Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees​

Gee, ain't it odd, Doc!
A million terroristic brutal savages
fleeing a war they started 12,000 miles away
and they got no where else to go
in the entire wide world
than to come here
to the USA! :th_waiting:
Hamas attacked and killed innocent Israelis simply because they were Jews, much like your beloved Nazis. They F-ed and around and found out!

As if October 7th doesn't have a context. The Israelis have been murdering innocent Palestinians for decades. What goes around, comes around, huh?
Your punk ass had to leave Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan because you're a fucking loser. How about that shithead? The Taliban are now back in power LOL!! I hope the conflict in Gaza leads to WW3. No more Medicare and Social Security for you asshole. You're going to have to live in a refugee camp.
Wow, that's the good ole Christian spirit. Evidently that fricken rag is wrapped too tightly around your pea brain head.
Gee, ain't it odd, Doc!
A million terroristic brutal savages
fleeing a war they started 12,000 miles away
and they got no where else to go
in the entire wide world
than to come here
to the USA! :th_waiting:
Odd isn't it?

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

14 Oct 2923 ~~ By Jon Levine

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.
“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.
The United States took in 25,465 refugees from around the world in 2022, a 123% increase from 2021, according to State Department records.
Approximately 170,000 Palestinians live in the United States, according to census data.

This kind of insanity is what Democrat Socialists are all about. This is the essence of today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party.
Brought to us by the same Democrat DSA “Progressive” mentality demanding defunding of police throughout America, releasing felons and murderers without bail in Blue Plantation Cities would somehow improve public safety.
“Progressives” are intellectual troglodytes and an imminent threat to all Americans.
Surely Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. bribing the right officials to funding the right NGOs that will do it in secrecy.
The actions and stated positions of Jamaal Bowman are indistinguishable from someone who is actively working to destabilize and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of the "Squad" out for their perfidy and commit to defeat them all in the next election.
Progressives must first clean up the mess they made with the 7 million people they let in the country! Figure out how to ensure safety and civility of taxpayers. Deport accordingly. Now is not the best time to be asking for another handout of hard earned tax dollars, take in Palestinian terrorists.
We don't need to fill the rolls nor recruits for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into Gaza. Why do you think not one Arab nation will take in the Palestinian wolves?

Why don't neighboring Arab countries take them in?
Why don't neighboring Arab countries take them in?
Why should they? Palestine is their land. However, that's a dumb question, because Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, including Egypt, have accepted millions of Palestinian refugees. There are Palestinian refugee camps in those countries.

Here is another question. Why didn't the US and other countries help the Jews when they were fleeing Germany? Why doesn't Germany give them some land? Let the Europeans give them land, that's where the Jewish Holocaust occurred not in Palestine.
Because what Hamas did occurred in a vacuum? Let's forget all of the Palestinians murdered by the terrorist state of Israhell, for decades before Oct 7th. For retards like you, Hamas just woke up on Oct 7th and decided to attack Israel, for no reason.
Hamas's reason is stated in their charter. It is reflected in the chants of their supporters in other countries also. "From the river to the sea, ..." ring a bell?

Please don't broadcast your ignorance by misspelling the country's name.
Your punk ass had to leave Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan because you're a fucking loser. How about that shithead? The Taliban are now back in power LOL!! I hope the conflict in Gaza leads to WW3. No more Medicare and Social Security for you asshole. You're going to have to live in a refugee camp.
I seem to recall South Vietnam was still in control when our chickenshit politicians decided to puss out and leave. We lost in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who did we lose to? It seems the governments we supported lost. We made a conscience decision to withdraw. You need some military history instruction.
Why should they? Palestine is their land. However, that's a dumb question, because Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, including Egypt, have accepted millions of Palestinian refugees. There are Palestinian refugee camps in those countries.

Here is another question. Why didn't the US and other countries help the Jews when they were fleeing Germany? Why doesn't Germany give them some land? Let the Europeans give them land, that's where the Jewish Holocaust occurred not in Palestine.

Yeah, why should they help their own people?

They're all solifuckingdarity when it comes to destroying Jews and saying that they need to support their brotherhood, but when it comes to refugees they're like "this makes a good political tool", lets just keep people for generations in abject poverty....

I mean, nothing says "asshole" more than this.

The West has helped the Jews, before and during the Holocaust there was a certain amount of denial, also the US and other countries weren't made up mostly of Jews, there were plenty of people who didn't want Jews coming into their countries due to centuries of hatred toward Jews.

There were attempts at getting land elsewhere for Jews, but the Jews wanted to settle in that area, for historical reasons.

However, the reality is the Middle East would still be backwards. Look at Syria, it doesn't have Jews and it's a backwards dictatorship mess of a country. Egypt is poor. I mean, I've been to the third poorest country in the world, and Egypt often feels poorer than that, even though it supposedly isn't.
Yeah, why should they help their own people?

They're all solifuckingdarity when it comes to destroying Jews and saying that they need to support their brotherhood, but when it comes to refugees they're like "this makes a good political tool", lets just keep people for generations in abject poverty....

I mean, nothing says "asshole" more than this.

The West has helped the Jews, before and during the Holocaust there was a certain amount of denial, also the US and other countries weren't made up mostly of Jews, there were plenty of people who didn't want Jews coming into their countries due to centuries of hatred toward Jews.

There were attempts at getting land elsewhere for Jews, but the Jews wanted to settle in that area, for historical reasons.

However, the reality is the Middle East would still be backwards. Look at Syria, it doesn't have Jews and it's a backwards dictatorship mess of a country. Egypt is poor. I mean, I've been to the third poorest country in the world, and Egypt often feels poorer than that, even though it supposedly isn't.

Yeah, why should they help their own people?

Since when are the special "chosen people" to be identified with Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs? European Zionist Jews don't have the right to take anyone's land or homes away. Germany should give them land.

They're all solifuckingdarity when it comes to destroying Jews and saying that they need to support their brotherhood, but when it comes to refugees they're like "this makes a good political tool", lets just keep people for generations in abject poverty....


I mean, nothing says "asshole" more than this.

You're the retarded asshole.

The West has helped the Jews, before and during the Holocaust there was a certain amount of denial, also the US and other countries weren't made up mostly of Jews, there were plenty of people who didn't want Jews coming into their countries due to centuries of hatred toward Jews.

Jews create anti-Semiticism, due to the nature of their culture and bronze age religion.

There were attempts at getting land elsewhere for Jews, but the Jews wanted to settle in that area, for historical reasons.

There were people already living there, for centuries.

However, the reality is the Middle East would still be backwards. Look at Syria, it doesn't have Jews and it's a backwards dictatorship mess of a country.

You're so dumb. The reason Syria and other countries in the region are less developed than Western countries or Israel, is due to wars often funded and fought by the US and Israel. Israel assassinated scientists in Iran and Syria, they bombed infrastructure. The US currently controls all of the oil of Syria, by having its military deployed there without permission. America controls all of Syria's oil fields, then you want to claim Syria is supposedly backward because there aren't any Jews there? You're a fucking retard.

Egypt is poor. I mean, I've been to the third poorest country in the world, and Egypt often feels poorer than that, even though it supposedly isn't.

UAE and Saudi Arabia aren't poor, Libya before it was raped by NATO and Western-backed rebels, was quite wealthy. Your superstitious ideas about Jews are quite funny.
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I seem to recall South Vietnam was still in control when our chickenshit politicians decided to puss out and leave. We lost in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who did we lose to? It seems the governments we supported lost. We made a conscience decision to withdraw. You need some military history instruction.
Blah blah blah..blah blah..You American imperialist had to leave Vietnam with your tails between your legs and the communists took over. There are many ways to fight and win a war. Militarily, politically, economically..etc.
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Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

Well in its pursuit of divide and rule the US hasn't stopped enabling the destabilisation the ME for decades, as well as directly contributing to it, so it may as well clean up some of its mess.
Blah blah blah..blah blah..You American imperialist had to leave Vietnam with your tails between your legs and the communists took over. There are many ways to fight and win a war. Militarily, politically, economically..etc.
Imperialist? You don't know the definition!
Yeah, why should they help their own people?

Since when are the special "chosen people" to be identified with Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs? European Zionist Jews don't have the right to take anyone's land or homes away. Germany should give them land.

They're all solifuckingdarity when it comes to destroying Jews and saying that they need to support their brotherhood, but when it comes to refugees they're like "this makes a good political tool", lets just keep people for generations in abject poverty....


I mean, nothing says "asshole" more than this.

You're the retarded asshole.

The West has helped the Jews, before and during the Holocaust there was a certain amount of denial, also the US and other countries weren't made up mostly of Jews, there were plenty of people who didn't want Jews coming into their countries due to centuries of hatred toward Jews.

Jews create anti-Semiticism, due to the nature of their culture and bronze age religion.

There were attempts at getting land elsewhere for Jews, but the Jews wanted to settle in that area, for historical reasons.

There were people already living there, for centuries.

However, the reality is the Middle East would still be backwards. Look at Syria, it doesn't have Jews and it's a backwards dictatorship mess of a country.

You're so dumb. The reason Syria and other countries in the region are less developed than Western countries or Israel, is due to wars often funded and fought by the US and Israel. Israel assassinated scientists in Iran and Syria, they bombed infrastructure. The US currently controls all of the oil of Syria, by having its military deployed there without permission. America controls all of Syria's oil fields, then you want to claim Syria is supposedly backward because there aren't any Jews there? You're a fucking retard.

Egypt is poor. I mean, I've been to the third poorest country in the world, and Egypt often feels poorer than that, even though it supposedly isn't.

UAE and Saudi Arabia aren't poor, Libya before it was raped by NATO and Western-backed rebels, was quite wealthy. Your superstitious ideas about Jews are quite funny.

"You're the retarded asshole."

Welcome to the ignore list.
Your punk ass had to leave Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan because you're a fucking loser. How about that shithead? The Taliban are now back in power LOL!! I hope the conflict in Gaza leads to WW3. No more Medicare and Social Security for you asshole. You're going to have to live in a refugee camp.
How closely related are your parents?
Isn't your strawman criticism fun? You're just strengthening what I said. Palestinians, are Jews, Muslims, and Christians, of the Holy Land. Whether they speak Arabic or not is irrelevant. These people who are sometimes dismissed as Arabs by Zionist Jews who have no genuine, deep roots in the Holy Land are wrong. These Arabic-speaking Palestinian Muslims and Christians are just as likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as any Jew from Poland.
Like you fellow islamo-nazi dogs ---you have nothing but SEMANTICS. I read your crap way back----all the way back in the 1950s -----by which time it was already OLD--
just classic islamo-nazi
Yeah, why should they help their own people?

Since when are the special "chosen people" to be identified with Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs? European Zionist Jews don't have the right to take anyone's land or homes away. Germany should give them land.

They're all solifuckingdarity when it comes to destroying Jews and saying that they need to support their brotherhood, but when it comes to refugees they're like "this makes a good political tool", lets just keep people for generations in abject poverty....


I mean, nothing says "asshole" more than this.

You're the retarded asshole.

The West has helped the Jews, before and during the Holocaust there was a certain amount of denial, also the US and other countries weren't made up mostly of Jews, there were plenty of people who didn't want Jews coming into their countries due to centuries of hatred toward Jews.

Jews create anti-Semiticism, due to the nature of their culture and bronze age religion.

There were attempts at getting land elsewhere for Jews, but the Jews wanted to settle in that area, for historical reasons.

There were people already living there, for centuries.

However, the reality is the Middle East would still be backwards. Look at Syria, it doesn't have Jews and it's a backwards dictatorship mess of a country.

You're so dumb. The reason Syria and other countries in the region are less developed than Western countries or Israel, is due to wars often funded and fought by the US and Israel. Israel assassinated scientists in Iran and Syria, they bombed infrastructure. The US currently controls all of the oil of Syria, by having its military deployed there without permission. America controls all of Syria's oil fields, then you want to claim Syria is supposedly backward because there aren't any Jews there? You're a fucking retard.

Egypt is poor. I mean, I've been to the third poorest country in the world, and Egypt often feels poorer than that, even though it supposedly isn't.

UAE and Saudi Arabia aren't poor, Libya before it was raped by NATO and Western-backed rebels, was quite wealthy. Your superstitious ideas about Jews are quite funny.
you haven't come up with a single original idea---
all your stuff was written some 75 years ago by
German nazis who escaped the Nuremburg trials to
places like Egypt and Syria

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