounding----Arabic did not have an alphabet until about 200 AD. How many "palestinians" or even arabic speaking people have you encountered in your life? As to your grasp of the genetics and your concept of "the levant" which you term "the holy land"--beyond idiotic. Your vocabulary
is also limited. Even your Sunday school education is
or was, apparently, sketchy
Your ignorance is astounding----Arabic did not have an alphabet until about 200 AD. How many "palestinians" or even arabic speaking people have you encountered in your life? As to your grasp of the genetics and your concept of "the levant" which you term "the holy land"--beyond idiotic. Your vocabulary
is also limited. Even your Sunday school education is
or was, apparently, sketchy

You're so ignorant:

" It is thought that the Arabic alphabet is a derivative of the Nabataean variation of the Aramaic alphabet, which descended from the Phoenician alphabet, which among others also gave rise to the Hebrew alphabet and the Greek alphabet, the latter one being in turn the base for the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets.


The Arabic alphabet evolved either from the Nabataean,[1][2] or (less widely believed) directly from the Syriac.[3] The table below shows changes undergone by the shapes of the letters from the Aramaic original to the Nabataean and Syriac forms. The Arabic script shown is that of post-Classical and Modern Arabic—notably different from 6th century Arabic script. (Arabic is placed in the middle for clarity and not to mark a time order of evolution.)"

Abraham was an Arab from Ur, what is today Kuwait. He wasn't a Jew. The Arabic language and its alphabet have evolved throughout the centuries just like the Hebrew script did. The current Hebrew script is essentially Aramaic. The current Arabic script is also a derivative of the Aramaic and Phoenician scripts. So your claim that the Palestinians were illiterate whereas the Jews weren't is ridiculous.

The Israeli scientists in that video disagree with you. They consider the Palestinians to be the indigenous population of the Levant region which includes the Holy Land. The Holy Land isn't necessarily "Israel". I'm actually saying "Holy Land" in order to not say Palestine or Israel, to be less "partisan" in the way I identify that heavily disputed land. The Muslims have had control over the Holy Land longer than the Jews had control over it. Since you're being a pedantic wench asshole, I will be using the term Palestine from now on.

I lived amongst the Arabs for approximately five years. Three years in Cairo Egypt, a year in Dubai, and eight months in Palestine.
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They defeated American troops in several battles, but that's irrelevant. They won the war and that's what matters. The Taliban are now back in power. America jumps into wars for the wrong reasons hence they lose. You fight wars you can't win. Wars to fill the coffers of the military-industrial complex. What was the end game for Afghanistan? There was none. You lost the war from the very beginning and now the Taliban are back in power.

I can beat you in a fight, by simply standing there and taking the hits. I don't strike you, I just absorb your strikes, until you get bored and leave. Another tactic is that I move around the ring, and I let you follow me and punch the air, missing me, until you get tired. In Vietnam the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army applied a strategy of gradually wearing down its more powerful enemy. Guerilla warfare involves wearing out (physically, psychologically, politically..etc), a better-equipped enemy until they collapse or quit. If you manage to accomplish that, you have won the war, it doesn't matter if you took in more casualties.

Soviet Russia in WW2 applied a "scorched earth" tactic, of destroying everything, to leave their enemy with nothing to operate from. No structures, no water, no electricity, just rubble. Then they were shelled to oblivion. After that, the red army would come in and fight the nazis who were left, in close urban combat. It was brutal. The Soviets won the war, despite their heavier casualties and destroying like 70% of their infrastructure.

America is going to fall apart soon, due to people like you. You right-wingers are destroying America, along with the liberals. You're ensuring the balkanization of the US sooner than later, due to both your foreign and domestic government policies. Americans are destroying their country, due to their lack of common sense and solidarity with the rest of humanity. This country has at the very most maybe 20 years, before it completely collapses economically, socially..etc. At best 20 years.
You really should not post while under the influence of mind-altering substances.

At least you have some sense of military tactics, but you completely ignore the political aspect. We lost Vietnam because the media destroyed our will to fight, and the politicians would not do what was necessary to win.

Soviet Russia could not win without American industrial might and our ability to overcome Germany's U-boats. Their tactics caused so many casualties than while I was growing up, it was noted that almost every Russian doctor was female because all of the younger men died in the war. Great tactics!
You really should not post while under the influence of mind-altering substances.

At least you have some sense of military tactics, but you completely ignore the political aspect. We lost Vietnam because the media destroyed our will to fight, and the politicians would not do what was necessary to win.

Soviet Russia could not win without American industrial might and our ability to overcome Germany's U-boats. Their tactics caused so many casualties than while I was growing up, it was noted that almost every Russian doctor was female because all of the younger men died in the war. Great tactics!
You and Hitler have much in common.
You really should not post while under the influence of mind-altering substances.

At least you have some sense of military tactics, but you completely ignore the political aspect. We lost Vietnam because the media destroyed our will to fight, and the politicians would not do what was necessary to win.

Soviet Russia could not win without American industrial might and our ability to overcome Germany's U-boats. Their tactics caused so many casualties than while I was growing up, it was noted that almost every Russian doctor was female because all of the younger men died in the war. Great tactics!
You can't win as an imperialist occupier. It doesn't matter how powerful your military is. You can be a nuclear power and even then you can't win. If you're occupying a country, where the people are willing to fight you in a guerilla war, you're toast. Sooner or later, the natives will wear you down, and you'll have to leave. Militarily, politically, economically..etc, you will lose. This is good news. This applies to any government that is undermining people's sovereignty and freedom. Your enemy can have all of the big guns, but if you and your fellow freedom fighters have the support of the people and the grit and willingness to lay down your life for the cause, that tyrannical government or occupying force is toast.
You can't win as an imperialist occupier. It doesn't matter how powerful your military is. You can be a nuclear power and even then you can't win. If you're occupying a country, where the people are willing to fight you in a guerilla war, you're toast. Sooner or later, the natives will wear you down, and you'll have to leave. Militarily, politically, economically..etc, you will lose. This is good news. This applies to any government that is undermining people's sovereignty and freedom. Your enemy can have all of the big guns, but if you and your fellow freedom fighters have the support of the people and the grit and willingness to lay down your life for the cause, that tyrannical government or occupying force is toast.
Thank you Captain Obvious! I note you didn't address any of the points I made in the post you quoted. Are you incapable or incompetent?
Your video is from 7 months ago in the West Bank. ONE "Palestinian" was killed. There is no comparison to what Hamas did.Have a nice day, moron!
Because what Hamas did occurred in a vacuum? Let's forget all of the Palestinians murdered by the terrorist state of Israhell, for decades before Oct 7th. For retards like you, Hamas just woke up on Oct 7th and decided to attack Israel, for no reason.

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