Progressives: Despicable Liars

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

Rogers told police three men wearing black ski masks broke into her home during the early morning hours on July 22, bound her wrists and ankles with zip ties, beat her and carved anti-gay slurs into her arms and abdomen.

Rogers also alleged the men spray painted homophobic slurs inside the home and poured gasoline around the house before lighting it on fire.

Rogers said she was bound and naked when she escaped and managed to knock on a neighbor’s door at about 4 a.m. July 22.

Police said they interviewed Rogers on four separate occasions. Because of inconsistencies in her various accounts of the attack and forensic DNA evidence, a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Lesbian who alleged Nebraska hate crime charged with lying about attack

No "framing" in this one either Buttsoiler.

No "conservatives".

No "progressives".

Explain yourself.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

A young man who told police he was beaten up in a would-be hate crime appeared in court today admitting that he made the entire incident up.

The story of Joseph Baken travelled from Missoula, Montana across the country when a picture of his scratched and bruised face made waves on the internet.

Now, Baken has declared in court that he made the false police report after video surfaced of him attempting to do a back flip and failing.

Man who claimed he was beaten for being gay admits he made it all up after police receive video of him hitting HIS OWN head after back-flipping off a curb

Again --- no "progresssives", no "conservatives", no "frame" of anybody.

Are you on drugs?
they'll make fun of others, calling people conspiracy theorists for reporting about false flag attacks, yet they're committing their own personal false flag attacks all over the place. and then there's this:

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A man who said that someone had beaten him and carved a gay slur into his arm staged the attacks, authorities in rural Utah said Tuesday.

Millard County Sheriff Robert Dekker said Rick Jones, 21, could face charges after officers investigating the series of reported attacks found inconsistencies in the evidence. The Delta man eventually acknowledged faking the harassment, Sheriff Dekker said.

Rick Jones faked gay hate crime against self, Utah authorities now say


What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of this have to do with POLITICS? Helllloooooo?

The following terms do not appear anywhere in your Moonie Times article

  • Politics
  • conservative
  • liberal
  • Democrat
  • Republican
  • progressive

it doesn't include the pre-approved political keywords, therefore it's not political... no depth of field whatsoever with any of these libtards.

Interesting he can't answer a single one of these challenges innit?

Soooo --- I understand this thread is about "liars". :eusa_whistle:
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

A Branded Man

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

A Branded Man

No "frame"...
No "conservatives".....
all together now...
No 'progressive'.

So tell us all about these "liars". Why do you do it? Some kind of deep-seated emotional problem?
"Unfortunately these sorts of incidents are becoming more common, not less. That’s because the media are eager and willing to run with these sorts of incidents, and to make the supposed victims into heroes. The left wants American society to be deeply homophobic, and they want anecdotal cases to prove it. So long as the left is invested in the narrative, the facts take second place."

11 Times The Left Pushed Anti-LGBT Hoaxes

"Unfortunately these sorts of incidents are becoming more common, not less. That’s because the media are eager and willing to run with these sorts of incidents, and to make the supposed victims into heroes. The left wants American society to be deeply homophobic, and they want anecdotal cases to prove it. So long as the left is invested in the narrative, the facts take second place."

11 Times The Left Pushed Anti-LGBT Hoaxes

:eusa_clap: Way to go Buttsoiler --- you just doubled your own list with eleven more stories (OK actually the same ones repackaged because you're a loser who can't think of a point to make) not a single one of which make any mention of "framing conservatives", or "progressives" --- or any mention of politics at all.

Not one.

You sir, put the MOR in Moron.
"Unfortunately these sorts of incidents are becoming more common, not less. That’s because the media are eager and willing to run with these sorts of incidents, and to make the supposed victims into heroes. The left wants American society to be deeply homophobic, and they want anecdotal cases to prove it. So long as the left is invested in the narrative, the facts take second place."

11 Times The Left Pushed Anti-LGBT Hoaxes

:eusa_clap: Way to go Buttsoiler --- you just doubled your own list with eleven more stories (OK actually the same ones repackaged because you're a loser who can't think of a point to make) not a single one of which make any mention of "framing conservatives", or "progressives" --- or any mention of politics at all.

Not one.

You sir, put the MOR in Moron.
yes, we all agree that the blinders you are wearing are just that awesome.
"Unfortunately these sorts of incidents are becoming more common, not less. That’s because the media are eager and willing to run with these sorts of incidents, and to make the supposed victims into heroes. The left wants American society to be deeply homophobic, and they want anecdotal cases to prove it. So long as the left is invested in the narrative, the facts take second place."

11 Times The Left Pushed Anti-LGBT Hoaxes

:eusa_clap: Way to go Buttsoiler --- you just doubled your own list with eleven more stories (OK actually the same ones repackaged because you're a loser who can't think of a point to make) not a single one of which make any mention of "framing conservatives", or "progressives" --- or any mention of politics at all.

Not one.

You sir, put the MOR in Moron.
yes, we all agree that the blinders you are wearing are just that awesome.

Hey I ain't the one who runs away when it's pointed out that the links contain zero of the ingredients he claimed.

Buttsoiler has yet to defend ANY of his bogus claims here.
Not one.
I'm always amused when Trump supporters demand that others start caring about the truth
Oh the irony!!! I'm so glad you weighed in on this thread in your predictable way TheOldFool. You just proved the entire premise of this thread 100% accurate. Anyone can search for themselves and see that I'm all over USMB denouncing Donald Trump and can see that you were involved in those threads. Yet you enter this thread and attempt to convince people that I support Trump.

Folks....yet another progressive liar right there.
^ creates a thread calling Trump detractors liars... pretends that he's not supporting Trump :rolleyes:

P@atriot is a lunatic.

LOL--- now that rite thar is some funnie shit
P@atriot is a lunatic.
It says a lot that Guy Catcher consider anyone who tells the truth to be a "lunatic".

"Guy Catcher"? P@triot is a piece of shit:
  • He claims to be a patriot, yet attacks other American Citizens with childish taunts
  • His post's lack substance, are never thoughtful or thought provoking
  • His post's are unabombish, cowardly and out of touch with reality; the work of a lunatic
  • He has no concept of truth, justice or etiquette, and
  • His posts are those of a crazy right winger on steroids.
A Patriot he is not, he's a provocateur, making all other trolls appear benign.
P@atriot is a lunatic.
It says a lot that Guy Catcher consider anyone who tells the truth to be a "lunatic".

"Guy Catcher"? P@triot is a piece of shit:
  • He claims to be a patriot, yet attacks other American Citizens with childish taunts
  • His post's lack substance, are never thoughtful or thought provoking
  • His post's are unabombish, cowardly and out of touch with reality; the work of a lunatic
  • He has no concept of truth, justice or etiquette, and
  • His posts are those of a crazy right winger on steroids.
A Patriot he is not, he's a provocateur, making all other trolls appear benign.
We see Guy Catcher continuing his post-Donald Trump election unhinged meltdown. :lol:

GC...I'm not the least bit interested in catering to your brainwashed, bat-shit crazy ideology. I'm interested in one thing and one thing only: the truth. Which is exactly why you lose your shit when I post. Everything I post is backed up with links to indisputable events. Such as the nearly dozen links I added to this thread alone about progressives committing crimes and falsely accusing conservatives of them.

So the question has to be asked - why does the truth upset you so much? I think it should rather obvious that it's because it is in direct conflict with the ideology you were brainwashed with at a young age. Must be one hell of an inner conflict.
P@triot is a piece of shit:
He claims to be a patriot, yet attacks other American Citizens with childish taunts
As with everything that Guy Catcher posts - that is an egregious lie. For starters, I don't "taunt" anyone. And any "attacks" I engage in are against anti-American citizens...such as yourself.
His post's lack substance, are never thoughtful or thought provoking
Most posts are nothing but substance. And I'm not interested in your idea of "thought provoking" (especially since you've given all indications that you are completely incapable of thought). I'm only interested in discussing the truth.
His post's are unabombish, cowardly and out of touch with reality; the work of a lunatic
Only a bat-shit crazy progressive like Guy Catcher would consider posts with links to actual news stories to be "out of touch with reality". And before you try the "fake news" nonsense - these were all criminal acts which are matters of public record and can be easily confirmed dozens of ways (including, but not limited to, court dockets).
He has no concept of truth, justice or etiquette, and
I'm the only one between us that is interested in truth. You're only interested in pushing your bat-shit crazy ideology.
His posts are those of a crazy right winger on steroids.
Again...the fact that Guy Catcher refers to well documented criminal acts as "crash right winger on steroids" shows his contempt for the truth. He's furious that everything he has ever believed in is being exposed for what it actually is.
I'm always amused when Trump supporters demand that others start caring about the truth
what truth are the Trump supporters not caring about?
Hell what truths are they caring about?

its ok not to have answers. nobody will fault you for it.
In the future you could just say, I dont know, or, let me see if I can google something, or as hard as it might be for a liberal, you could just refrain from responding at all. But there really is no need to waste bandwidth by posting silly little pictures to hide the fact that you dont know.
I really only bring things like this up because I truly do care.
I'm always amused when Trump supporters demand that others start caring about the truth
what truth are the Trump supporters not caring about?
Hell what truths are they caring about?

its ok not to have answers. nobody will fault you for it.
In the future you could just say, I dont know, or, let me see if I can google something, or as hard as it might be for a liberal, you could just refrain from responding at all. But there really is no need to waste bandwidth by posting silly little pictures to hide the fact that you dont know.
I really only bring things like this up because I truly do care.
Okay. Here's a start: Trump implicated Ted Cruz's dad in the conspiracy to kill JFK. Please tell us why we shouldn't care about that.
All of these incidents point to the constant habit of the left to paint the right as "evil" and "mean" [aka racist, fascist, nazi, etc.] so I think it's completely valid to politics, especially in the field of "identity" politics - though I'm not a mod so w/e
Okay. Here's a start: Trump implicated Ted Cruz's dad in the conspiracy to kill JFK. Please tell us why we shouldn't care about that.
For starters, because progressives hate Ted Cruz and started more rumors about him than Trump. You supported and spread those rumors. Why the hypocrisy?

Second - do you have indisputable evidence that Ted Cruz's father wasn't involved? If not, how do you know it's not the truth?

Third - how come you illustrated zero concern for Hitlery Clinton being a pathological liar but feign outrage over Donald Trump calling out Ted Cruz's father?

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