Progressives defend Omar, prompting House Dems to delay vote condemning anti-Semitism

Without the $$$ they would turn on them in a second.

So you’re an anti semitite. Thanks for outing yourself
Because our politicians are easily bought? That is funny.

You’re now making a general comment to defend what she said that has no correlation with what she said. Is America’s foreign policy towards Israel bought and paid for by Jewish lobbies???
All our policy is bought by one lobby or another.

It’s been established you’re a shallow minded anti Semitic prick
You have quite an imagination.
So you’re an anti semitite. Thanks for outing yourself
Because our politicians are easily bought? That is funny.

You’re now making a general comment to defend what she said that has no correlation with what she said. Is America’s foreign policy towards Israel bought and paid for by Jewish lobbies???
All our policy is bought by one lobby or another.

It’s been established you’re a shallow minded anti Semitic prick
You have quite an imagination.

You lack imagination
So you’re an anti semitite. Thanks for outing yourself
Because our politicians are easily bought? That is funny.

You’re now making a general comment to defend what she said that has no correlation with what she said. Is America’s foreign policy towards Israel bought and paid for by Jewish lobbies???
All our policy is bought by one lobby or another.

It’s been established you’re a shallow minded anti Semitic prick
You have quite an imagination.

Conspiracy theory idiot
Because our politicians are easily bought? That is funny.

You’re now making a general comment to defend what she said that has no correlation with what she said. Is America’s foreign policy towards Israel bought and paid for by Jewish lobbies???
All our policy is bought by one lobby or another.

It’s been established you’re a shallow minded anti Semitic prick
You have quite an imagination.

Conspiracy theory idiot
It’s no conspiracy that our politicians are all bought.
I say PLEASE let the anti-semitism ride....PLEASE let the Mexicrats induce and perpetuate an all out race war....PLEASE!
She criticized AIPAC and the government of Israel. can take issue with Israel's policies and lobbying group and not be anti-semitic.

Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan attacked JEWS on twitter and somehow that's OK

RIght wingers killed people in a Synagogue and in Charlottesville in the middle of an anti-semitic hatefest and riot...but SHE gets criticized as anti-semitic.'

Right. That makes sense

I have criticised Israel in the past and still do today... I have Israeli friends who wouldn't defend some of there countries policies...

I have one work college a few years back who is a member of the IDF and he thought illegal settlers were complete assholes. 'What kind of fuck would move there family and kids into a war zone and start shooting at your neighbours and then expect him to defend them?' He really disliked Russian immigrants...

What does that have to do with this thread, you fucking idiot?
Democrats have already publicly rebuked Omar for her anti-Semitism.

She totally ignored them and did it again.

So why are they pumping the brakes, circling the wagons, and now defending her?

And why are they refusing to pull her from the Foreign Relations Board?

Do they really think keeping an openly hostile anti-Semite, who has had world-wide press, especially for being rebuked by her own party for Anti-Semitism, on their Foreign Relations Committee?
Rep. Ilhan Omar didn't say anything that wasn't true.

Criticsing the terrorist state of Israel isn't anti-semitic. ... :cool:
So says the Satan Worshiper.

Yes allah is Satan. Some like to call him Lucifer.
Others The Father of Lies, or The Morning Star which all Islamic Flags are based on.

You call him allah.
The muslim allah is the same abrahamic god genius. All the abrahamic religions were created by desert savages.
Mohammad ripped off the teachings of Christianity to create his sham cult. Allah is not the same as Jesus or the Christian God.
And Abraham ripped off the teachings of the sumerians.
Seems to be a common occurence with those desert savages.
There are also like 5 or 6 other abrahamic religions too.
Ishmael is an ancestor to Muhammed btw.
Who are you to take that from abrahams son?
Everyone has a right to report facts. The claim that Allah and Jaweh are the same god is absurd on its face.

Mohammed's cult is made up from whole cloth. There is simply no denying that. Do you want to attack the provenance of Christianity? Be my guest, but don't use it as a means of defending Islam. There simply isn't any defense of Islam.
Im not defending islam. Im laying out the way it is. Thats all.
She obviously dislikes jews like the rest of her Muslim brother and sisters.
She was also correct the first time. The other was shit. You can like other countries and not swear allegiance.
She is radical though. Its how they think.

She was not correct in anyway shape or form. She implied that it’s powerful and wealthy Jewish lobbyists that control our foreign policy relating to Isreal. It’s conspiracy theory rooted in anti semitism. Then she uses the straw man that no ones is going to make her pledge support for a foreign country. No one is doing that. She’s free to criticize Israel until she’s blue in the face, however it is anti semitism when she says Jewish money is hypnotizing our politicians. It plays to old bigoted stereotypes that have no place being promoted by a member of Congress.
Money itself hypnotizes our pols. I admit she cherry picked but that doesnt make her wrong

And no offense, but what you’re saying now is even worse than what she said. You’re basically saying Jewish money controls how the masses think.
Money controls what the pols do.
If it didnt, we wouldnt be in half the mess we are.
Im tired of working to give israel weapons. Thats bullshit. Im tired of foreign aid. Period.
The rise of the US Nazi Party. Soon they will be forcing Jews into Ghettos again. My father who fought in WW2 must be spinning in his gave as the Far Left employee Fascism as their platform

A House vote on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, following recent comments by U.S. Rep Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has been delayed, as Democrats scramble to rewrite the motion to include all forms of prejudice and progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez come to the defense of their embattled colleague.

The declaration – which doesn’t mention Omar by name – was initially set to be introduced Wednesday. It was to set out the history of anti-Semitism and other bigotry in America and provide examples of anti-Jewish tropes about divided loyalties.

It was also supposed to say the House “rejects anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States.”

The resolution effort came after Omar – for at least the second time in recent months – ignited an uproar for echoing anti-Semitic tropes.

In February, she suggested on Twitter that supporters of Israel have been bought, and that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) contributes to pro-Israel politicians despite the fact that the group does not make campaign contributions. The congresswoman then accused American supporters of Israel of pushing people to have “allegiance to a foreign country.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
They are too busy hating white people to do anything to Jews, don’t worry.
The big difference here? When Congressman King made his remarks, he immediately LOST his seat on various committees. Thus far, the racist Omar has yet to get ANY real punishment. Now just trying to sweep it under the rug. Yet Dems wonder why their support is falling by the day.
Im tired of working to give israel weapons. Thats bullshit. Im tired of foreign aid. Period.
Do you believe that foreign aid is going to end? I do not want people to die. Even in that region. Reality is something else when it comes to resources and living standards. We have a corrupted government. Israel has a corrupted government. But there are people. AIPAC was a major influence before Obama on all sides. Then they were quiet on the Progressive socialist side. I do not even begin to understand that. Perhaps it is just a game and we are the suckers. I remember McCain and Joe Lieberman joking around about running together for President/Vice President. Good times. For them.
They all practice sharia law where a woman is a virtual slave. They can be stoned. If one is raped its her fault. They can't drive, can't go anywhere without a male member of the family with them. They have no rights.

Oh yeah there are a great bunch for the left to defend.

Newsflash...antiIslamism is as bad as being antisemitic..but no one says shit
The big difference here? When Congressman King made his remarks, he immediately LOST his seat on various committees. Thus far, the racist Omar has yet to get ANY real punishment. Now just trying to sweep it under the rug. Yet Dems wonder why their support is falling by the day.
Why didn't Kevin McCarthy lose his committee seats? Wanna see HIS tweet again

Judd Legum on Twitter
She obviously dislikes jews like the rest of her Muslim brother and sisters.
She was also correct the first time. The other was shit. You can like other countries and not swear allegiance.
She is radical though. Its how they think.

She was not correct in anyway shape or form. She implied that it’s powerful and wealthy Jewish lobbyists that control our foreign policy relating to Isreal. It’s conspiracy theory rooted in anti semitism. Then she uses the straw man that no ones is going to make her pledge support for a foreign country. No one is doing that. She’s free to criticize Israel until she’s blue in the face, however it is anti semitism when she says Jewish money is hypnotizing our politicians. It plays to old bigoted stereotypes that have no place being promoted by a member of Congress.
Money itself hypnotizes our pols. I admit she cherry picked but that doesnt make her wrong

Most people want a wall. Our politicians aren’t getting one built. Do you see the point?

Show a poll that people want a wall?

Why do you lie?

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